Wiserman ago

My IQ fell from reading voat.

Carpools ago

I wonder what IQ they have in mind before we go back to tolerating slavery.

outrider787 ago

and down another 4 points in 2019 most likely

outrider787 ago

Muslims and Blacks making their mark, as France gets even stupider

Ozzsanity ago

IQ points are dropping globally. Today's kids are fucking retards and they need to get the fuck off my lawn.

MrTerry ago

Horse meat.

AllOfIt ago


BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Once you're under 96, you're not a democracy or a republic, you're subject to your mafia lords.

ardvarcus ago

And if anyone thinks this will have no consequences, they are dreaming. Look at Africa, if you want to see what happens when IQ drops.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Well, they're right. Evolution and genetics is biology.

Infearmal ago

From 2009 and only 30 years+. Bruh.

Deceneu ago



  • Results are inline with 7 studies showing a Negative Flynn Effect in Europe.

  • Likely a reflection of a broader dysgenic trend.

Hmmm, what could that be, what could that be.... Watson, get my coat, we're going to Africa.

TheStapler ago

Coauthored by Richard Lynn. Good to hear he’s still fighting a good fight.

ephesians5_11 ago

Wonder how much it's changed from 2009 to 2019...

Charlez6 ago

1999 to 2009 is actually an increase of 10 though.

SearchVoatBot ago

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prairie ago

What we have here is a... biological problem.

CzechMate ago

Check the author's youtube channel, it is quite great: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMRs0Ml8RF0cWVAOeQeBxTw

It is not only a nigger problem but a problem of dumber people procreating more than the smart ones.

GrizzlyDark ago

I think I was somewhere between 12 and 14 when I joked with friends and even parents about how stupid the world will get when all the retarded people of society have 9 kids to get welfare checks (Grew with a stepdad who was vocal and proud to shit on and troll liberals for everyday entertainment). Boy was that blissful ignorance. Not that I didn't understand, but didn't realize what it meant for the whole world to become retarded. Now it's a possibility in my mind, and it really is a shitty deal whites. And easy to cure. Gas the Jews or at least just be "Dickheads" as liberals would call it. Literally as easy as getting the right leader into place and just make it law..."No Jews in politics, and that means anywhere. We will nuke any country who elects a jew to be so much as a mayor so fast their head will spin. They can own businesses, but not in media. Also, fuck the kosher scam".

Fuck it, ONE country can have Jewish leadership. Israel. BUT - they fight their own wars. Any country caught meddling with these slimy bastards will be wiped off the face of the earth.

GrizzlyDark ago

FULL DISCLAIMER This was back when calling low IQ idiots retards was not an outrage. Now, I would possibly say retards but may also opt for "mentally ill" or "R-words" as PFT would call them.

prairie ago

It's like with illegals; they wouldn't be a problem if there weren't free money and health care for them to get when they come. If government weren't so corrupt, the stupid people wouldn't reproduce a lot because they would starve if they did.

vastrightwing ago

You spelled "nigger" wrong.

prairie ago

That's the joke.

GrizzlyDark ago

Is it a joke though?

petevoat ago

Look at HKers right now, and their IQ points compared to their counterparts in the West. The pollution sucks but fresh green leafy vegetables and norishing soup they consume on a daily basis.

The rioting that is happening now is what should be happening everywhere but they have suppressed IQs of the populations in the west to stop questioning and follow along.

For example, everyone knows there is a deep state, it has been proven .... BUT AMERICANS STILL CONTINUE THEIR DAILY LIVES AS IF IT WAS NOTHING????

The sad part? Is that Americans PAY for the deep state, STILL.

privacy_first ago

HK youth are angry since they cannot be a spoiled brat anymore.

Read about HK from different sources, ask yourself why they are "rioting" now that the law that started the riot is not in agenda and is clearly not in place.

udo ago

no. IQ comes from DNA, not eating salads. Not from studying. You cannot RAISE your IQ after birth, you can perhaps lower it, but IQ is so well defined in proper IQ tests you have the same IQ throughout life

weezkitty ago

I don't think it is strictly true that you can't raise IQ after birth. But intelligence certainly is genetically linked

ardvarcus ago

IQ can't be increased, it can only be hindered and lowered in varying degrees by bad diet and other environmental factors.

udo ago

IQ cannot be changed or the test is flawed and not an IQ test.

It is strictly true that even after spending over three billion us dollars in the head start program to see if IQ can be raised even one single point, that after 5 years or so elapses , NO IQ INCREASE SHOWN.

This has been known since 1950s Minnesota twins studies.

IQ in animals cannot be changed upward, ever.

divineketchup ago

You're missing the point. France had fewer Africans in 1999.

jqueso ago

Biology is racist.

udo ago

Ha! True... and specifically... DNA is racist!

The two bombshell 80% DNA source of IQ studies ! :

2018 : 1,016 genes

paper = Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis In 269,867 Individuals Identifies New Genetic And Functional Links To Intelligence

Nature Genetics (2018) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-018-0152-6

Now 1,016 genes are proven correlated to IQ (many are brain , skull, or birth canal related, some might be merely (non-negroid) genes in general.

2018 : 538 genes

UK Biobank DNA yields 538 genes that are linked to intellectual abilities - genetic effects on intelligence and personality




pop science description of the above :

538 genes that are thought to be linked to intelligence (by comparing 300,000 test subjects) :


2018 : DNA tests can predict intelligence, scientists show for first time


DNA is RAyyyyyycisssst!

Flooding France with illegal alien invader low IQ arabs and black african muslims is probably going to ruin their economy as it begins a socialist death spiral, as all african countries do.

forty1 ago

79 subjects out of 67 million is not statistically significant by any stretch. A million factors could contribute to this supposed very small IQ fall in the 79 people...

GapingAnus ago

Go learn about representative selection and confidence intervals. See how many people you need, randomly selected, to be able to say something with n% confidence interval about a population of 70 million.

forty1 ago

thanks GapingAnus, will do.

udo ago


For DECADES the official precise average IQ of all of Canada, remeasured every year or so, relies on merely a couple hundred truly randomly selected and well paid test subjects. a couple hundred!!!! for all of canada!!! For USA I think its 350 people.

And guess what? It correlates with other tests given to millions of army test subjects, or high school act.

Lynch_Tree ago

Niggers are a biological weapon

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

Geez, how could that happen...

irelandLost ago

If a person blacks up and acts stupid it’s considered racist. But if a country does the same thing...

Gigglestick ago

Biological.. like the infestation of imported degenz?

Maroonsaint ago

Yea. And we think white peiple are smart. But are they, are we? Are we really intelligent if we keep letting this go on? Idk. I bring it up and people get upset like children. Women more so. At this point if we don’t fix it then we deserve it. That’s how I feel. Let me see your dick op @baconmon

divineketchup ago

Whites are empathetic, and that empathy has been taken advantage of by Jews and the hordes that they've allowed into the gates.

kammmmak ago

Always bringing it down to That level. Christ Moronsaint go get laid.

Maroonsaint ago

Damn everyone’s so mean

Strontium_Dawg ago

Because you’re a whiny kike

Maroonsaint ago

I’m not a kike

Maroonsaint ago

I like everybody

Maroonsaint ago

Yes we’ve all seen that video turtle lover