modsrcuntz ago

When you bite the hand that feeds you ..

Zoldam ago

They let the Muslims have a win last time, got to give it to the faggots this time. Equality and all.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Napierdalator ago

When you divide and conquer so much, you look away for a second and your pets are divided and conquering themselves.

Sellyoulight ago

Ragheads vs. the faggots, lezzies and trannies. Ya gotta love it. Personally, I hope it escalates, gets violent and spreads like wildfire as the libtards desperately try to pander to the two groups which will end up hating each other. I wish there was a way to drag the groids into the fray and make it a 3-way brawl.

Chap ago

When I left Birmingham, I was the last white male for three miles squared. I remember when Sparkbrook, had white people in it. Alas, so much has changed.

I find both sexuality and religion, and those that talk of it to be a chore. In the past the Muslims where slaves. And the degenerates, the same.

Equal rights cost me my home, my nation, and my future.

Let them fight, hopefully they will kill each other and the world can carry on happily without anymore sexual fanatics and religious fanatics for a bit.

Such a shame upon England this is, for it to have gotten to this point. It’s unpolicable really.


Thankfully, I will never have the burden of having them as slaves like others did previously. And when they’re children are born here, they are property of her Majesty the Queen. They all are nothing but slaves anyway, trapped in they’re own lost minds.

Such a shame to see such an accumulation of them, both going nowhere fast too. But dragging everybody else down them.

Duchozz ago

It's always muslims doing what whites should have done

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Wow gay beats Muslim in the rock paper scissors game of social justice politics.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Apparently so! Muslims won't be happy about this...

allahead ago

Muslims have been gathering outside the gates of places for almost 1400 years. Then they go in and kill everyone or force conversion. This group just doesn't quite have the numbers for that level of confidence, that's all.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Sorry, but I have to side with the vile moozies on this one.

Vidarr30000 ago

Is it against the rules to hope this turns violent?

prairie ago

It's okay to hope that the Muslims take a stand and don't back down.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

It needs to get worse before it gets better, so stay tuned to this story.

Vidarr30000 ago


boekanier ago

So, the perverts come first, followed by moslems and far behind, hardly counting, you know who.

Aliwaali69 ago

I've had a theory for quite awhile now that white working classes will look at the muslims are realise that they do not tolerate this liberal madness and islam will become more appealing to them.

Planetoftheclown ago

The injunction will be in place until 10 June, when those against the diversity teachings will be given the chance to make their case in front of a judge.

I think I know how that's going to go over. Welcome to clownworld muslims.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Judge: So, Muhammed, why are you protesting?

Muhammed: I used to throw gays off buildings in Afghanistan, everyone in my family hates gays and Allah hates gays too, so nothing will change my mind. Ever.

LGBT crowd: This must be blamed on straight White Christian men.

vastrightwing ago

LGBT +1 Muslims 0


nastymutant ago

Since this started, all the authorities have wanted is to get this out of the headlines. This will probably do that for now.

Planetoftheclown ago

Well sure. The muslims are going to be required to protest out of sight, thus out of mind. The muslims aren't going to stand for it though. Look, a guy that left a pork sandwich outside a mosque was shanked to death during the prison term he had to serve for doing it. I'm not suggesting what's going to happen next is authorities don't capitulate, but I can make an educated guess.

nastymutant ago

I hope you're right. The more they stand up for themselves, the less the traitors in charge can deny what they're bringing about.

wgtt911 ago

Wont be long now.. blood in the streets

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Could be the start of it. It really depends on how the LGBT crowd reacts to the homophobia of Islam. Muslims are NEVER going to budge on the issue and will never tolerate it. This poses a gigantic problem for the LGBT crowd since they have been chanting for years that refugees are welcome and let them in, etc. Now what? Are gays in the West who literally demanded more Muslims going to just continue as normal or will they adopt a less tolerant viewpoint on Muslims? This clownfight is certainly entertaining and one to watch unfold.

ElvisP ago

What's going to happen is a few LGBTs are going to be brutally and publicly attacked maybe even killed by the pet muds. Most of them and their supporters will STFU and cower in fear real quick. Then, they'll cry about being victimized more than ever before, but it'll be straight white peoples fault because they'll get thrown in prison for hate speech if they blame the muds.

Of course the screeching will only work short term until demographics shift reaches a certain point where there's no escaping their fate doled out by their own pet refugees. Most of the rest of the world will never even hear about it though.

Vidarr30000 ago


theoldones ago



Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

If White people were out there protesting against LGBT indoctrination of children instead of muslims, the reporting on this story would be wildly different. They'd be called evil intolerant bigots, etc. However, since both muslims and the LGBT crowd are protected classes it makes for an interesting read as to how the BBC (and other MSM sources) delicately report on this ongoing clownfight (as another goat said)

Reminds me of this story from the BBC involving Israel: Israel: African migrants told to leave or face imprisonment. Could you imagine how different the reporting would be if this was Germany for example? Or Sweden? Everyone making the decisions to get rid of migrants would be considered White supremacists and neo-Nazis. However, when Jews do it there's nothing but fucking crickets... "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed that an unchecked influx of African migrants could threaten Israel's Jewish character." Europeans should use this tactic and out-Jew the Jews at their own Jew games.

nastymutant ago

Not just that - if the protesters were British, there'd be Antifa out there assaulting them with police connivance

mamsofmordor ago

This is going to go over like a lead balloon.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago


The_Oogie ago

Oil and water scenario.

mmabouncer ago

Actually, oil and water coexist just fine..... if you don't shake it up.