Jabilukka ago

Anderson was able to leave so quickly because he had his shit already packed.

Moln0014 ago

"You're fascinating to talk to." The best line ever from a nut job.

thebearfromstartrack ago

This is how you know we are NOT all created equal. There ARE people who fantasize (means PLAN loosely I think, since you have to construct a scenario) and dream about actually HARMING others in every way imaginable (more ways, probably, than a good leaning person can imagine).

edistojim ago

Bat. Shit. Crazy.

Uncle_Tractor ago

Shit like this trivializes rape.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Jews are sickos

observation1 ago

She has the same drug-addled speech pattern that Peyton Manning's accuser had.

BaldMiscreant ago

He raped her with his EYES. read the passage, this is fraudulent news.

bloodguard ago

OK, now I'm starting to wonder if this is quad-triple-4D chess and this crazy woman was actually convinced to make this accusation by Trump minions just to feck with the MSM.

thomastheglassexpert ago

An axiom of life; "do not allow waste your life of the insane speaking". I married insane and from Day One to last day I heard from her she is insane. Allowing insane air-time does not change their insanity. And yes this is the creature the MSM trotted out to humiliate POTUS and what do they get for their effort? The squealing of a pig rolling around in their own shit. Pretty picture huh?

mediaisfooked ago

I recommend she moves to Sweden or the mid east ASAP. Then she can get all the rape she wants.

Pllatinum ago

It is not okay what they are doing with her. I hope she is okay.

glassuser ago

Okay, she's definitely insane and definitely lying. But I think I get what she was trying to say, and she's somewhat right about it. That is, while the act of rape is horrible, many (most?) women have fantasies about it. That's pretty well documented all over.

So I think what she was trying to say is that most of the time, when most people think of rape, they think of it in terms of a sexy fantasy with only part of their brain that's more interested in getting off at the moment. Most people only have thoughts of actual rape when they're confronted with the concept. Probably because it's unpleasant to think about.

Don't think I'm trying to defend this looney though. This is more an example of a broken clock being right twice a day, or trying to make people believe a lie by including bits of truth. Even if it was done poorly.

HiJoker ago

Bwahahahahahaha x 1023

Oh shit that was damn funny. My face hurts from grinning and my sides from laughing.

That's one crazy as fuck bitch and CNN just made the biggest asses out of themselves yet by having her on the air. This only highlights how insane they all are with TDS. CNN is going to have shit on their faces for a long, long, long time over this one.

This is a gift. A precious gift that will keep on giving for a long time. You hide and watch if you're skeptical.

speedisavirus ago

People are still talking about lemon head asking if an airplane could be disappeared by a black hole

HiJoker ago



I can't stand that fucking nigger. I need to see this.

Joker68 ago


HiJoker ago

Jokers are wild.

ardvarcus ago

CNN never likes it when they can't control the narrative.

fuzzysaucer ago

Is it me, or did she sound and act exactly like Nancy Pelosi? Same drugs?

HenryCabotLodge ago

How would he know. Unless it was a guy.

WitnesstheSalt ago

Okay. Mental case, opportunist pimping her book, or troll? Or some combination of the three?

midnightblue1335 ago

Look her up- E. Jean Carroll.

She's a mental case... who happens to be an opportunist with a book that just came out.

She's an "advice columnist" for some newspaper, really famous, been around forever. This insane bitch has hundreds of thousands of people writing to her with their problems on any subject, from relationships to careers, and she writes back "advice" for them. Let that sink in.

DontBeRacist ago

So now she's saying that she regrets it decades later, so now it's rape. I haven't seen younger pictures of her, but the current version of her makes me doubt Trump would do anything with her.

courtjester1111 ago

Title Here

She claims 'it' all happened 23 years ago, which is a 666 number. Just sayin'.

WokieDokie ago

if anyone could get it up for a thing with that face then he deserves a medal!

courtjester1111 ago

She gives satan a boner.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

This will surely sink the ((me too)) movement.

AuraLain ago

Omg I saw this. Fucking hilarious

WhiteChickens ago


WhiteChickens ago


WhiteChickens ago


varialus ago

It triggered him because he was abused as a child and his abuse didn't seem very "sexy" to him.

cthulian_axioms ago

Probably thrown to the floor, in a dungeon somewhere in the cellar of a big old mansion.

thelma ago

She likely visits the same web sites as @theoldones and @truthdefender

squishysquid ago

probably why he didn't really say anything and just yeet'd them off the air.

Mr_Wolf ago

think of the fantasies

they really picked a winner this time. take It rape is this woman's fetish?

trevmon ago

it's ok if it's a woman

courtjester1111 ago

Is she related to Pelosi?

waucka ago

She probably raped him after the cameras turned off.

copper_spartan ago

That’s a more credible rape accusation.

HairyAssTrueMan ago

Degenerates have rape fantasies. For real women, it's their worst nightmare.

matthew-- ago

The scary part is that many of them end up liking it.

It's kinda like hardcore drugs. Most normal people are scared shitless of them, but the degenerates embrace the high even when it destroys them, their families, and anyone who ever cared or loved them.

lordvain2 ago

What's the problem Anderson? It's a little late in the game to be drawing the line. It's pants off, everybody fucking every god damned thing. Isn't that what you faggots wanted?

mirimar ago


Ginger_Snaps ago

I've never had a rape fantasy. I believe those are for sickos.

I did have a sexy dream about President Trump last night. What a good man!

Turkeypotato ago

He's a broken subject. He was born into the satanic cult and raised to love it.

midnightblue1335 ago

I actually feel bad for folks like that, on some level. Being literally born into these fucked up family trees tends to take away a lot of the choice for them. They have them in their filthy claws from birth- they can condition them completely. Imagine the kind of experiments that we don't know about involving mind control- how many do you think involved beginning the brainwashing on the target as young as possible?

So if Anderson Cooper was being zapped with evil brainwaves or w/e the fuck these freaks use while he was still in the womb, is he really responsible for his actions? He is groomed into the being he became. Ideally, we could help these people after we fix the system- find a way to undo conditioning (there has to be ways- research about this will never be allowed to be published because the last thing governments want is people being able to learn how to undo brainwashing) and make them into "normal" people.

Unfortunately, I don't believe that is possible- I believe these people are so far gone, so deeply ingrained into their way of life, that unless their families are separated some way or another, they will never cave in. They will continue to scheme and plot and ruin and ravage.

relevantinfoman ago

Check out Neuropolitics by Tim Leary, he goes over how brainwashing works. Unfortunately you can't "undo" brainwashing, any more than you can unexperience something. But you can rebrainwash again, thats about the best we're able to do at this point.

midnightblue1335 ago

So it's like an "overwrite" rather than a "delete" of the brainwashing.

cthulian_axioms ago

While in some cases it may be acceptable to use black magic to undo other black magic, it's still not a good idea. Magic is like cooking -- when you make it, you're bound to get a little of it on you. It would be more cost effective to put the automaton people on trial, take their statements in the hope that we can learn something about what not to do in the future, then take them behind the courthouse and shoot them. Since they're automatons anyway, I'd feel about as bad at deactivating one as I would switching off a robot. Bad, for sure, but not as bad as a human or other living creature.

0011000100100111101 ago

SHUT IT DOWN. WE LOST THE SATELLITE FEED! https://hooktube.com/watch?v=Ne18ZQ7LLI0

metricisokay ago

Are you telling me they're doing these things live?

My10thaccount ago

Trump raped me too.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago


Caveman_in_a_suit ago

They are not sending their best shills onto the court these days

lord_nougat ago

Yes they are.

This is the best they've got!

puggy ago

they are down to the bench warmers now, desperation is starting, expect more insanity

CowWithBeef ago

A lot of women have rape fantasies. This shouldn't be shocking. Anderson was all in until she started speaking truth. He wanted only lies.

7e62ce85 ago

DontBeRacist ago

Kosher Content

Everything conservative, or just not Judeo-liberal, must be banned!

edistojim ago

I wonder if anyone has figured out just how mentally ill this bitch is? Bat Shit Crazy.

stray502 ago

Shes not so mental she used a quote about rape in that place she claims it happened as being sexy. Those were the exact words in an old law and order program when a women was raped in the same place. Lol I think that means her lie first was stolen form a TV show and second she would be guilty of a felony..

Gorillion ago

This. I never watched the vid (because fuck exposing my brain to that faggot) and just assumed it was some bubble-living media wonk bimbo accidentally using "sexy" to mean "attention getting". But now that the transcripts and quotes are out, the stupid bitch actually DID use to mean that "Rape Is Erotic". Amazing.

They really are picking winners lately.

edistojim ago

At least they are consistent.

CameraCode0 ago

Rape is the most common "fetish", she's just being honest.

Mr_Quagmire ago


PraiseTheSuun ago

believe all women, but not the girls being raped by ooga boogas and invaders.

WickedVocalist ago

Theyre being raped by their own fathers.

DontBeRacist ago

It's not rape if a brown person does it. It's cultural enrichment.

Hayride ago

She's still more credible than Christine Blasey Ford.

FactChecker ago

Ms. Ford is one of the strongest women in America today. To stand and accuse a potential Supreme Court justice of rape is one of the most powerful moments in America. It made grown men in bars stop talking and listen with rapt attention. She will be in the history books, while Kavanaugh will be remembered as the rapist that he is.

speedisavirus ago

Are you retarded?

edistojim ago

You probably think HilDog was cheated too, correct?

jaygeevee ago

everyone is guilty until proven innocent now, fucking bullshit

Hayride ago

In this day and age I can't assume this is parody.

The_Ghost ago

Given the username, I would assume parody.

baneofretail ago

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Good troll.

glassuser ago

Check the username. If it were on reddit, I'd be sure that it is serious. But this is definitely a good troll.

CameraCode0 ago

2.1 hour old account, could be a redditor trying to join the action. Trolls are indistinguishable from people who genuinely have those opinions at this point, and ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

trevmon ago

don't you need an invite to post here now

edistojim ago

Putt changed that I believe.......now this thing shows up. Need to change it back.

majb ago

If only the border was that simple. Shut them down. Begin to enjoy life. Open them up for a few seconds, instantly regret having shit come in.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

Those (((lawyers))) looked like idiots putting her forward as a credible witness. I guess when you deal with enough criminal types you kind of lose sight of reality.

DontBeRacist ago

I think it's more related to being Jewish.

edistojim ago

These is so many holes in both stories they look like colanders.

Gorillion ago

Yep. Their stories are almost identical in how nebulous they are.

"Oh sorry, I can't tell you exactly when I was RAPED. Tee Hee."

Kalergi ago

So many used holes in both women.

Gigglestick ago

She looks like crazy pelosi

midnightblue1335 ago

Yeah like if Pelosi had a Brittney Spears meltdown and shaved her head with a cheese grater.

contrarianism ago

Sounds like it too.

Timmy2 ago

But probably "fascinating to talk to".

mirimar ago

They know. They want more and more people to make accusations. Just so they can say 40 or 50 women accuse Trump of......, No one of any common sense could believe this.

82328874A66E ago

When people mention the number of people lodging accusations against someone - as if the number has evidenciary value - I always mention to them how many people there are that also allege to have been abducted by aliens.

mirimar ago

Yeah, that's a good comeback!

trevmon ago

tried flirting with anderson. even if she wasn't old and ugly it's not happening

cthulian_axioms ago

Trump says she's not his type, she ain't Anderson's either. He's into dudes and kids.

ardvarcus ago

Not unless she's got a dick.

trevmon ago

a possibility I hadn't considered. Her thinking rape is sexy, like all women secretly think, makes me think she's really a woman.

edistojim ago

Ain't happening because Cooper likes little boys.

trevmon ago


selpai ago

Oh my god...

Where do they find these people?

BushChuck ago


JohnGoodman ago

Democrat voter registrations

randomfuckingidiot ago

Prison probably