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letsdothis3 ago

Thanks for the ping. Excellent.

think- ago

Kindly welcome.

think- ago

Beautiful. That's the law firm AG Barr worked for. And Acosta as well.

letsdothis3 ago

basedmangod2015 ago

did she hire the guy responsible for the plea deal to saaaaaaay be the labour secretary?

derram ago :

2019-07-15 | Kamala Harris took money from firm behind Jeffrey Epstein plea deal

'Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris ripped a law firm’s work on a controversial plea deal involving deep-pocketed pedophile Jeffrey Epstein — the same day she took money from some of its attorneys at a fundraiser. '

'Kamala’s campaign told AP that none of the Kirkland & Ellis partners at her fundraiser worked on Epstein’s deal. '

'Yet the same day, she joined several other presidential contenders in blasting the 2008 plea deal that the law firm helped negotiate for Epstein, which allowed him to skirt federal sex charges in Florida. '

'Harris had no problem allowing six partners from the firm, Kirkland & Ellis, help raise dough for her campaign last week by hosting the Chicago event — which even featured her husband, lawyer Douglas Emhoff, the Associated Press reported. '

'Epstein, who has been accused of sexually abusing dozens of girls, got off with a single count of soliciting sex from a minor and served 13 months behind bars under the Florida deal. '

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