thebearfromstartrack ago

I've LIKED that dude, in the way that you can appreciate a retard that is good fundamentally.

Afrowasp1 ago

Motorsport enthusiasts are a solid part of the intersectional Right, alongside gun owners. Clarkson is a great representative.

nastymutant ago

Sadiq Khan hasn't fucked London. He isn't in charge of immigration. Labour and Conservative governments since at least 1948 have fucked London, as have the people who've voted for them.

yiddlerontheroof ago

I agree, but it's a step in the right direction.

boekanier ago

The second celebrity, after John Cleese, who is not happy with the state of affairs in Londonistan. Who follows?

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Peacethroughpower ago

I knew i would be hearing from these top gear niggas soon

voatusernamevoat ago

the mud being in office is the result of voters, the voters are half mud, the result of jews.

dlion ago

Didn't he say he wanted to remain? Yeah, this guy can go fuck himself

jthun2 ago

Immigration screwed the UK, not Khan. Khan is merely a symptom.

CaptnObvius ago

Thank God for the few based Brits out there standing up and speaking the truth.

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey this goy is out of control!! We must get him into a mental health facility and get him medicated. Shaloms™✡️

WhiteWolfSS ago

Clarkson is definitely not one of us. So you know things are fucked when Clarkson says this kind of thing about a non-right wing person in power.

TheDonaldTrump ago

archived tweet:

outrider787 ago

Khan Of London only fucked up London MORE, it was already fucked by Tony Blair 20 years ago when he let in all the Third World Scum from Muslim and African Black countries

Mbailey63 ago

Never let a minority in office they will fk you.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Sadiq Khan: "I am COMMITTED to remake London so that it is indistinguishable from Bangladesh and Pakistan. We CAN do this and we can to it all in One Generation" !!!

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I fucking hate that man with all my being. The next time I see him in an automobile I hope it is a hearse and he is the passenger of honor.

DrHatchetWound ago

I heard he was a bad guy who said or almost said some gamer words

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

I'll come back after summer i want to have a summer.

Jivicus ago

From afar we learn that waking up is nothing compared to being lost.

version7 ago

more public figures need to speak up.

Hayride ago

Khan is a symptom not a cause.

0011000100100111101 ago

maybe Jeremy will come around on Brexit and all the other stuff he is wrong about. at least he punched Piers Morgan in the face

recon_johnny ago

Some great responses. Some of the usual "you must be racist" nonsense, largely ignored.

I like this one:

Has anyone stopped to consider WHY someone named "SADIQ" has not been the healthiest political bulwark against the slings and arrows of global hegemony? Maybe it's time to start supporting your own people?

BaldMiscreant ago

He's a classical liberal, damn near libertarian. He seldom holds back his opinion.

worlddownunder682 ago

No suprise he would say this. Watch his show and you'll hear him drop red pills occasionally

trevmon ago

"sadiq khan makes ann frank's drumkit look useful"

this was top kek

Charilko ago

Jeremy Clarkson has always been conservative (or at least what passes for it in England). A big part of the reason why he was fired over the punching incident was that it was a convenient excuse to get rid of him, as they’d had issue with his politics for a while.

gazillions ago

They actually believe that government mandated austerity and cuts to police budgets makes niggers stab people.

Never let them get away with calling poor people killers.

trevmon ago

they don't help anyway, bad idea to cut police funding when you have an influx of criminals

gazillions ago

They should probably cut all of their police funding and the people will have to deal with it themselves. They would be more effective after enough of them died and they finally got the message through their heavily socialist and dependent brains.

trevmon ago

terrible idea

"well sjws are ruining society with illegal immigrants, let's fight this by making it easier on them"

gazillions ago

Oh my. Another one that wants the government to fix everything, just like they've been fixing them for the Brits for so long.

trevmon ago

oh my another one that wants our govt to surrender and screw us over. blocked for defeatism.

gazillions ago

Yeah right. People taking back control of their countries themselves is defeatism. Are you scared of that?

GasChamber ago

The soyboy salt is glorious

gazillions ago

No the people in Britian did. How did they expect a sandnigger to know how to run a city? His job is to destroy britain and turn it into an islamic shithole,

imdrowning ago

honestly its Britain what the fuck did all the virtue signalers need to elect a god damn Muslim to lead that city for !? The level of insanity is astounding. I can't imagine why they thought it would go any other way. Fucking retards

HoneyTrap1488 ago

London in 60% non-white. They don't even need virtue signalling cucks any more, they have a shitskin majority.

gazillions ago

They love psychology and believe everyone else was just raised wrong if they aren't just like them. Psychology created their virtue signaling narcissism. Going by their own beliefs, they subconsciously want all faggots killed and they don't want women to be seen outside the house.

If we spend more time ridiculing their psychology religion we might help them in a more efficient manner..

ALIENS2222 ago

I love this guy...Nice to see him talking shit for the good guys.

Charilko ago

He was

Mr_Quagmire ago

He's been under contract for shows until very recently, which is why we are only now seeing him start to speak out.

white_male30 ago

Still is, for at least another season.

petevoat ago

Looks like the muslims are losing influence in the UK.

The power vacuum will be filled by jews?

lord_nougat ago

Meh. Moslems, jews, same damned thing.

trevmon ago

muslims are the army for jews without knowing it

courtjester1111 ago

Jeremy Clarkson for PM.

lord_nougat ago

May Jeremy Clarkson seize the crown and return glory to the empire!!

courtjester1111 ago

Title Here

Tally ho old bean.

WD_Pelley ago

A universal British Empire would be so messed up but I want to see it.

lord_nougat ago

Jolly good!!

kayakbassfisher ago

Just because rapes, stabbings, and other crimes have skyrocketed, doesn't mean anything is wrong.

PHXSunlight ago

Diversity is a great thing, because white people are so boring, amiright?!

kayakbassfisher ago

And evil. Dey da devil!

Sire ago

Undoubtedly they’ll spin the turmoil to invalidate old white men.

ginx2666 ago

Isn't he a sodomite? He could use the faggot defense to stop at least some of that. I get that faggots are getting pushed away from mainstream LGBT freakshow (unless they're also trannies, child rapists, or jews), but still.

justregtoasku ago


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TheKnightOfGod ago

And that was quite easy to do, British men and women always open their legs for some shekels.

Kick_Start ago

Jeremy Clarkson is upset about 20mph speed limits, not the rapes and murders of an invading army.

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

He's not entirely unaware of those issues either. Just look at his reply to the first response on the twitter chain:

WordCorrector ago

"Nope. Have to be stabbed now instead."

Duivel_Anon ago

I like the follow up..

Nope you have to be stabbed now instead

invisiblephrend ago

these faggots seriously think they can outwit clarkson. this should be fun.

LifeWillChange ago

Kek'd so hard at that.

Saturday405 ago

That was perfection right there.

Alhambra ago

gee, who would've thought putting a paki mooncultist in charge would be disastrous? worthwhile experiment, britbongs. only cost you your capital.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Voting doesn't work. Bongs voted for Brexit and they're just getting strung along like cunts by the ruling class. The only thing left now is to wait for the race war to start.

smokratez ago

The other "choice" was a jew.

ginx2666 ago

So a kike or sandnigger, kinda like 2016 US elections - kike slave vs. kike slave.

lord_nougat ago


GreaseLightning ago

God I love this man, the only tv show i watch anymore

angryspin ago

They funny thing for me is we were always eventually going to reach this point.

The Jeremy Clarksons of the world who kept the indoctrinated glued to their televisions sets will all wake up to realise that their only noteworthy contribution was to keep everyone distracted long enough for Western Society to crumble.

Sadiq Khan fucked London? Nah mate, all you clowns in the Entertainment industry are just as responsible as that piece of shit.

TraditionalCode0 ago

Spot on mate ! Congrats.

phoenix883 ago

Watch a few best of videos of top gear on YouTube before they too are purged.

This guy was or is super based since the eighties and never held back his power level.

A weekly show to relax is not population control, not by far. It is a rainy island, and they need a few hours of indoor entertainment a week.


The Boomers are upset that chasing shekels and letting politicians control everything was a bad idea. Now they have money and can see what happened to society but they know speaking out will cause their reputation to be ruined by the media. Sad sad state. It's up to gen y and z to unfuck this shitshow

kammmmak ago

Well you should be able to not have to be freaking out continously and think well people would wake up and or that eventually things would get better. It is natural. No one knew just how fucking utterly wrong we would be.So dont blame Jeremy Clarkson.

Shishamo ago

He usually had some sort of rant that made the head in the sand types really uncomfortable.

thatguyiam ago

I present to you, ....Mr. Part and Parcel

Sheetz ago

definitely not "all"

Crinkus ago

JC was never a shill, as far as I know he is relatively conservative which is why he's got so many enemies within the BBC. When he got canned for punching that guy it was basically an excuse to let him go.

Gamio ago

Clarksons job was to be an entertainer, not an "educator" or political choreographer of opinion. Theres nothing wrong with entertainment for the sake of entertainment theres everything wrong with entertainment for the sake of opinion shaping. BBC wanted him and Top Gear gone for a very long time because the cohosts didn't give a shit for political correctness or want to the anything more than entertainers.

G0P2 ago

Your poineten

BaldMiscreant ago

"there's a chink in your plan." camera pans to Asian guy

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

There is a chink in your armor

Oi! Get outta my armor you slant-eyed bastard!

xiego ago

“I think the bridge has a slope on it.” I think was the joke

BaldMiscreant ago

Oh, right.

Gamio ago

Whats a polite way to refer to an Asian person? A gradient.

lord_nougat ago

I believe that the correct nomenclature is "chinaman".

robot7247 ago

I worked with a chinaman, "What else would you call me?" when the topic came up.

Gamio ago

Well its definitely not an oriental, that a rug.

Farting_Is_Flirting ago

This isn't some guy who built the railroad Walter.

2fast4u92 ago

JC was never really one of them. He was all about cars from the beginning. The BBC hated his guts because he made WW2 jokes, called out public figures for being socialists, even did a sarcastic Roman salute once when taking about the German Mini. He made fun of hybrids and electrics, and everything the Greenpeace idiots love. They wanted him gone but TG was the most popular show they had. Eventually they did get rid of him. He's a good guy and it looks like he found his Fuck It point. Hope Amazon doesn't cancel him too. The world of car lovers will never be the same without Jeremy.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Let's say I'm an uncultured American that's only watches a couple episodes of Top Gear. Should I just watch the whole thing from start to finish then move to Grand Tour, or is there a stopping point?

waterniggas ago

watch it like you'd watch a youtube channel, just picking whatever episode piques your interest

wokeasfook ago

Just watch any episode anything. They are all pretty enjoyable.

ShitboxMcGee ago

It's worth it. Bought all I could on Vudu then paid a month of prime video to bezos to catch up on TGT

2fast4u92 ago

If you are a car lover, watch it all. At least from the first reboot when Jeremy took over.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Not quite a car lover, but I'd like to learn more more, so I'll watch through and through.

2fast4u92 ago

You don't need to be like a mechanic type to enjoy it. It has a lot of humor and mostly showcases new models.

deathsquad ago

And yet he is a Remainiac willing to throw away our country's culture and sovereignty. Face it, he's not what you thought he was.

Kingandcountry25 ago

This is the same guy that said teachers who went on strike should have been lined up against a wall and shot. Also, a guy who drive round in Argentina in a car with a number plate that represented the Falklands war. Guys based.

2fast4u92 ago

More that I forgot. They went to Detroit and decided to have a drag race, he said something like "don't worry, literally nobody lives here" when there were niggers walking around in the background. In Africa once he gave some niggers some food to get his vehicle unstuck, and then commented that "shit, you feed one and they all want some" basically likening them to animals. He calls anyone from former parts of the Kingdom colonists. He cracks gay jokes. And I'm still probably forgetting alot. He isn't "far right" but he certainly hates political correctness with a passion. And to me, that makes him one of the only folks on TV worth watching.

wokeasfook ago

They built a bridge in Vietnam or some other Asian country and then he complained that the bridge had a 'slope' on it. There just happened to be an Asian man walking across it at the time.

2fast4u92 ago

Haha oh yeah that one was good too.

virge ago

I thought Jeremy Clarkson was calling out Dial_Indicator.

great_white_saxon ago

He was eventually fired for punching a producer and calling him a "lazy Irish cunt."

fr33europe ago

Agreed, they spend enough time harping about Brexit on their shows.

Chad88 ago

Part of the agenda media and education push is a lack of personal responsibility and integrity to do what you believe is right, regardless of what you are told to think and do.

Meaning to combat this, we need to acknowledge that regular people share the responsibility for the consequences of those messages being accepted.

Iornukrum ago

Right on, and the jihadi mayor is just a puppet of ykw anyway.

derram ago :

Jeremy Clarkson on Twitter: "Sadiq Khan. You’ve fucked London."

This has been an automated message.

yiddlerontheroof ago

He has over 7 million followers on twitter.

skruf ago

6 of them probably didn't like that tweet.

Race_War_Now ago

But for at least a few this will be the trigger needed to get them to find the redpill.

lord_nougat ago

Yeah, well, I bet the remaining 5,999,994 thought it was spot-on.

Race_War_Now ago

You failed your math.

admin2 ago

seven gorillions !