Semites sure do love pulling loop holes out of thin air to try and "trick God"

SegFault ago

Say what you will about how decadent the western views on marriage has become, it's still way better here than in some of these fucking shitholes

ardvarcus ago

So, child rape, if you rename it, magically becomes marriage, at least in the eyes of Satan's little helpers, the Muslims.

superspathi ago

Islam is right about women.

tokui ago

Islam Is Right About Women


Eddy261153 ago

They are doing that in the UK while the jokes that call themselves Police turn their backs, THE ONLY GOOD MUSLIM IS A FUCKING DEAD MUSLIM when will people wake up and learn that, they are vile sex crazed animals, dishonest thieving cunt's, and anyone who admits to being one should be shot or beaten to death on the spot.

WickedVocalist ago

vile sex crazed animals, dishonest thieving cunt's,...

Well said but I dont wanna be arrested so no upvoat for you.

Eddy261153 ago

TOR is your friend.

Bigdickedelf ago

Mohammed would be proud

Bundyfly ago

This is what we removed Saddam for? Fucking ridiculous how our government ALWAYS supports the wrong side on just about any issue.

shillaccount3344 ago

Balkanization of the middle east. Greater ISREAL. Pushing lots of angry refugee's into europe.

Purged ago

'Sold' for an hour? Sounds a lot like 'rented'. What is it called when you rent girls?

WickedVocalist ago

One of the guys who discarded me as a one time fuck went to prison for child porn.

Sex addiction is real and it ruins lives.

ardvarcus ago

You sound bitter -- suck a lollipop.

Niggardly_Jew ago


WickedVocalist ago

Dont worry they can pay for it by the time theyre 35 with adult kids born out of their own rape, oh shit islam wont let them live to see that day.

ShadowWatcher ago

I don't think Allah would approve!

think- ago

Child rape and trafficking. Bastards.

WickedVocalist ago

They did say they wanted us to be their slaves.

frankenmine ago

If it was good enough for Mohammad, it should be good enough for any other Muslim.

Blood-is-Nature ago

So Epstein and the Hollywood pedo angle was milked long enough, now it's back to Muslims are pedophiles, meanwhile the jewish mafia is distributing child porn undisturbed for the last 20 years out of Ukraine, while being protected by FBI and Interpol as well as European, Russian and American governments, which nobody ever speaks about. Still not deep enough? How about that their main site is hosted on a domain in China, a Guangdong-based network company founded in 2000, that also was one of the first ICANN and CNNIC accredited registrars.

Now ICANN is The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is a nonprofit organization responsible for coordinating the maintenance and procedures of several databases related to the namespaces of the Internet, ensuring the network's stable and secure operation, operating out of Los Angeles, while the CNNIC is The China Internet Network Information Center, is the administrative agency responsible for Internet affairs under the Ministry of Information Industry of the People's Republic of China. That's some globalism right there.

AntiMason ago

I would be okay with handing out the death penalty to grown men that have sex with prepubescent girls, or boys.

WickedVocalist ago

Why not? Its a life sentence of debt slavery for us victims of child human trafficking.

Cat-hax ago

What do you expect from a bunch of animals, no morals unless their book tells them to have some.

videocodec ago

And not a word from feminists except we need to import these people.

ardvarcus ago

Feminists don't care about women, and they certainly don't care about children (they want them all aborted). All they care about is forwarding their fanatical social aganda, which seems to involve the destruction of our society.

WickedVocalist ago

Then maybe your problem is tranny castrated men and mgtow speaking for woman and also impersonating us.

ice007 ago

This is typical pro-war propaganda from the Jewish supremacist controlled media.

This propaganda is designed to demonize Iran and prepare Americans to fight another war for the sake of greater Israel.

downton-stabby ago

Sure glad we wasted millions of dollars and lives for this...

ice007 ago

Sure glad we wasted lives and millions of dollars for this...


Destroying Iraq as a modern society was the real plan from the very beginning.

The iraq war (and many others in the middle east) have one thing in common - they all advance the national security interest of Israel by following something called the "Yinon Plan".

Written by an Israeli named "Oded Yinon", the Yinon Plan calls for Israeli's neighboring countries to be broken up into small, weak, states. This will cause them to be underdeveloped, weak, and in a state of constant sectarian conflict with one another. They will therefore be unable to resist Israeli domination of the entire middle east.

More on the Yinon plan in section 5:

Neongreen ago

Trillions... Let thar sink in.


Oh god, that's some serious mental gymnastics right there.

Muh-Shugana ago

The mental gymnastics isn't for them. It's for us.

They know its just child prostitution, but for the time being they still have to put in a token effort to disguise it, even if its obviously bullshit.