ScientiaPotentia ago

Schwartz; they call him "the fall guy" and "patsy" around the office.

ggolemg ago

We can just assume cp if it's a Jew, they all do it and far far worse.

jthun2 ago

jesus, look at that skinny little jew. He's just as ugly as those orthodox idiots with the tassels.

He looks like he couldn't lift a 10lb weight. Although I bet his grip strength is top notch.

CatfishOHanlon ago

3,000 images and 89 videos is a comparatively modest total as any compulsive downloader will attest ..

I became beguiled by the sight of Anya's bare ass since it popped into view on a Google Image search some seven or eight yrs ago, there after tracing its origin and effecting a download I was soon in possession of thousands of nudie pics, and about a dozen videos of her and her young friend at the beach and doing the house work all in the nude.

Very soon the downloading increased and along with Anya and her friend I had about a quarter million pics and a couple hundred videos of underage chicks on my 'puter, just waitin' for a knock on the door from the FBI .. dude in New Mexico got life another in Kentucky got twenty five yrs reduced to fifteen on appeal for having the same material on his machine.

I scrubbed the data away and hoped my story would hold up and keep me out of jail, that somehow I innocently obtained the material and as soon as I saw it was under age nudies I deleted the entire lot .. however in the fullness of time I still access the same download sites and check the sample pics.

None of them have sex or violence unlike numerous sites that do, while the case against the FBI for allowing cannibal and snuff porn ops to survive should see the lot of them off to the gallows.

ratsmack ago

Who's quote is that?

carlip ago

Usually bail is paid as 10% with the remainder PR, public recognizance (on your honor/word). So $750 be free to continue your pedo ways until this is memory holed and you get a nice city desk job until retirement.

Dortex ago

U/theoldones watch out. They're starting to crack down on people begging for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then having a mental breakdown for over a day when they get called out for it.

ratsmack ago

You're retarded... maybe even a moron.

Dortex ago

Why is that?

Zoldam ago

Then a pothead gets 25 years.

Lovely (((justice))) system.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

He's on bail. He hasn't been sentenced yet.

Sellyoulight ago

Warren Wilhelm for President? WTF????

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Isn't this guy involved with the young democrats as well, or is that a different kike?

puggy ago

that was Anthony Wiener (aka Carlos Danger)

1Sorry_SOB ago

Very young democrats

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Is that how they recruit them now? They rape them, turn them gay, then make them democrats.

pickled ago

Dang, they locked up Paddock's brother and threw away the key for the same thing.

Base311 ago

Yeah wasn't that just "convenient".. Not like a hit team(FBI) can upload cp images into your hardrive while they cuff you. What happened to his gf/wife? Las Vegas has become such a memory hole now.

CameraCode0 ago



ShutItDownGoyim ago


antiliberalsociety ago


crmartel ago

thanks for the jew tower. every time

Vidarr30000 ago

We did it, Reddit!

DontBeRacist ago

not enough until it's 6,000,000 times

Diggernicks ago

De blasio was appalled they weren't all pics of nude boys.


I remember this story from when it happened. The pictures were all of young kids and some of the cops needed therapy after the investigation. It was some sick shit, I guess. Someone should think about stopping that jew

derram ago :

2019-05-28 | Former city employee pleads guilty to child porn charge

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