Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

I hope that this puts it all into perspective for those faggots out there that think they are the "natural normal". They know deep down that they are freaks, they merely embraced it in order to normalize their fornication and debauchery. They are unaware that their behavior makes them less human.

Ebola-4-All ago

Seen on google the other day "Celebrating 50 years of pride". What exactly are they celebrating? Getting fucked in the colon, spreading AIDS and degeneracy, corupting young minds? I don't understand.

NihilisticClownFrog ago

I have decided to go to the Straight Parade. My wig is pink, blue and khaki. My nose is pure white MJ style and I'm wearing the fake smile. Any other suggestions for this Honking adventure?

22trilionAsecond ago

I want to see a 1940's nuclear family, American dream styles float.

SearchVoatBot ago

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FreeThought ago

Military parades (which I've been a part of many) are long, hot and boring.

All other parades are gay AF.

TheKnightOfGod ago

I'm against it for the following reasons: 1. The faggots will use it against us because they will say if you're doing it then we can do it too.

  1. Pride of being normal? Do you fucking parade for having two legs?

  2. Sex is a private, intimate thing, it is NOT a public thing. Children should not see this kind of stuff which is about sex.

  3. Degenerates will infiltrate the parade and do BDSM or other horrible degenerate faggotry.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Good points. You are wrong, because you are appealing to logic. Humans aren't logical. Not living creatures are logical. It is as grave an error as being informed entirely by your emotions (like the faggots are).

This is propaganda and this is an information war right now. We need to be priming messages for when the hot war starts. Just like the kikes are.

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago

Get out of here sargon

bloodguard ago

Oh no! Chris Evans just called everyone that marches gay!

Gosh, seems like Cap is trying to use being gay as an insult. Bit homophobic, no?


nul ago

That's absolutely disgusting! Everyone knows that's it's called "inaugural" and not "first annual"

thatguyiam ago

1838 views. Viewership on bitchute is starting to creep up!

jimibulgin ago

gee, I wonder why....

thatguyiam ago

Because of Capt Autismo?

poly ago

Did a search on bitchute for “vaccine”. Was not disappointed. They have Vaxxed on there. Good stuff

MrTotenkopf ago

Bots and SPOOKS.

thatguyiam ago


just keep watching cucktoob, fagits

Gtfo cuckfag

MrTotenkopf ago

>Implying there are safe platforms on the InterJew

BurqaFart ago

This needs to be posted on every traffic light in the city.

bitbug ago

Isn't this fatty a jewish shill?

toobaditworks ago

I think you are.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Ehhhhh.... this might trigger a couple faggots, but it's unnecessary and any reactions to it will be more impactful than the parade itself. A more targeted demonstration - for example, a march against allowing children to "transition" - would be more effective, and be more likely to bring in people who otherwise wouldn't care.

theHubrisOfMan ago

You’re reasoning is shit and your equivalencies are false.

Not to mention, maybe some of us actually want to celebrate normalcy.

focus_cheese ago

Concern troll faggot.

Its time to stop playing nice and start shoving our shit into people's faces. I want to see a fundamentalist christian pride parade, too. Drive the degenerates fucking insane.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

I explained my reasoning clearly with logic. You're just using emotion. Feeling triggered or something?

focus_cheese ago

Lol no one gives a shit about logic anymore. Its how much you can make the other side piss themselves with rage.

killgriffithvol2 ago

I agree with what you're saying- but only for now. Right wingers have a duty to "play nice" at the moment, in order to stand as an example against the madness from the left.

If trump wins a second term all notions of civility from the right should go out the window. That will be the time to hit back and say what's actually on our minds.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago


Shut the fuck up. It is too late for that.

People need a serious red pill RIGHT NOW to start waking people up,.

You are trying to divide the issue. Water it down. Anything to lessen the impact.

This is the perfect response to LGBT insanity.

AND I might add... Clowns... We need clowns,. There will certainly be a protest of blue haired tweekers on the sidelines. Put your fucking clown suit on and sport the rainbow flag saying " Keep the colors separate ". Clowns on the sidelines further pointing out the Clown aspect of the entire thing.

Shotinthedark ago

I live near Boston so I'll probably go. I won't be able to carry a gun and if I do and need to use it I'll go to prison.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

This isn't a "red pill" for anyone. This is going to be 6 people showing up and 200 faggot counter-protesters, then leftists using it to push more bullshit. The only way this could turn into a red pill is if one of the counter-protesters does something stupid (like attacking someone with a bike lock), in which case it will be immediately memory holed by the media.

The clown idea would work better to turn up to the actual gay pride parade.

Goys-R-Us ago

I almost spit my beer out, lol.

PatriotLady1 ago

Grand marshals should be a married couple blonde, blue eyed whites and the wife about 8 months gone on her next set of twins. Have them surrounded by their white, blonde kids.

FSA-got-aleppo ago

And all participants will be well dressed, proud, happy and mentally stable.

Blood-is-Nature ago

This is just the same old jewish tactic of division. They did the same thing with the terms atheist, infidel and goy. Once you defend yourself from being those, you a) loose your status quo of being naturally normal and b) validate their position. If you accept the term "atheist" then you become a non-believer and define your identity by being against someone else’s.

HenryCabotLodge ago

I agree with this. Dr. Goy here.

Crinkus ago

why would I ever want to get along with faggots

Blood-is-Nature ago

Nobody said that. By all means protest against their unnatural, self destructive and corruptive behavior, but if you drag being straight (normal) into this you create the narrative that straight means against not straights. Suddenly the natural order becomes just another identity for a war of division.

expose ago

yeah why take pride in who you fuck it's a retard idea like being proud of taking a piss

Blood-is-Nature ago

Because it's not about you taking pride in participating in the natural order, but instead you signalling that you're more pride than the freaks are, which gives them more power.

ForTheUltimate ago

Let's see how the reeeing turns out

selpai ago

If they're smart, they won't. It turns the biological default into a niche trait. Put at even keel with the likes of homosexuals, pedophiles, and other perversions of natural order.

theHubrisOfMan ago

Nope they’ve already started reeeeing in Twitter.

CaucasianSlavery ago


Btw pride is a deadly sin

fuckingmockies ago

Calling pride a sin is Semitic nonsense.

racistbadger ago

I disagree, but I'm actually curious what your basis is for this

fuckingmockies ago

Pride is not arrogance or comceit. Pride is justifiable self confidence. If you've worked hard and are the best at something, you deserve to be proud.

Humility and meekness and modesty are for slaves and defeated men.

CaucasianSlavery ago

IMO you are using all of those words wrong. Meekness and humility are before god. It’s related to idol worship, yourself included. Modesty being weakness is a confusing idea to me.

Being proud is not the same as being ‘able’ or confident in yourself. Pride is a sin because it’s a state of clouded judgement where you place yourself above others, you are halfway to being your own god. This is just how I see it, I do understand that the words are being twisted and pride is now portrayed as a virtue. It’s a great virtue if your goal is to build a tower so high you will be above all

fuckingmockies ago

The real issue at hand is that semitic values are incompatible with the European soul.

selpai ago

Semantic Drift

CaucasianSlavery ago

I prefer ‘subversion of language’