ToxicWhiteMale ago

Britain is now a third world shithole

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Next up -- an article by the (((BBC))) (Buggering British Children) decrying the parents.

Octoclops ago

Does the U.K. have a sex offender registry? Might as well put every U.K. cop on it by default at this point.

Wiglaf ago

She could have said aloud "I wonder what results you would get if you investigated this to get peace of mind on such an important issue". No crime there.

Remember that with the scandals of child abuse gangs there in the UK there have been reports that they've had police helping to cover it up and even taking part in the abuse itself. They snuck up on the people by subverting things from the top down. That's how they isolate and suppress any dissidents or action and keep it from organizing.

Intrixina ago

You do it anyway. Isn't that what the leftist fuckers are allowed to do?

Shatter their so-called "rules".

nullifyNWO ago

The bank of London is the root of the evil. So maybe the brits are so affected by it.

Heathcliff ago

This is disgusting, but this one claim was over the top:

"The stress caused her marriage to fall apart"

NeoGoat ago

he knocked on her door and brazenly asked if her youngest daughter wanted to pick berries with him.

Should be grounds for murder.He presents a clear.and present damger to your child.

justregtoasku ago

Good lord reading that i mean how have we fallen so far?

NeoGoat ago

In most of western Europe, deep enough that getting out would be almost impossible.

prairie ago

The media's difficult choice regarding revealing her address.

Hand_of_Node ago

the twisted paedophile called the housing association to whinge

He made creaking door sounds?
Aside from the weirdness of the English, that father (Sam) should throw something through the pedophiles window that makes his home or apartment unlivable.

Oddly, this appears to be the same Claire Varin who became a front page story 3 years ago after she

"mistakenly bought an ordinary customer a meal, thinking he was homeless, but her 'random act of kindness' backfired after she placed the breakfast meal down in front of him just before a member of staff brought over another meal and apologised to him for the wait. Mum-of-two Claire, from Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire, said: "I was mortified. I felt like I was going to die of embarrassment". Story, and the only findable pic of her husband, Sam, who didn't own a comb or hairbrush at the time.

Angryelectrician ago

Clown world ending: The marriage crumbles. The mother might even serve prison time. The children are left alone in the clown world. Neighbor gains custody. The End.

WickedVocalist ago

Fraudulent straight marriages by 'gay' undercover cops is LEGAL 'due process' in britian..

Oh honey I realized im gay (script) lets divorce and I get everything

AnthraxAlex ago

This is what GDPR was introduced for. It wasn't to protect peoples data it was meant to be a cudgel to eliminate free speech in the global market. Now even the US free speech laws will be overridden by forcing US companies to comply with GDPR and censure information arbitrarily and indiscriminately in order to do business in Europe and other foreign markets. Because the lines of what divides a foreign market on the internet are so muddied US companies and government will have to blanket comply.

1Pac ago

Remember how Obama gave up control of the internet to... who did he give it to again?

washingtonpanther ago

It's time to grab machine guns and disperse justice street-style. Line them up like cornrows.

AlternateSelection ago

Can people not see the outside influence going on? An entire nation is taking orders from someone somewhere. Senseless upside down world only exists due to nefarious orders from higher up.

Talc ago

birds of a feather flock together, police often put up excuses for their fellow child rapists.

kids are at more risk from the type of pedo that's above the law, the policeman / politician, than from the common next-door kiddyfiddler.

brlnrjng ago

In the Rotherham case when more than 1400 girls were abused by a gang, this was very common. Police was involved and parents who "complained" about the gangs who raped their kids have been arrested.

An example:

Some fathers tried to rescue their children from abuse but were arrested themselves

Talc ago

Plenty around here are (I'm only 20 miles from Rotherham) ready for a re-run of that, at least one group who have traditionally been considered a "street gang" are ready to step in and take over the traditional policing role as the police are too busy dicking babies and each other. Any further attempts to arrest victims will lead to citizens courts (traditionally referred to as lynchings, but that's not the only outcome).

There are more police than pakis in the Rotherham scandal, they're just covering it up. I heard an insider (ranked policeman) estimate it's something like a third to half of their entire police in the frame at some level. At most it's a tenth of the paki community including all the ones who did nothing more than keep their mouths shut (not that I'm defending them).

Interesting to note that when West Yorkshire Police were having part of their degeneracy scandals, one of the state's "best" suggestions was to place them under the control of the South Yorkshire police, the ones responsible for mass child rape in Rotherham, and when Rotherham story was breaking the gov't suggested putting them under control of West Yorkshire police, Jimmy Saville's personal cover-up squad.

I'm still of the opinion we've had no genuine Police since they were disbanded and replaced by impostors by the Police Reform Act 1967, what you see now is an organised crime gang and child-rape club bearing the same name and loosely styling themselves after the Police we used to have.

1Pac ago

There's the added layer of Freemasons inside the police force covering for other Freemasonic child predators.

Talc ago

they don't even need that around here, professional standards department is staffed exclusively with officers who survived an investigation by professional standards department. It's like "we'll cover up for you but then you have to stop being a proper copper and come help us cover up for the next babyrapist".

1Pac ago

I guess they learned from "the winning team" as the Masons say.

Deflo56 ago

The Cabal is strong in the UK and Tom the barrister in training must be connected. It should be an easy dig for a real journalist. This really does have an odor.

TheStapler ago

In the UK, what takes precedence, Sarah’s Law or Sharia Law?

HeavyBrain ago

Both, all the pedo has to do is converting and he can diddle their daughters all he wants 150 cops full armed will provide the girls do him alreaddy tied up.

moarzor ago

"groom" ? That's a word pushed on us by (((MSM))).

HeavyBrain ago

For now "youths groom teenager girls" sounds better than "Muds of all ages rape exclusivly white girls"

GassyMcGasface ago

Victim and the victims parent are the only ones pictured. The pedophile must be from one of the 2 protected rapist clans, Jew or Muslim.

1Pac ago

The police protect the pedos pretty blatantly. The newspaper probably knows this and didn't want a visit from them.

mattsixteen24 ago

The British govt has the be those twisted and backwards western govt. Probably worse than Canada's. Pedophiles should be put to death.

StagOfMull ago

Brits have always defended pedophiles just look at the bbc

Talc ago

you're mistaking the occupiers and the crown (the saxe coburg gotha family) for brits. they're not. The average brit would lynch pedophiles if not for fear of the pig-thugs who protect them. Every day more of us overcome that fear and accept that we may have to die at the hands of the pigs in order to do the right thing.

justregtoasku ago

British establishment crooks (incl bbc) always defended pedos

british people detest pedos.

Proveitorloseit ago

The crown has been corrupt since the 1700s. They instigated ww1 by attacking Germany instead of joining them, they used the US as a safeguard when they were getting their asses handed to them in WW2, they ass fucked the middle East in the 50s and 60s, throughout the century pretending to be allies to the US while fucking them over. Jews use the crown as a puppet.

globallyuserbanned ago

Not surprised, again and again, because white super loves big bla&k dicks and rapists and Islam*c serial artistic killers who are rich and thus a good ally, as all know, removed and banned many many times.

Rape is nothing and coward USA would let communist rapist free, which is often banned to speak in redd*t.

US supplied bomb that killed 40 children on Yemen school bus , with smart missiles which are smart enough to recognize and kill easy-to-kill children to show US has balls when being fucked off by hard-to-kill Russians.

​Slow coward failure America likes to make the war as long as possible, already said far far more earlier and banned.

Is slow coward USA doing the same thing that USA just waits a few months until China yuan is down 10% to $, then dares to tax 10% on $505 billions, and thus gets 10%-10%=0% in real trade? After all, USA has loved China communists and their ZTE for decades. My English is so bad?

​1, USA shouts that USA would put tariff on $500 billion goods made in China to change anti-freedom trade with China.

2, China devalues (downs) its currency yuan 10% to USA currency $.

3, then USA dares to really put tariff 10%, and gets nothing in real trade because 10%-10%=0%, which means that prices of goods made in China are decreased 10% by means of China government devaluing yuan 10%, and prices of goods made in China are increased 10% by meanings of USA government putting tariff 10% on all, and thus prices in trade not changed in total.

​4, ZTE is always controlled by China communists, and sells anti-freedom system to Iran and Korea, and banned by USA and then supported by USA at last.

Just the first sentence I said, if you cannot read more sentences. "Coward USA is too slow, which would make the war last long and thus make USA fail eventually."

Coward USA is too slow, which would make the war last long and make USA fail. China yuan is already down 4% to USA dollar. So the real tariff in trade would be 10%-4%*500/200=0% for the new 10% tariff on $200 billions of China goods.

Notice: $500 billions is the minimal of goods made in China exported to USA. So China yuan downing (or devaluation of China currency to America currency, now about 4% down) affects more than $500 billions goods exported to USA, but new tariffs expected only affects $200 billions goods exported to USA. So the result of the new tariffs on the whole trade of goods made in China but exported to America here is only 10%-4%*500/200=0%.

Maybe USA can keep torturing Children (news about immigrants) and infants (news about USA believing cow milk is much better than mother milk or breast milk for infants), and make China communists keep stealing $375 billions and millions of American jobs from USA every year, since all these would make America great again.

Is USA a coward failure only shouting 200 billion and shouting 500 billion with doing nothing real while China communists have been keeping beating USA?

The simplest example in life to see the unfair robbery nature of China communists...(rob money from Chinese,rob work from American)

If you transfer money from banks not in China (for example, D) to China bank,Zero fee. But if you transfer back,that's to say, if you transfer money from China bank to banks not in China (for example,D), very high fee. That's the fairness? So, we got to know why China bank would not like fair competition with other banks, and China communists did unfair competition very well. (By the way, there is a little fact : China top four communist banks are the four biggest and richest banks all over the world. )

China bank says: If you transfer money out of mainland,for example, if you transfer money to USA , the fee is 1‰, 50¥ at least for each.And there is also tele fee,150¥ each time. And there also may be other fees. ​ So, if you are a Chinese and want to buy an American goods, you transfer 500¥ to your account outside China, and China bank just simply takes off more than 200¥ from you just because you want to buy an American goods. Moreover, if you take this American goods back to China, you may face high tax by China communists as well. So, we got to know why China goods would not like fair competition with USA goods, and China communists did unfair competition very well. (By the way, there is a little fact: China communists legally steal $375 billions and millions of American jobs from USA in 2017 by anti-freedom trade.) ​And all above here lasts for decades!

Seen in "China government has legally stolen 375.23 billions from USA in a single year by anti-freedom trade"

​Edit:I take no order from anyone. For those super Nazis, Can you and the followers read English?

​ Or you just don't want true free trade without tariffs?

Come on, Nazis and racists and communists, just ignore the truth, attack me and remove.

If no reply or late reply or this removed, blame voat or redd&t or radd** or other net or the gov, not blame me, because its not my control, and because "User is globally banned" or "Your account has been suspended from Reddit" or "you can't reply one in 9 minutes" or "You have been banned from participating in r/***" or "Your account has been banned" or "You have reached your daily comment quota. Your current quota is 10 comment(s) per 24 hours." which could also be false for you did not make 10 comments a day but you still cannot reply. I just say the truth, and I don't care whether you care. And the truth existence does not depend on whether you care.

VoatVoyeur ago

So if you invoke Sarah's Law, the police have to tell you someone's a pedophile.

Again, you ask the cops, they have to tell you who the pedophile is.

But if YOU tell someone the same thing they just told you, it's a crime?

HeavyBrain ago

Thats why you dont use the word pedo, you just us the words Sarah's Law and point at the person/ house.

Do it with every neighboor, and every singel one of them should file a request , ruin those fuckers FB bust quotas.

Decidueye ago

State enforced pedophilia... How low will the British sink?

justregtoasku ago

Open secret in uk cops protect the pedos. Establishment in uk is riddled with pedos - also used as blackmail tool to keep them inline. Its a very sick country

NoBS ago

The Crown Court is a Paedophiles most loyal friend and lover.

ksjdfkas878345 ago

What is Sarah's Law? The child sex offender disclosure scheme in England and Wales (also sometimes known as "Sarah's Law"), allows anyone to formally ask the police if someone with access to a child has a record for child sexual offences.

this is fucking disgusting


1Pac ago

Convincted pedos in England get to have access to children!? That confirms that the British Government is riddled with pedos all the way up!

bezzy ago

Is the primary goal of the English government from the minsiters to the police to encourage child rape?

Talc ago

only amongst their own and those they want to control. It's a means of controlling a person, the "perfect" blackmail evidence, they won't allow anyone to have a position of power unless they have the means of destroying that person. The whole thing of pakis doing it is just monkey-see-monkey-do, primitives didn't realise that this is something the elites want to keep to themselves.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Not just the English. Weird how everyone in America sees the police acting badly in other parts of the world, but is blind to their own.

bezzy ago

Not really. America has their own issues with police, my country does too. But the widespread support for child rape and child sex slavery among English police is unique.

justregtoasku ago

Agree with you apart from


How about

Orders of magnitude worse than you can imagine

bezzy ago

It is true I do think, given what we know goes on, how much darker and vile that which we don't know must be

justregtoasku ago

For sure. Horrific beyond comprehension

but although its dire as hell in the uk This is a common pattern of behaviour within the police in many other countries

TheTrigger ago

If past evidence can be used to draw any conclusion whatsoever: yes, yes it is.

vastrightwing ago

Simply post a sign on your door that neighbors should make inquiries about who lives in the neighborhood. "I'm prevented by law (The Data Protection Act) not to tell you anything about a convicted predator living in our neighborhood. Research Sarah's law"

andrew_jackson ago

I wish Trump would bomb Buckingham palace.

Talc ago

waste of a good building, I'd prefer it if he'd use poison, but as he and they are both part of the same elite it's unlikely he'll do anything.

justregtoasku ago

Its the city of london (not subject to uk law and own police force) needs looking at

The palace is just for tourists its quite nice they should guve it to the plebs not get trump to bomb it!

andrew_jackson ago

Works for me! London's mayor should be fed to sharks.

justregtoasku ago

both mayors?

Btw do You know who gets to vote for the other one? Not the plebs

andrew_jackson ago

both mayors?

Sir, I think that we are rapidly approaching a limit beyond which I shall be reticent to opine upon British politics. For I am not a Briton and manners dictates that I confine my opinions to Nationalist realms. I like Max Mosley. Farage is probably OK. There are few other prominent Britons with whom I would seek association.


Most Britons who come to my country (e.g. NYC) come either because they're drunk children on Holiday. Towards whom we have no objection, of course. Or they come because they're doing their best Pierce Brosnon and they're attempting to rob workaday Americans. We get far too many of the later.



I did receive an informal education about London's electoral practices during my first visit to the once fair city, however my best memories are of Camden Town (no offense) and London's Tower. Actually I arrived during Guy Fawk's day and most of my visit was overall pleasant.


Please excuse me for not knowing which of your mayor's should be fed to sharks, but at least start with the Muslim.

justregtoasku ago

Should be both of em

The other mayor gets voted for by goldmans et al. No jokin

TheTrigger ago

> Buckingstan palace

HeavyBrain ago

Throw some on Londanistan too and be it for the reason that its part and parcel.

NoBS ago

Why? Other than wiping out only the Royals in one or two hardened sites they are "Documented" with DNA.

andrew_jackson ago

Royals in one or two hardened sites they are "Documented" with DNA.

I genuinely don't understand. Serious question.

NoBS ago

They are above the Law. Not unlike our very own Queen Hillary and her FBI of Merry Bagman.

US of A is now the land of Pay to Play. It's like the FBI does not even pretend to follow the law.

At this point, what difference does it make? >~V( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)V~<

andrew_jackson ago

OK. Well I meant more for tactical value, then. If the USA bombed the Royal Idiots, then the Brit Patriots could see that now would be the time to rise up and make their country great. BUF for the win!

NoBS ago

Shoot first, ask questions later. I read you LOUD and clear.

chirogonemd ago

What bothered me the most about this was the way the authorities handled the children's father.

First of all, when the police came to talk to the mother about the pedophile's past crime record/history, they refused to speak with the father. They forced him to go upstairs because according to some fucked up part of this Sarah's law, this isn't supposed to "interest him". It's his god damn kid, why wouldn't it interest him?

After this first encounter, the father noticed the pedophile communicating with his deaf daughter in sign language and put a stop to it. The authorities were called to the house to warn the father!

We throw the word "unbelievable" around a lot, but this truly is. A father isn't allowed to separate his daughter from a known pedophile (who the police refused to tell him about) without getting a warning from the cops for trying to protect his own kid.

Intrixina ago

The correct response to that horseshit would be to say "Fuck off. I will do as I please in my home."

1Pac ago

You hit the nail on the head. It's called "Transformational Marxism". Get rid of the father (the extension of God's law to the family), and then steal his family. Gun control, no fault divorce, celebrating sodomites, pedophilia gangs protected/enforced by the police.... it's all connected.

WickedVocalist ago

Yeah and the solution you propose is fundamentalism.

gazillions ago

If the Brits don;t start policing the police themselves, it's only going to get worse.

Those sharia patrols are OK by the sharia muslim handover government. The Brits have to start their own neighborhood patrols. They have to organize and stay connected off line and that's a great way to do it. Problem is of course being fully indoctrinated socialists, they'll go looking for government approval and the opportunity to fill out forms and make applications and pay fees. They'll be judged by the name they give themselves, and if it isn't something like stray puppy watchers, they'll be denied permission. And they'll complain about it on line and give up.

irradiated_toaster ago

Fathers have no rights to their children under law anymore they might as well be sperm donors who have to pay gibs.

Moln0014 ago

I was thinking the same thing. Why the hell would you not want to tell both of the parents only the mother. I have a kid and if the cops want to talk to my wife about a pedophile how do I find out the facts from them

1Pac ago

Same reason a doctor will claim the right to remove the parents from the room to speak only to the child. Intimidating the parents and the children.

irelandLost ago

Don’t think it said once that he was the child’s father, only that he was the mother’s husband. Modern families and all that.

chirogonemd ago

Even still, we could still very reasonably analyze this in terms of roles within the family unit, while estranging it from the biology. A woman marries a man, a role is established, and a relationship between that husband and the children.

For the authorities to say this man had "no interest" in hearing the details of this pedophile's history just because the little girl/s may not have been his biologically is still an affront to the male role of husband, period. The fuck do they mean he has no interest?

I think about my own mother's family history. Her father was killed in a car accident while she was very young. Her mother (my grandmother) re-married and that man became incredibly important to my mother, and later us. She would never think of him as anything besides her father.

If they'd been in a similar scenario as the couple in the article, of course he'd deserve to know the threat to his step-daughters, for both theirs and his wife's sake. Who is supposed to be the protector in a nuclear family unit? Only the mother has "interest" in protecting her biological kid? That's ridiculous.

VoatVoyeur ago

I just don't understand. It's his child... This is literally the like the government is saying, "No, that's our kid. We're just letting you take care of her, and you'll do it how we tell you."

This is why I will not have children. They do not belong to your family anymore, you have no say in what happens.

It really looks like this is where the whole thing is intended to go ... Destroy the protective connection between child and father, and then all you have is a scared mother ... the government is cucking the father ... and, in this case, literally makes the father go to another room while (wife) gets raped by the law.

This is exactly what's happening, and I could not have phrased it better.

theHubrisOfMan ago

If there’s something still to be destroyed then there’s something still to be protected.

privacy_first ago

Coward, fight instead ! Have 10 child and fight for them

Immagine for one split second that aftherlife is real and you WILL be punished for being a coward

Immagine that it is a bet that the aftherlife exists, think and fight for it

WickedVocalist ago

So are you willing to admit under oath you groom homeless, broke, white or black poor women and men to have 10 kids and 'let God take care of the rest'..?

WickedVocalist ago

Yeah I hear the higher your judgements for child support and divorce on this planet, the more virgins wait to be legshackled 100-1 man in 'heaven'.

Hell for women.

VoatVoyeur ago

I don't need fantasies for fuel.

Afterlife only exists in the sense that other people will have life after mine.

I don't give a shit about them, I'll be dead.

theHubrisOfMan ago

You making life and the after only as big as you. There are things much larger in their universe than what you’re able to perceive at this moment. You know who else doesn’t believe in the afterlife? Jews.

VoatVoyeur ago

You’re making life and the after only as big as you.

I'm the only thing I really know exists, everything else is external.

There are things much larger in the universe than what you're able to perceive at this moment.

None of that is relevant to me any more than your music collection is relevant to a spider in your house.

You know who else doesn’t believe in the afterlife? Jews.

And they're doing a damn fine job of controlling the entire fucking planet, so maybe believing in some extra shit that comes later if you just wait is a panacea for the uppity masses that the Jews are relying on. Ever consider that?

theHubrisOfMan ago

You say you’re the only think you know exists and everything else is external but it sounds a lot like you haven’t even explored th “you” that your referring to. If you had you’d see that nature is relative and the depth and complexity that exists in the relationship between consciousness, subconsciousness, and the “soul” is relative to the relationship between the present, the past, and the future. I’m not saying to “just wait”. That’s you projecting your own nihilism and insecurity. I’m saying self awareness inevitably leads to spiritual awareness. And I’d rather be hated and rejected by the clown world than accepted. Sounds like you should read some books on stoicism, eastern philosophy, maybe the Bible with a grain of salt.

VoatVoyeur ago

but it sounds a lot like you haven’t

If you had, you’d see

That’s you projecting

self awareness inevitably leads to spiritual awareness

Sounds like you should read some books

Your entire comment is one long exercise in pretentiousness, based on assuming I don't think like you because I'm not as aware as you are.

This is why nobody with any sense takes religious people seriously. You dupe yourselves into thinking you know everything and everyone else is stupid and wrong.

It's on the same level as liberalism.

theHubrisOfMan ago

Also I don’t think everyone is stupid and wrong. I just think you are short sighted and scared. And I don’t know how subjective suggestions is pretentious. And finally- it’s probabaly best you keep the opinion you have and refuse growth. Maybe let that bloodline die out so the rest of us can try to achieve something valuable like gratitude and self awareness.

VoatVoyeur ago

Your username is the most unironically accurate one I've seen here, kill yourself faggot.

theHubrisOfMan ago

"member for 26 days" Lurk more, faggot.

VoatVoyeur ago

Pretty sad if your sense of value is coming from how long ago you signed up for a website.

theHubrisOfMan ago

Coming from a guy whose outlook on life is so pathetically short-sighted and egocentric that you don’t even have the motivation to do the most basic human task of procreation, that’s rich. Please tell me more about how your impression of my value system is sad. Again, lurk more faggot. Or just go back to The_Donald or whatever other subreddit you came from.

VoatVoyeur ago

pathetically short-sighted

most basic human task

Your logic's pretty off dipshit, it's short-sighted niggers that breed the most.

theHubrisOfMan ago

And you can't even be bothered to do that. You're sub-nigger. But who knows, maybe you'll grow out of it. Or maybe you'll up your depression meds and die alone. Anything is possible.

VoatVoyeur ago

Dude, you're really trying hard to make yourself feel superior to a stranger on the internet.

Show us on the doll where your dad touched you.

theHubrisOfMan ago

I was like you not long ago and the a group of people stopped letting me throw my own pity party and I grew the fuck out of it. Nothing wrong with having enough confidence to want to procreate you fuckin Doomer.

VoatVoyeur ago

You are making so many baseless assumptions in this tired-ass effort to act like you know something.

theHubrisOfMan ago


theHubrisOfMan ago

I admit I don’t know anything. I’m just trying my best to observe. You’re the one that so confidently assumes you know the answers and use it as a way to guard yourself from taking any risks.

LeoJohnson ago

Not having children is victory for the satanic cabal as well. Not to go forth and multiply and create warriors is a win-win for them. You don’t think they want these news stories to be as widespread as possible to demoralize Western men?

Sometimes I think voat is a worse, more nihilistic blackpill than CNN, The Advocate, Haaretz and Jezebel combined.

WickedVocalist ago

Poverty is a bitch constructed to oppress and cause genocide.

VoatVoyeur ago

Sometimes I think voat is a worse, more nihilistic blackpill than CNN, The Advocate, Haaretz and Jezebel combined.

I agree with you. I've been stuck here since the New Zealand incident, unable to stop checking the site daily, as if this is the only way I'll find out when my country is on the brink of war. Everything is so beyond fucked that all I see is a terrible, worthless future filled with suffering for whites, so why bother having kids that will be programmed by the world to think of their parents as racist, ignorant pieces of shit, and then ultimately go on to assimilate into the negroid race?

If their plan is demoralization, it's working.

NoBS ago

Word. The root cause is the closed doors behind the Crown Court.

Say, does the Crown Court not swear to a single figurehead? Follow the Bloodline(s)...

hollywood2020 ago

Times like these, it's better to simply handle the problem with extreme misfortune towards the nigger perp

EuropeanNationalist ago

What was his adversity score?

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Over (((6,000,000))).

AinzOown ago

Whatever it was it just went up.

BO2 ago

They parents of the victims will probably be jailed if they discuss the crimes

Shotinthedark ago

Now that is some fucked up shit.

Sara3649 ago

Some proofs which showing there is God

See the friendship between cats and babies Just try to control your laugh When you will watch this

Funny cats are fighting for milk That's sho cute

Monkey using phone like humans

Monkey and man are talking and understanding each others

Reality about terrorism Must watch this

Dogs are dancing in video part 2


waucka ago


Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Sorry Goyim Nato Soldiers only die for Israel. Shaloms goyim feggit

Sosacms ago

Presents should start a pig farm, their neighbor is looking suicidal....

theoldones ago

wouldn't it be a damn shame if that backfired on them, and people all over the world knew

TheTrigger ago

They should ask Barbara Streisand how to contain a scandal. I hear she's got lots of experience.

theoldones ago

But after using the child sex offender disclosure scheme, she had to sign a non-disclosure form stating she wouldn't tell anybody.

"hey bob, what's this i hear about your wife being silenced for calling out a pedo? it was all over the news"

Dortex ago

This is gold coming from the guy who begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown when he got called out for it.

theoldones ago

Yeah, the linked comments don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile. If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is. Dortex is trying to smear him for this. It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents. That said, many will do one of those two and the smear will work on them. It's a skilled manipulation, I'll give it that much. I didn't actually realize how dishonest and manipulative Dortex was until seeing it for myself. Mumbleberry did try to warn me, and I should have listened to him.

for the record @Decidueye is also you.

Decidueye ago

don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile.

Changing goalposts. I accused you of being a CP solicitor.

If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is

Need me to provide your own admission that your intentions were a sting or the other times you asked other users to post child pornography? Need me to provide the DOJ link where it makes it abundantly clear how retarded you are?

It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents.

Anyone can click the parent button in the links Dortex provided and observe that you use (((pilpul))) regarding definitions so you can act like a SJW. Going to accuse me and @Wickerman of being shills of /u/Aged next you damn loon?

theoldones ago

you keep saying the word "pilpul" but it always sounds like you're always referring to some weird Mexican sex toy

MDEneverdies1488 ago

It appears you have your very own FBI handler here

theoldones ago

it's a very viable explanation to why this cunt won't fuck off.

Decidueye ago

This is pilpul.

theoldones ago

you've been enough of a shit, that i have zero interest in even looking up what it this. go take your link that i give zero fucks about, and shove it in deep with your pilpul.

the time you spent finding that link was a waste, i give no fucks what you want to tell me

Decidueye ago

the time you spent finding that link was a waste, i give no fucks what you want to tell me

Then prove it by leaving me out of your purity spiral into madness.

theoldones ago

shut the fuck up about me first and then we'll talk.

at this point i work on the assumption you're some lowly troll. if you want me to stop bugging your ass, don't even breath in my fucking direction then

Decidueye ago

You need Jesus.

TXRepublicMovement ago

Needs Irish style militancy to fix it 🍀

irelandLost ago

Fair few paedos in the IRA movement. Gerry Adams’ own brother got locked up for kiddy fiddling.

justregtoasku ago

Did he now?

TXRepublicMovement ago

Irrelevant. I'm talking about what works. 🍀

Napierdalator ago

Or just pay some niggers to rope him on a tree. I know giving money to niggers is amoral, but it's safer this way, as the hanging will not be investigated.

TXRepublicMovement ago

The politicians are the enemy

Base311 ago

But you'd have to tie the noose for them. The can't be expected to learn knot ties.

fightknightHERO ago

IRA were Heroes!

Talc ago

no they weren't, they were scum, and I'd be glad to put a knife to any of the feenian bastards if I ever get a chance. I owe one or two of them a bomb right on back for nearly killing me in Manchester in '96. That's what happens when you bomb uninvolved civvies, some of them decide to get involved on the other side.

irelandLost ago

You know they’re Marxists, and their political wing, Sinn Fein (which ironically means “ourselves alone”) want to remove all restrictions on immigration into Ireland should they gain power.

fightknightHERO ago


Opinion Discarded

irelandLost ago

I’m not offering an opinion, I’m describing their manifesto. You can’t address that beyond simplistic sound bites so you’ll just ignore it instead. Definitely some nigger in your background, if you’re not one yourself.

blit416 ago


VoatVoyeur ago


RevDrStrangelove ago

Fucking insane.

Trousersnake1488 ago

So just burn the faggots house down. What kind of parent just gives up and allows predators to scope out their children?

Talc ago

someone should publish the pedo's address. Is anyone here in the same town as this?

chirogonemd ago

The cops were literally threatening them for not allowing it and for warning their neighbors that it was going on. Their law enforcement is truly there supporting the pedophile instead of the community. Fucking madness.

Talc ago

Most police are pedophiles. We lost the real police in '67, since then it's one big degenerate perverts club.

Proveitorloseit ago

most police are pedophiles

Generalizations like that don't help your side win anything. I hate pigs as much as any american patriot should, but why? Because of the room left for them to become corrupt. No institution that allows such a potential for corruption to exist should be trusted.

If they're all pedos, all the more reason to hate them. But I'd like to see evidence of such a thing before jumping to conclusions.

Talc ago

I'm not trying to win anything, just stating a morsel of information as presented to me by a serving ranked policeman. The information is not diminished in any way by the lack of "winnings", it's still just as true even if it doesn't come with a free toy.

I don't hate all pigs, surprisingly there are a few really good people still in there afrter all these years trying to regain control and set it all back on a good straight honest path. Others are weak bullies, took to policework so they could bully others with impunity but many bullies are themselves easily bullied and manipulated, many got manipulated into doing things they didn't want to do and are now entrapped (same model used for corrupting and controlling politicians).

justregtoasku ago

Sad isnt it

theoldones ago

that's how its done on the local level

there's a house less then a half hours drive here, or the remains of it, where someone was selling booze and drugs to teenagers at the local school (but few details or claims beyond that)

that house is now burnt down, has been lying like that for months, and it took all winter for yellow tape to get hung up around the area. dude himself is just gone

derram ago :

2019-05-19 | Mother hauled before court after using Sarah's Law to expose paedophile | Daily Mail Online

"A mother-of-two who exposed her paedophile neighbour's past was hauled before court after being charged with data protection offences."

'She found herself being charged under the Data Protection Act when she shared the information, facing a potential court trial before the case was dropped. ', "A West Yorkshire Police spokesman said confirmed she'd been charged with breaking the data protection act.", "Claire Varin saw the pervert acting strangely around her daughter and used Sarah's Law to find if he had any crimes in his past.", "Sarah's Law is named after Sarah Payne, who was abducted and murdered at just eight years old."

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