thebearfromstartrack ago

KEEP in mind HOW evil works. It will help with your merciless defenses.

TheDonaldTrump ago

Don't link that site you nigger:

Scrooblemeyer ago

Go choke yourself unconscious. Why are you acting like a Reddit mod? This is Voat, you dumbarse. Free speech, Remember?!

I'll post from whatever sites I want to. Don't click on the link if you don't like the source. Simple as that.

TheDonaldTrump ago

TraditionalCode0 ago

John Wayne Gacy's makeup artist gets a lot of work these days. Same management.

arc02001 ago

Jesus in His Word spoke of people like these. He said, in so many words, These kinds of people were "Destined for Destruction" from the moment they were able to walk. Completely reprobate and fit only for these End Time Last Days when these kinds of people will rise up and pollute the Earth for the Pure Evil and Degradation they represent. Destined to be cast into Hellfire for eternity having not repented from the error of their ways.

christcucks_traitors ago

Pure Evil and Degradation

Why do you capitalize random words?

BushChuck ago

He's a retarded boomer Christcuck.

KikesOnTrikes ago

Scripture Nigger

BushChuck ago

I like that.

I'm using it.

Have an upgoat.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Kid should be grabbed by Child Protective Services.

Libtardscum ago

He already was, and he was put into the hands of trans freaks

DependasaurusRex ago

Already in the fire to be thrown into another. He left the frying pan years ago.