WisDumb ago

Trump has been there less than 3 years, Pelosi, Schumer,Waters, and a gaggle of other libtards have been there decades, how is this in any way Trump's fault. You must not be too bright.

user9713 ago

And explain what that has to do with anything? Is there something int he Constitution that says "A senator / congressman who has served longer has more power than another senator / congressman, including the president?"

Also, how does that explain him signing off on all their legislation and breaking his campaign promises?

Gringojones ago

No. They understand this. They are counting on readers not being very bright.


Because he promised a wall.

Don't make a promise you can't keep.

binrobinro ago

You seem confused . President Trump wants them to leave. Sanctuary Cities want them to stay.

user9713 ago


Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!.....

You seem retarded.

yahu54 ago

"Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people"

No, just Mexicans.

1Paydaddy ago

I smell a Shill. Once Trump gets control of Immigration he can toss the baby's out with the bath water.

user9713 ago

I guess we'll have to wait 4 years for your 4D chess theory to be proven corect and I can be exonerated. 🙄

Or you can just admit that nearly 4 years is enough time to do something about it.

BTW, who the fuck can claim to be right-wing and still support the RINO in Chief? You're a leftist and the true shill.

Morshu1444 ago

s-s-surely trump will stop cucking and do something eventually? r-r-right guys? Stock up on food and ammo buddy, we're not voting our way out of this.

Gopherurself ago

So many of my fellow Americans are CUCKED and FUCKED and it's SAD.

novictim ago

Or maybe @user9713 should move to Brussels where he does not need to put up with democratic checks and balances? Seems like that is where he would fit in.

user9713 ago



We will immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties, in which he defied federal law and the constitution to give amnesty to approximately 5 million illegal immigrants.

But don't worry, you'll soon get your wish thanks to DACA Don

novictim ago

So what would you do about this if you were the President, user9713?

Declare Martial law, disband the courts and congress, and impose an imperial dictatorship.

The USA is a Republic founded on checks and balances. Good luck trying to be dictator.

user9713 ago

There is no written law on anchor babies. Educated yourself.


But hey, at least Trump threatened to sign an EO ending anchor baby policies a year ago, so I'm sure it's bound to happen any day now. Trust The Planâ„¢.