nouseforaname ago

Hearts and minds

WhiteChickens ago

That's one thing I like about these wars, they do kill a lot of saracens.

But they should forget about "peacekeeping" and slaughter them all.

WhiteChickens ago

Keep the change, faggots.

andrew_jackson ago

I am glad that the drones struck these fiends. Until they stop shipping heroin to the USA, we should bomb them down to zero. Thank God that Trump is punishing these jokers.

fluhthreeex ago

i wonder who the real terrorists in this world are

NoRoyalty ago

Reuters?? Give me a break.

lord_nougat ago

God damn it!

Now pine nut prices are going to skyrocket AGAIN!! THANKS OBAMA!!!

Inaminit ago

Hmm... Not a peep out of the major networks. But if it was a nigger getting shot by a cop there would be 'total coverage'...

RustyFender1 ago

No one cares shill.

Thatsmybutthole ago

They shouldn't have been farming pine nuts where the terrorists were hiding

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Israel loves doing it in America's name.

Tallest_Skil ago

Were they Muslim? Yes? Then I don’t give a shit. Fuck off, admitted paid shill.

fluhthreeex ago

why should xe? you don't even have to admit it it's simply known you're a paid shill.

Tallest_Skil ago

You replied to the wrong post.

123456butts ago

that's nuts

Social_Construct ago

I like pine nuts too

derram ago :

2019-09-19 | U.S. drone strike kills 30 pine nut farm workers in Afghanistan - Reuters

'JALALABAD, Afghanistan (Reuters) - A U.S. drone strike intended to hit an Islamic State (IS) hideout in Afghanistan killed at least 30 civilians resting after a day’s labor in the fields, officials said on Thursday. '

'Hundreds of civilians have been killed in fighting across Afghanistan after the collapse of U.S.-Taliban peace talks this month. '

'The United Nations says nearly 4,000 civilians were killed or wounded in the first half of the year. '

'There has been no let-up in assaults by Taliban and IS as Afghanistan prepares for a presidential election this month. '

'Haidar Khan, who owns the pine nut fields, said about 150 workers were there for harvesting, with some still missing as well as the confirmed dead and injured. '

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