It reminds me of the dark ages, and how history repeats itself for those that do not learn.
To see such a thing here, will be common. To not see it, rare.
The dark ages...
Perhaps living in castles will become popular again? As it does seem the police, and the government on behalf of white women interracials and degenerates, where quite happy to facilitate this, and cover up anything to do with one of its protected class’s for decades.
That and the white girls in they’re hundreds of thousands have been having under age orgies with them, so much so, more white women have coloureds kids than white mens kids. It’s been industrial scale pedophillia, amongst them for decades. So much so the Home Office even now says Britain is Islamic, not Christian as it once was or started.
Who have thought all those dirty little white girls and they’re gangs could destroy a country quicker than the Nazis, but they did. White men just don’t want to pay for it anymore. Why should we.
The white women have made sure the future is black, and the future is Islamic.
All in no time at all really.
We are not protecting our women. There's a secret military going around at night breaking up families / killing men, so their white girls be targets to fucking rape gangs. I'm in Canada and I think that's why they come after me with. Imagine they wanna make $1 million pimping out white girls to rich arabs.
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Chap ago
It reminds me of the dark ages, and how history repeats itself for those that do not learn. To see such a thing here, will be common. To not see it, rare. The dark ages...
Perhaps living in castles will become popular again? As it does seem the police, and the government on behalf of white women interracials and degenerates, where quite happy to facilitate this, and cover up anything to do with one of its protected class’s for decades. That and the white girls in they’re hundreds of thousands have been having under age orgies with them, so much so, more white women have coloureds kids than white mens kids. It’s been industrial scale pedophillia, amongst them for decades. So much so the Home Office even now says Britain is Islamic, not Christian as it once was or started.
Who have thought all those dirty little white girls and they’re gangs could destroy a country quicker than the Nazis, but they did. White men just don’t want to pay for it anymore. Why should we. The white women have made sure the future is black, and the future is Islamic. All in no time at all really.
ThinkAboutIt1488 ago
We are not protecting our women. There's a secret military going around at night breaking up families / killing men, so their white girls be targets to fucking rape gangs. I'm in Canada and I think that's why they come after me with. Imagine they wanna make $1 million pimping out white girls to rich arabs.
Chap ago
Type the following into Google search then click 'images':
Asian woman and baby.
Black woman and baby.
White woman and baby.
They are not “our” women. They have made that obvious to everyone, everywhere.