biochemist345 ago

Hail Hitler. jew media is filth

Don_Tomaso ago

Another msm jew falseflag? lol

boekanier ago

Mass media the enemy, yes, but who's behind them: their owners.

Inquisitioner ago

It's calling the government "fascist." Must be made by a retard.

wokeasfook ago

The only place I ever see swastikas used is in left wing establishment propaganda.

wokeasfook ago

Leftist stunt.

binrobinro ago

One of the cooler things I've read today.

Stopmotionhistory ago

I am proud white male, 10:00am Saturday CUYAHOGA FALL OHIO front street mall. for all those who feel we are not minorities. WE are correct in our 10 commandments, 1st and 2nd amendments. If I am wrong Please correct me here and now. Tell me where I am wrong. I am not trolling. PLEASE tell me why the 10 commandments are wrong or the 1st and 2nd amendment. The government does not function and I am willing to admit it, NO MORE whining, under the portage trail bridge, I will be wearing my obvious attire. I NEED YOU HELP. Katlin Bennett Kent state lives here, she sponsors a local gun shop, it is all here.

Ocelot ago

Fake. Trying to link anti-mass media with Jew-slaying.

culofiesta ago

but it didn’t stop the event


NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey we must find whom did this and ban them from Starbucks! Shaloms®✡️

bman0321 ago

Antifa fucking around, trying to justify its nobility and its existence.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

Gotta be a leftist haux. Though I will take the time to point out that national socialism is pure garbage, just like communism or a dictatorship. Government in general is incompetent, so why would you put your money on a government that has absolute authority and demands the people slave for it?

Stopmotionhistory ago

I am not against what the swastika represents. I read the posts about how Jews, blacks, etc are bad. Am I missing something? looks like a President Trump rally. PROVE me wrong. P.S. I am white and proud.

green_man ago

Sounds like a gaslighting tactic to discredit white nationalists. No legitimate white nationalist would ever use the swastika because of optics.

Delacourt ago

Bingo, the swastika and method of this is a dead giveaway it's a false flag.

Jennie1749 ago

Reality about terrorism Must watch this

see they found a big ant from Indonesia

World's smallest baby born in Japan even you can hold in hand Palm

Make drawing of girl face step by step guide and impress others like a professional

Wowbagger ago

This reeks of propaganda

14WordsToFreedom ago

Retarded propaganda. Good execution though.

Delacourt ago

It was only good in that it used a drone, the content was retarded and would only bluepill people.

u_spez_is_a_cuck ago

Great model to follow. Analog spam. Not bad.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

"nazi" propaganda is someone associating the swastika and fascism pejoratively? Being a nazi is now literally being not a nazi??

GimmeTheUsual ago

This sounds so retarded that it has to be a lefty-concocted honeypot.

Its along the same lines as when Nogs plant nooses somewhere, or spray "Fuck Niggers" on a church wall. They're so retarded they think thats how it would go down for real.

14WordsToFreedom ago

I like the idea of drone-bombing people with redpills. The actual leaflets on this one are laughable crap by someone with a sub-100 IQ.

TheLastCrusader777 ago

The swastika flyers have the words "police state/fascism".

Clearly a leftist plot.

One-Way_Bus ago

Seems so fake and staged. The leaflets hardly make any sense. They don't have a point other to rally the lefties in Sacramento.

American-Patriot ago

If it were real they would not have used the Swastika. This is prolly a Jew group trying to fuck with your psychology.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I feel like it's calling the news nazis

Delacourt ago

That seems to be it, but it's so incompetently put-together it gives the fake news a perfect story of "Nazi propaganda spread by drone".

Rajadog20 ago

They are.

Doglegwarrior ago

Id buy one of these asap. In 100 years this type of stuff will be either demonised by the jewish overlords running the dystopian zionist states of post america. Or the united free states of america history to be cherished.

Garglemysac ago

This is without a doubt a hoax or ploy to achieve the exact opposite of what it appears.

pixelkitteh ago

I'm pretty sure no one on the right would do this... the "nazi nazi" liberal playbook is getting way too old...


Without a doubt this is true. It is the tool of mass indoctrination. Guess Who runs it...

The myriad of corporate media outlets are one of the Jews greatest weapons of mass indoctrination. It is incredibly vast, well coordinated, and serves one purpose. To completely control the goyim.

They run all corporate 'news' outlets that feed daily indoctrination to the goyim. 

They run Hollywood and are responsible for all the culture destroying depravity and degeneracy that comes out of there.

Pornography is perhaps their greatest weapon against men and the nuclear family unit.

They know that the obsession with sex and the associated degeneracy destroys civilizations. This is why they push it constantly.

They use their outlets to demoralize and brainwash white people so their #WhiteGenocide agenda can continue.

And the lies they tell...

They truly are the enemy

Fortunately, their ability to control the goyim through mass indoctrination is waning.

SearchVoatBot ago

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14WordsToFreedom ago

Dude. This is all good stuff, but you don’t really have to post the same body several times a day, every day.

u_spez_is_a_cuck ago

Yes he does. And I like to click a random link each time.


Thank you for your thoughts. My audience isn't you, it's lurking newfags or just newfags in general who come in here for the first time each day. Ignore the post, don't up vote it, whatever. They need to see this information.

yt4cz9 ago

I'd like to tell you that you are doing great!


Thx fren. I do on a few different platforms. 4ch, 8ch, gab, and here. All places where anonymity is assured. Any other places I should consider?

yt4cz9 ago

Really everywere--especially any normie sites. A lot of people complain about reddit but say you snag one determined person from there that then creates 10 of you, spreading the truth--that is important. Although, you have to move slowly to the truth as the state sponsored propaganda is so ingrained.


Yea true. Calling out the Jews would be instantly banned, I'm guessing. Good idea though. Reddit it is. I'm not doing Facebook or any other garbage like that

IslamicStatePatriot ago

The fact it links to a Facebook page makes me very suspicious.

pushthis ago

Agreed. Also they ask for people to call news outlets and ask why they hire whores and prostitutes... Women act similar to that in their lifes but yet no woman is a 'whore' or a 'prostitute'... They just might do that when they are young. (They dont ask ppl to call media outlets and ask the jewish question)

MaxVonOppenheim ago

Black propaganda. Fucking amateurs too.

Mittermeyer ago

Also the complaints about fascism on the one with the swastika.

RaptorJesus ago

Hey rabbi watcha doin?

Delacourt ago

Yep. Pic

The rule of thumb is that if the MSM gleefully spreads the "propaganda", like in the case here, it's almost definitely a fake or (in rare cases) done by a useful idiot for the left. Swastika graffiti, death threats, Hail Hortlers, random MAGA hats are perfect examples. Think of the retardation Jussie Smollet pulled - nobody real would do that unless they were a braindead mongoloid.

Genuinely effective propaganda has to be lied about by the media to avoid redpilling the masses. If the media gets a nice big swastika pic, Klan hood, roman salute, or Hail Hortler to run then it's 99% a fake, or just done by a retard. If instead the media has to lie about, misrepresent, or otherwise cover up what it says, it's probably real.

There's exceptions to this of course like in the case of IOTBW, where lots of media sources foolishly reported on it even though it woke a lot of people up. However propaganda like that is always ingeniously planned, and once the media realizes it's waking people up they stop reporting on it. That's why IOTBW 2.0 was barely reported on at all.

Wiserman ago

Better not use that swastika symbol. It is becoming a broken telephone. What were the people using trying to say.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Although many are loath to admit it, swastikas and similar imagery have become something of a shibboleth for the right; people see the symbol and are immediately turned off from what you're trying to say because mustache man bad. I guarantee you, if this guy had dropped the 16 point plan word for word but didn't mention any names people would have been fine with it. The commies didn't infiltrate the schools by brandishing hammers and sickles, after all. They were much more subtle.

ardvarcus ago

You are correct. Anyone who thinks there is going to be a new Nazi movement, and a new Reich with a swastika on the flag is an idiot. The ideas of the National Socialists may emerge in some new political movement, but it won't be called National Socialism. The Jews have been too successful in tainting Hitler, the Nazis, and their symbols.

dashantavious ago

"Hate speech" my ass.