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CameraCode0 ago

Kids can't carry guns. If you see White children/teens being attacked, you are racially obligated to intervene with deadly force since we all have a firearm accessable at all times.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

I remember my ignorant teenage and post-high school years thinking life was a great melting pot and we all may look different but have the same values and beliefs.

Fast forward and I see "my people" as such and kids that know reality sooner than I did. Pray for all, treat those that deserve it with respect, but look out for your own.

Locked_Account ago

Having the left rely on racial division wedges and manipulation of blacks certainly has damned the melting pot concept.
Dem's promote tribalism. Obama was a divider, not a uniter.

AnarchicAlpaca ago

there are no races, only genes.