Ddboomer ago

Had to do with wiener’s laptop?!! Either these guys got paid to cover it up -White Hat operation or the Deep State is doing hits.

There are no coincidences. Q

Eleutheria ago

*jingles keys*

Look over here everyone, another mass shooting! Forget about this!

Fetalpig ago

Yeah...they can get medical retirement with 88% of their salary of their best three years,not buying suicide. Something wicked is afoot.

coincidencesmyass ago

I wonder if they were Clintoned

Xax ago

If you’re a police officer, you know the big bosses are corrupt, eerrr Jews. Why do you act as (((their))) pawns?

Niggardly_Jew ago

It's either that or "suicide".

wokeasfook ago

All these suicides have to be of compromised individuals looking for the easy way out

theHubrisOfMan ago

This isn't sad police officers. If you think this has nothing to do with politics, you're not thinking critically.

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One-Way_Bus ago

The price to pay for being a nigger wrangler. No money is worth being a police officer in a liberal city.

I bet a Jew rubs his hands in glee knowing a pension won't be paid out.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

I hope the rest also off themselves. Faggots in a niggerized jewcity deserve no better glory. Fucking parasites.

Sharipie ago

These are NOT suicides! They're murders! Call them what they are.

canbot ago

Weren't the NYPD threatening to release the contents of the Weiner laptop after the FBI refused to honor several FOIA requests on it? Something about the FBI not prosecuting Weiner for kiddie porn or some such.

Joecamel ago

At least he now knows why building 7 fell.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

They must've caught some big jews jewing.

bloodguard ago

Someone's cleaning up loose ends. I think someone should go check Jeffrey's cell.

Aprioned ago

Yeah, that's not a suicide.

TheStapler ago

I'm sure this happens all the time in homogenous cultures with low """diversity"""; public servants just get bored to the point of suicidal thoughts by all that peace and quiet and productivity.

XSS1337 ago

Which police have the laptop hard drive with the insurance folder from Weiner again ? The one that Debbie washerman-Shultz threatened there would be consequences

HillBoulder ago

Boy those mental health issues sure are getting to the senior nypd wow. They must be suffering from severe Arkancidiosis and it appears to be contagious?

Quicktor ago

Nothing to see hear goyim...

Talk about Game of Thrones and drink your soy lattes...The Empire State has your back...

123456butts ago


WhiteChickens ago

What goes around comes around.

I wonder how many suicides they've caused with their nigger defending, hate crime charging, gun law enforcing, school integrating bullshit.

Now their pets are shitting on them while the rest of us laugh. lol

earlymac ago

Blacks are laughing with glee!

PuritySpiral ago

What, did some kind of scandal come out about the NYPD, possibly involving a connection to pedo rings?

Kleemin ago

no and their "suicides" prevented that from coming out.

Omnidempotent ago

I was gonna say this smells like a clean up job

sneakythrowawaysnek ago

It's time to vote with our rifles. In Minecraft.

Because killing off evil people is wrong and is something I would never support.

KoKansei ago

I'd kill myself too if I had to wade through sub-human filth every day for a pittance and a pension that will probably never materialize after the next financial crisis.

PoopityScoopy ago

Especially when those you try to protect hate your, and disrespect you

ForgottenMemes ago

Many cops have a base salary of $100k+ that's not including overtime and a pension is something 90% of people will never get.

sonofjacob ago

Bullshit, most of them start at like 17 an hour.


In NYC, 100k is "doing fine". That will get you a 2 bedroom rental in Brooklyn.

KoKansei ago

Exactly. And for a family of four, 100k is not what I would consider "comfortable" in NYC. That starts around 200 - 300k.

DrPenguin ago


irradiated_toaster ago

That is absolutely correct, fireman also get paid quite well, averaging anywhere from 80k to 120k.

NotPolice ago

Right. Because that's the same as the Mississippi county deputies starting at $23,000 or so, right? Or the numerous other places that aren't one of the most affluent areas of the country.

Fungilli ago

I forget, long island is basically the size of the rest of the country right? Because otherwise your unsourced article only applies to a tiny fraction of cops, and there's no way you'd be that intellectually dishonest.

ForgottenMemes ago

I said many cops, not all, and we are talking about New York cops here not rural Alabama cops. Whining about ONLY making over $100k a year isn't going to win you many friends.

Mainiac ago

Wow, convinced me with that argument.


mean_dot ago

If you are a trained officer and you plan to kill yourself, take some of the liberal shitbags with you.

MAGATrump2020777 ago

Do The World A Favor!


Are they being killed for seeing the Anthony Weiner computer

shillaccount3344 ago

Could be related to weiners laptop? I remember someone wanting to get them fired.

Anomalia ago

More likely to be connected to the Mafia takedown in NYC.

ScientiaPotentia ago

You mean that there might be some corrupt police in NYC? What? That would be a first.

Brawndosaurus ago


Warnos44 ago

Italian. 'member Roy Cohn?

Brawndosaurus ago

Hollywood told me only Italians are involved in organized crime

shillaccount3344 ago

oh. That might do it.

Anomalia ago

Always been a strong connection between Mafia and police. Either mafia is cleaning up or the corrupt officers realized there is no way out of this mess... you don't want to be an ex cop in jail...

BordelonLoop ago

the ultimate service.

gonight ago



This is so sad. These officers are treated like shit by the leftist scumbags and this is what happens. REST IN PEACE #BLUELIVESMATTER

blumen4alles ago

It is sad because there are police out there that really do care and want to help people. Even though some are dog murdering cowards and idiots - there are some good cops and the good ones are probably more susceptible to suicide.

Hey_Sunshine ago

sure, but the fact they're the minority is still damning enough to abolish their departments

drhitler ago

Why do you care, they provide protection for people who hate them enough to snipe 5 of them and then they babysit antifa and fag parades

they are the last line and they'd rather side with faggots, maybe thats why alot have moustaches, its a gay thing, or is it something that corrupt cops wear to stick together, i think their is a secret meaning behind it.

sneakythrowawaysnek ago

Downvote because there is no way, with a username like that, that you are not a glow nigger.

Heathcliff ago

Yeah, I guess GreetingsFellowGoats wasn't available.

holofan4life ago

Or a supremely retarded patro-fag. Goddamn his username is so reddit I can't even.

blumen4alles ago

I think we should welcome new members until they prove themselves to be glow-in-the-dark niggers, and you really can't base that on usernames. Also, your statement could be projection - a classic snek move. You do know snakes are associated with jews right?

1RealHeretic ago