AlternateSelection ago

14 yr old girl. What the hell has happened to us all? Not even kids are safe.

Wiglaf ago

These people don't even think, they just feel and they've done it so long that the emotions themselves are fake and rootless.

Approved ago

So painfully true.

Grunge ago

This kid seems very well spoken and intelligent and thinks critically, public schools are having none of that. That's why they called the cops.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

I liked it better when it was posted 1.1 days ago.

jewsbadnews ago

Destiny, Joe and Talia need to be skinned alive.

modsrcuntz ago

What I find most interesting about this girl is that she's from Marin county, which shares a border with San Francisco on the north side. Surprisingly she's not a brainwashed libtard. (Marin county is one of the most expensive places in the world to live. Must have rich parents who aren't leftist).

turtlesarepureevil ago

Her parents are liberals. Even said her father was a Hillary supporter during the last election.

9NaughtZ ago

don't go on youtube. Simple as that.

Go to bitchute. Just keep moving. Or create your own.

Why can't the rightites make a platform that is as powerful? That is the real question.

Hysterical ago

How is it the real question? Are you new here? Not even Voat, but the culture war in general. Have you not been paying attention or are you joking / trolling?

It's basically a meme at this point. I've seen numerous jokes about it. Redpanels did a good one I think? Basically like yeah, we've made all our own platforms. Just as good. They all get shut the fuck down by the powers that be. Same thing happened / is happening to Voat. Have you ever considered donating? Well too bad, fuck you, Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and every other payment processor has decided for you that you can't spend your money on Voat.

Twitter has never made a dime. They've lost millions even. YouTube has lost over a billion last I checked? We can make great platforms, we just aren't propped up by the deep state and foreign billionaires, and anyone who does attempt to fund right wing alternatives is attacked mercilessly.

reject_kikery ago

Economy certainly overpowers territory. Most white people don't get this.

9NaughtZ ago

They don't lose money. Twitter maybe. But it's a tool for other things.

All those points are fine. It's easier said that done. They come and go. Build and move on.

Haven't you asked yourself we we keep losing the platforms? Other groups do it.

I'm praying for the day we can create something that is hardened. I'm tired of moving.

Be like the mongols. Be a nomadic destroyer of things. Stop being comfortable and soft.

Hysterical ago

Yes, they lose money. Youtube recently announced massive losses.

Look, you're new here. This has all be discussed and memed for literally years now. We can create great platforms, the owners are harassed and have their bank accounts frozen. You're acting like we're just not trying hard enough meanwhile you don't have a clue about the reality of the situation?

Stop being soft and comfortable? Bitch, how about you lurk more before telling others what to do. Again you're woefully ignorant about all this; you are the soft and comfortable one, moron. If you had ever done more than type shit out on your keyboard you would already know what we have attempted and what occurs.

9NaughtZ ago

Youtube is an account problem. If they want it profitable they can make it so.

I work at these companies. I've also been on here for a couple years. I wipe my account every once in a while. I been doing this kind of lurking for decades amigo :D

I also worked with intel groups to track people inside these various platforms. Unfortunately I was only a tech and never seemed to get in early enough to be one of the bigger payouts or I prob wouldn't be here at all. Sucks for me.

You know what pissed me off the most during my organizational years? When it really came down to it the right is full of boot licking cowards. Sorry. It's true. I would hear "i got a family" "i don't want to lose my job" "what if they garnish my wages".

we're not talking about idle chatter online like you do here. I'm talking about real shit. Like poking holes in the curtains.

I quit work and did that stuff full time for a couple years. It was exhausting and no one put forth the effort. There are an overall lack of talent as well.

At this point i'm a spectator. Ready to retire from this game. Happy hunting sir.

Hysterical ago

And honestly your post comes off as a lefty Redditors wet dream fantasy about hunting down the evil right wingers and them all turning out to be "boot lickers".

You are glow in the dark bud.

9NaughtZ ago

You live in the dark. I've done my time.

Hysterical ago

If you had done your time you wouldn't come off as a Redditor fresh off the refugee boat. You 100% have not spent time here or even remotely paid attention to the culture war at large. And that's fine, it is what it is, but the way you're pretending like you're part of it all instead of at best a casual observer who doesn't care enough to actually spend any time in the community is glaringly obvious.

Personally I find it kind of suspect that you're trying so hard to fit in. I certainly don't buy your little fanfiction back story.

9NaughtZ ago

Are you trying to prove something to me or yourself.

You want to know more about what I'm doing or just want to try to run me off? Who cares if you believe me. Voat will die out just like every other site.

By like the Mongols. Devour and move on.

Hysterical ago

Voat will die out just like every other site.

There we go.

You want to know more about what I'm doing or just want to try to run me off?

You're not doing anything. You're completely full of shit and as I've said numerous times now, it's incredibly transparent.

It's not even about Voat, either. Like I said, it's clear you haven't spent any time involved in or simply observing the culture war at large. You've never spent time on 4ch, 8ch, or any other website where these ideas aren't heavily censored. It's obvious by what you've said.

I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm calling a spade a spade. Instead of scurrying off with your tail between your legs you're trying to double down. The only reason I'm responding is for the casual observer, so they know the bullshit you're peddling.

Again theres nothing wrong with being ignorant of everything going on. It's a deep rabbit hole. However you pretend like youre informed and part of it and 'one of us' to the point that its downright strange. If you're not here simply to stir shit, just lurk more, and quit it with the fan fiction larp bullshit. People here aren't gullible fools.

9NaughtZ ago

lol guess you know everything.

what I don't know is why i keep responding to you.

Hysterical ago

Honestly, you're attempting to maintain frame. To save face. It's clearly not effective which is why you're now questioning your own actions.

People who feel the need to lie and fabricate stories like you do almost always compulsively try to keep the lie or manipulation alive. Like I've said several times now, you're not unique. You're very formulaic and there are many people like you.

9NaughtZ ago

lol are you high?

If my life was boring enough to need to lie I'd go where the people I lied to actually mattered. You don't. Voat is soapbox where people think they are making a change in the world by dumping memes here. It's an interesting low in humanity.

"honestly", I'm surprised anyone believes me. Even if people don't believe me it doesn't matter. My stories, fake or true, are more lifetimes lived than most people will ever live. And for that I think I was blessed. You are better off not believing me.

Get out there and start building your own stories. Be a poet not a skeptic.

Hysterical ago

You have no idea how transparent you are.

Hysterical ago

You don't understand basic issues facing us in this culture war, so I think you're just full of shit to be honest. Like I said above, it was so glaringly obvious that I thought you might even be trolling. You're not trolling though, so you're just incredibly ignorant about honestly all of this. There's not much else I can say.

Happy hunting indeed; you are not one of us.

TheTrigger ago

Why can't the rightites make a platform that is as powerful?

Because they and their products get unpersoned on all the monopoly platforms which act as gatekeepers to what people are allowed to see, think and hear.

9NaughtZ ago

Not really. Wrong focus IMO.

We don't have the focus or leadership that is pushing us the right way. I have organized a lot of groups on the right and it's always the same story. They just devolve and then sell out. It's pretty easy to knock them off.

awildbanannaphone ago

Don't forget they weren't over funded with out tax dollars

hang_em_high ago

Only reason a site like that can exist is because other parts of Google support it. Pretty sure it loses money.

9NaughtZ ago

In the beginning it definitely did. I think they are monetizing it pretty well now. But I could be wrong. Got any metrics on it? It's public so they prob post it.

If anything the cyclical marketing power pays for itself many times over. They feed each other and have lower overhead due to shared resources.

aaronC ago

I don't have the link but you can look at some of Google's financials. Basically, ads are what keeps them afloat, followed by search, Nest, and something else. Everything else at Google loses money. If YouTube was profitable, they would be bragging to their share holders as fast as possible.

9NaughtZ ago

Yeah youtube drives traffic into other things. It helps them build up search.

Gmail feeds search.

Analytics feeds data so that they can feed search. It's all part of the pyramid. Without it they would be crushed. Which is why we should break up these companies. That's really the only reasonable solution at this point. I don't know of another.

aaronC ago

I agree. Almost all of Google's services are designed to improve how well they can target ads towards people. Before I realized it it felt like Google was this giant talented conglomerate. But it is just a merchant trying to sell ad space as effectively as possible.

9NaughtZ ago

Yup! That's all it is. It's just a giant click grinding machine. Their "culture" helps keep their employees uniform and easy to control. The employees have a mindset, but I think it's better than the one Uber carries which is pretty toxic against traditional values.

The reason it wants far right or left people off is because it's bad for search. If the masses of normies get woke/pilled they might not click on the shaving cream ads.

There isn't much that is evil about it other than unbridled capitalism in a monopoly will turn us all into binary objects to compel. Our consumerism is the REAL demons. Until we beat that we are doomed.

think- ago

That was quick.

asmodea ago

She obviously needed a Plan B.

theoldones ago

she's on bitchute already

Maggotbait88 ago

Let it be known that u/theoldones has been known to beg for child porn,Repeatedly, And again for good measure, then having a mental breakdown when he got called out for it. He has only ever claimed to have a good reason for asking for pictures of naked children.

theoldones ago

Yeah, the linked comments don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile. If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is. Dortex is trying to smear him for this. It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents. That said, many will do one of those two and the smear will work on them. It's a skilled manipulation, I'll give it that much. I didn't actually realize how dishonest and manipulative Dortex was until seeing it for myself. Mumbleberry did try to warn me, and I should have listened to him.

TheTrigger ago

Do you have a mental disorder or something? Thanks for exposing your alts, either way, retard. The irony that you're the board owner of /v/SFWLoli on this account is delicious, btw.

Maggotbait88 ago

You haven't done your math if you think I have alts

theoldones ago

You haven't done your math if you think I have alts


Maggotbait88 ago

Nice attempt at deflection from when you were asking for naked child pics.