SearchVoatBot ago

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9000timesempty ago

The fucking hell is this faggot article? Don't post that shit in here you stupid fuck.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Killer Hero

TheStapler ago


Dogsoldiertoo ago

Fake news about a fake event.

VirtusVitium ago

I don't understand, Brenton did nothing wrong :/

Heer_me_roar ago

theory to the extent that references to it online have doubled in four years, with more than 1.5 million on Twitter alone, a total that is rising exponentially.

Let’s pump those numbers up lads

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Blue socks

iyskreem ago

"Theory" Yeah lets get some really in-depth scientific examination of the facts to verify whether or not our kids are getting raped and our citizens are getting bombed by third-world invaders. Gotta put on our thinking caps for this one

speedisavirus ago

How is it a theory, they come out and openly admit to it

OldGit ago

Weird, I spoke about this to my daughter over 2 years ago. I believe it's a form of Jihad?

Nebor ago

The study reveals that alternative social media platforms, image boards, fringe forums and encrypted chat channels are instrumental in diffusing influential ideologies that propagate hatred and violence.

I don't know about you guys, but I was radicalized by Spyro the dragon.

Maroonsaint ago

“Conspiracy theory” it’s certainly a conspiracy, theory? Not so much

blackguard19 ago

There is no “mosque killer” as that shooting was completely fake and staged like most others.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

They ilare acting like reactionary terrorism is the real problem needing to be addressed not the vastly superior numbers of terror attacks from other groups that the reaction is to.

(((Lets treat the symptom of reaction to our weaponized migration and ignore what they are reacting to, that is sure to stop increasing radicalization)))

If they were less biased and acknowledged it is in response to extremism and mass migration instead of just crying foul about the resistance to their replacement efforts it would be less obvious that it is active and planned invasion

nullifyNWO ago

Nice, MSM alerting people to the UN replacement plan.

NumptyDumpty ago

Their lies are losing traction and they're freaking out. Articles like this only serve to red pill more people, though given the guardian's fucking communist zombie scum readerbase it might just be falling on plugged-with-fingers ears.

ScreechingTranny ago

' And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth. "Who controls the past," ran the Party slogan, "controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. "Reality control," they called it: in Newspeak, "doublethink." '

Smallest_Skil ago

it is not a theory Oy Veh saint Tarrent must be shut down, they know the goyim do.

Ham-and-Egger ago

On Tarrant’s manifesto: “The 73-page document reads like it was written by someone who is trying very hard to pretend to be a White Nationalist… But there is one glaring inconsistency. If you ever visit places on the internet frequented and owned by White Nationalists, such as 4chan, 8chan, Daily Stormer, or Gab, one immediate, indubitable fact hits you in the face: These people hate Jews. More than anyone else, White Nationalists hate Jews and are not afraid of expressing it with thousands of different memes…. What is bizarre about Tarrant’s alleged manifesto is that he says a great deal about this (Jewish) plot. He rails against immigration, fertility rates, and “White genocide.” But he doesn’t mention who the supposed plotters are. Why? Why is Tarrant following the White Nationalist script to the letter but doesn’t mention Jews once in the entire 73 pages?”

speedisavirus ago

The owner of gab is a Jew. All those Jew white nationalists...

TheKalergiFan ago

The great replacement aka The Kalergi Plan

kneo24 ago

The article doesn't really mention if the study about the "conspiracy theory" looks into whether or not this is true. It just tells us that they've done reports on the idea propagating, while it continues to try and paint this as some absurd theory promoted by bad people. This is propaganda at work.

Planetoftheclown ago

TLDR: "10 5 1 Reasons Why Censorship Is Good For You"

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @HillaryClintonsShoe.

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grantedrights ago

shimatsu > only time ever that i saw him delete an article .. rinse rise rense

check rap news > only serious news from downunder .. > for the insane wrongthink trials > we need a global solution > protests in france ,

hong kong > oppose 5G

they scaremonger people everywhere to fear "nazis" while replacement migration crimes are

fitting for troma studio horror flics > as good as 100% ignored by MSM even murder and childabuse

in the f+cking streets in broad daylight > while people give up analog infrastructure > loose basically all rights for freespeech

and due to the left right divide and conquer the majority just goes on without complaining ..

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

HAH.... ISD.. your fucking webpage reads like it was created by a retarded AI. Complete bullshit doublespeak drivel.

Here is a Juicy quote >Uniting mayors, municipal-level policy makers and practitioners to build social cohesion and resilience to counter violent extremism in all its forms

What the fuck? What the goddam fuck is building " Social cohesion and resilience " ? Jesus Fucking Christ .. Total Cringe?


edistojim ago

Replacement theory? Its not a "theory".

Charlez6 ago

censorship-free discussion platforms such as Voat

Do you think, in their minds, "censorship-free" is a horrible thing? Do they mean that in a pejorative sense? Do they expect their readers to be repulsed by the idea of a discussion platform that doesn't censor?

Alhambra ago

it's the judeo-guardian, ofc they hate the idea of goyim talking freely.

J-woke ago

Let that sink in, they are advocating that we should he treated the same way as jihadists.

Soyboy69 ago

I'm not surprised.

LightestHour ago

I wasn't aware we were still fighting against jihadists

J-woke ago

On the surface we are doing so. In practice we are financing them in Syria and importing them into our countries.

YouAreASlave ago

Exactly as planned.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

Stupid fucking Goyim keep noticing things. "Hey Shlomo, do we have any spray paint leftover? Yeah it's next to the circumcision tools behind the sacrificial alter. Thanks, Oi Vey, which wall this time?" REPORT: "anti-semetism on the rise"

Broc_Lia ago

Can it really be described as a "theory" at this point? The replacement of europeans is obvious with even a cursory glance at demographics.

Yamau ago

Actually theory means:

 plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena

So yeah let them keep calling it that

ChaoticNeutral ago

While you’re correct the vast majority of the population uses a different definition because they’re idiots.

glassuser ago

Sure. The word has a specific meaning related to confirmation, observation, and falsifiability. The fact that it has been logically proven with available empirical methods does not make it not a theory. Look at gravity. It's a theory.

The problem is that many people don't understand what the word means, and it's used to discredit concepts by implying that they are unproven.

Broc_Lia ago

In this case they're not using it to mean "hypothesis."

speedisavirus ago

Plus they admit to it being their goal

TheKalergiFan ago

Yes, but gas lighting is still necessary since whites are still super majorities in their countries. The jew commies only have to keep up the lie for about 15 more years, then it won't matter.

mediaisfooked ago

The report is a kikeniggerfaggot. This kike keeps referring to replacement migration as a "conspiracy theory." Funny, it is listed on the UN website, and it is called "Replacement Migration" by the UN.

mediaisfooked ago

Thanks for the link !

dodgesbullets ago

Not only that but the article did nothing to counter the claim. It was nothing more than self righteous name calling. The entire point of the article was to associate replacement theory, white genocide and alt-right together with President Trump and inoculate their readers against any information they may come across on white genocide.

DrShitlord ago

That was one very prominent thing with the article: it was name-calling. Even if the intent of the article is something other than disputing "replacement", at least one link to some "debunking" article would have been advisable. I'm speaking from a totally independent view here without taking any side. We conclude: the author has such a disinterest in facts that not even facts that support her own point view are linked.

Race_War_Now ago

It's so bizarre people dismiss it as a fringe alt-right conspiracy when it's officially written out there, black on white, publicly. The truth is right in front of them and they just close their eyes. Pathetic.

Muh-Shugana ago

>To prevent future far-right terrorist acts, we need a more proactive, globally coordinated response.

>Julia Ebner, report co-author

Global jewish empire, every single time.

celestial-skylord ago

I wonder if people reading articles like this actually believe these words. It's pretty plain that this is the actual propaganda program.

Goat_Whoares ago

There's a big thread on Reddit if you can stomach reading through it. They say it's not happening. Then when you prove it is happening, they say why's it a bad thing. Bunch of faggots. As if wanting your own people to thrive is a bad thing.

dundundunnnnn ago

What does "extreme rightwing" mean?

DeadBeatNigger ago

Self defense. Literally nothing Tarrent did was offensive, or terroristic. The fact that they've turned self defense into terrorism, is insane.

proxeoxe ago

Anyone whose ideas are further right than your own

Race_War_Now ago

It means you don't enjoy dudes fucking in the ass or the White race dieing.

edgydude69 ago

Whites who won’t go quietly, probably.

CowWithBeef ago

Radical environmentalism and the advocacy of population control apparently.

(It's obnoxious that his far left views are ignored even though they're the main reason he had to kill high fertility people.)

TooBigForHollywood ago

Mosque killer r'soles ..

You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. Abe Lincoln.

kw92 ago

im surprised people havn't figured out NZ was just Brevik 2.0 and we know Brevik was zog. try bringing up his trip to israel and see how quickly you get called a kike for "thinking kikes would tell the truth about a trip to israel" its either cope or shilling I can't tell which

Hey_Sunshine ago

All them links and with no context to expound upon your hypothesis. Sloppy job mossad, I thought you jews were supposed to be smart?

thatguyiam ago

No fucking mention on what 'the great replacement' is.

Hatriot ago

That’s ok. “Great Replacement? What’s that?” the Boomer/faggot Millenial/Zoomer scratches his head as he types it into his favorite search engine. And thus, a whole new reality was opened to him.

Hatriot ago

Hey look! We’re being monitored by an embedded (((ISD worker.))) Hi, ISD!

You have a name and an address. Someone wrote it down, if only for tax purposes. We won’t forget.

Chad88 ago

I wonder how many people tasked with monitoring places like this end up coming around to our side.

My view is, the more eyeballs the better.

Hatriot ago

It’s a problem at kikebook, I hear.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

On the ISD webpage it states directly they are in partnership with farcebook.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Foreign governments trying to infiltrate our society.

We will not be kind.

thatguyiam ago

Prolly some faggot who wouldnt be able to hold a real job

Hatriot ago

No one will miss them when they go missing.