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Gopherurself ago


LazyJello9 ago

Those are Mexicans.. not niggers with black cocks for the TEXAN BOYS to suck..

Gopherurself ago

Where the fuck do you live SUBHUMAN I really will fuck you in the ass to death, it's just beastiality your entire race is fucking pathetic, your woman look like shit. Only a small percent of low Iq whites associate with you and they die too. It's coming you bitch nigger and I'm gonna rip your fucking heads apart with my AR 15. Soon.

midnightblue1335 ago

This u/LazyJello9 faggot talks a boat load of shit (specifically about the USA- when asked about which glass house he's casting those stones from, he doesn't answer) and refuses to back any of it up. I took a glance at his profile, and take a look at this gem of a submission he made, titled "As an alpha male, I don't need help."-

He also has a submission about his drug use, and about how "global warming is important".

LazyJello9 also has a strange obsession with nigger dick- at least 50% of his comments refer to nigger genitals. Constantly has black cock on his mind, and likely in his mouth.

Either this faggot is a shit-tier troll (which is my guess- every comment I've seen of his is some edge lord bullshit which appears to be looking to provoke a reaction), or he's an insane, drug addled retard who pretends he's a married "alpha" from the most perfect country on earth (which he will not name) and that global warming is an important issue.

LazyJello9 ago

  1. I've named my country

  2. I am an alpha male - but I'm guessing you didn't see the original thread I was mocking with that post

  3. America is a shithole

  4. I talk about nigger cock all the time because I'm always talking to Americans and I know how much you Mutts love black cock.

  5. Global warming is important, but you aren't intelligent enough to figure out why and need me to hold your hand and walk you through it.

So yeah, facts? I am an alpha male, I'm an alpha father, my wife is pretty, my family is beautiful, I'm not a mutt so you Americans are just jealous lol

Go suck some more black cock you mutts.

midnightblue1335 ago

I said "LazyJello9 also has a strange obsession with nigger dick- at least 50% of his comments refer to nigger genitals."

Immediately replied to with:

suck some more black cock

You are obsessed with black cock. Can't keep it out of your mind, or your mouth. Fucking weirdo.

LazyJello9 ago

I'm sorry Muttmerican, I know all black cocks belong to you and Muttmerica. How dare I attempt to take even one black cock away from you. Black Cock is like air to americans. You would go insane and die if we cut off your supply of BBC and BLACKED.COM porn.

teamviewer ago

If true, your wife is laughing at you behind your back and is probably also fucking a nigger.

LazyJello9 ago

Hahaha no she's not

Gopherurself ago

Yeah he oozes defeat