GamerWithGlasses ago

That's harsh - Caucasian person

Thetiedyeguy ago


theoldones ago

i am now interested in his music.

jojok1 ago

racist everywhere

cthulhu69 ago

STFU, taco nigger

NosebergShekelman ago

haha Anything white gentiles have, we will pervert it and degrade it to humiliating levels and enjoy the goyims tears - Rabbi GoldDiamond✡️

We will start airing a new Andy Griffith Show with Andy being a black man and Barney a shifty jew!!! lol

Alhambra ago

never heard of this guy until now, kikes just never learn from the (((Streisand effect))) do they?

Zoldam ago

Seems to be. I learned about the holohoax because some group threw a fit someone denied it, I was like "Why would someone deny the holocaust?" then looked in to it and yeah, I don't anymore either.

EuropeanNationalist ago

News Just In - The Jews Run a Stranglehold on the Media to Only Advertise anything that Aligns with their Views.

No Fucking Shit.

Yet this is still a red pill for people. Why? Cause there is no news about it. Ha.

Pointyball ago

DStv is discriminating against an ethnic minority.

Hetmann ago

Anyone have the English lyrics? Isn't this the same guy who wrote a pro boer song and got in trouble?

theoldones ago

he does some english songs as well

MyCountryTheShithole ago

This same TV network continues to broadcast Bill Cosby, so according to their statement, what he did must align with their values.

PHXSunlight ago

Black people can do nothing wrong -- ever!

lerker ago

dint do nuffin

binrobinro ago

Which is peculiar 'cause that's pretty much all they do.

Scroobius ago

Das rite

hedgefundhog ago

Your wife masturbates to Steve Hofmeyr


✡ ✓

hedgefundhog ago

Source on Max Normal being a Jew?

Afrowasp1 ago

Upvote for you countryman.

Sara13726 ago

Lol very funny dog dance Just try to control your laugh

Even these birds have love in their hearts See how this Turkey saved the life of his friends ... .


WhiteGenocide is very real. It is becoming a crime to be white. They want us gone. Don't believe me? Read...

What is #WhiteGenocide?

Why do they want Whites gone? It goes back a long long way.

The term genocide was coined, ironically, by a Jew named Raphael Lemkin in the 1940s. He was the founder of the Genocide Convention.

This legitimized The Great Replacement under the guise of fixing a declining white European population

However, the replacement plan has been much longer in the making in the Kalergi Plan.

You can see how it's utterly changed the demographics of Europe and the U.S.

What lead to the decline in birth rates and set the stage for the immigration Trojan horse? That plan has been long in the making too. A 1969 paper written by Planned Parenthood VP Jaffe outlined their strategy.

Encourage increased homosexuality

Compulsory schooling that destroys creativity, intelligence, and rewards obedience.

Decrease the average family size so we are no longer replacing ourselves.

Change the immigration laws designed and intended by the founding fathers so that only Europeans can immigrate... Import exclusively non European races that reproduce much faster and are a much greater burden on society (i.e. the white tax payer)

They destroy our families

They distract and weaken our men

They turn our women into degenerate, childless whores

They permanently Maim and kill our children

They constantly push propaganda that demoralizes and instills guilt and shame in our people

They push for multiculturalism and race mixing in white countries only. Diversity is a Trojan horse designed to destroy us from within.

The media, in all its forms, is their greatest weapon. It is so powerful, it has convinced us to hate our own people.

They systematically destroy the institutions our society was built upon

The summary

SearchVoatBot ago

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AlphaOmega ago

It's a SPECIFIC group of people leading the charge because we are a threat to them.


Yep. It rhymes with pew.

Niggardly_Jew ago

What does the blue man group have to do with white genocide?

Yunca ago

Wow the US was so based... how did you become such dysgenic faggots?

billyvvinz ago

With jews you lose.

Yunca ago

Ok, and why were they dumb enough to allow the Jews to take any power when everyone in that time was aware of the Jews...?

They fucking handed them a private bank that controls their money supply (federal reserve)... why the fuck would you even dream of doing that? I see them all sperging out when their second amendment is questioned... but they handed over their money supply to a private bank that can't even be audited by the people? What the fuck?

Legalize-Murder ago


TestForScience ago

Half asleep so maybe I'm not reading this conversation correctly but,
Why is this getting downvoted?

Yunca ago

Americans think they're the best. Even here, where they supposedly know their countrymen were moronic enough to hand over the most powerful white country in history since ancient Rome to the Jews... they still think America is the best and should never be criticized.


Jews pushing multiculturalism and diversity.

For all lurking newfags, diversity is a cancer pushed by the Jews to destroy white created society from within and ultimately eliminate the white race. 1. 2. 3. 4.

All in an effort to shift the seat of global power and control to Jerusalem, under the Jews

Whites are going extinct, and why you should care.

Whites on the chopping block. The Jewish lead genocide.

White Genocide Is Real In Their Own Words Full Documentary


White genocide [Embed]

Joe Biden saying Americans got genocided in 2017 and that's a good thing [Embed]

The United States was always intended to be an ethnostate until JFK and LBJ gave them civil rights in exchange for them not destroying the country for the (((communists))).

Read these pics on diversity and the numerous studies done that find diversity is extremely destructive to a country. In addition, diversity always leads to races mixing, which is incredibly damaging physically, psychologically, and emotionally to the off spring. This is the Jewish end game which again, Harvard proved this true.

 Harvard interracial study

 Harvard diversity study

Harvard proved it's toxicity. Normie fags cannot deny these studies.

interracial and diversity study dump.

Normie tier Diversity meme dump

vastrightwing ago

Pluralism. Multiculturalism. jews.

Yunca ago

But Americans HAD none of that.

They had a white ethnostate under their control until essentially the turn of the 20th century when they allowed the Federal Reserve to be created a second time after Andrew Jackson denied it the first time..

Doglegwarrior ago

Let me fix that for you.


OhGoy ago

Only losers watch TV.

Can't censor streaming. There's always an alternative.

Fullmetal ago

Why do people seem to think that corporations are governmental entities?

SenseiDesu ago

If they can make the people who runs the government their bitch, then it's not a far cry to say that they are pseudo governmental entities.

Fullmetal ago

Pseudo isn't actual. How you perceive an entity doesn't trump objective legal fact.

SenseiDesu ago

Yes objectively, that would be true under normal circumstances. But this situation and era we're living in ain't exactly normal, is it? It does not change the fact and reality that that's what's going on right now. Even though, again, it shouldn't be.

jwm5514 ago

You realize that all monopolies are either created or allowed to continue operating as a monopoly because of government intervention, right?

OhGoy ago

Because some are bigger than whole states and countries.

Fullmetal ago

Let's say I start a website about my love of running a forum on the Internet. Just a place where I can play around with coding, maybe make something neat that people will like, but really just for shits-and-giggles. It starts out as a hobby, but the realities of money get involved and I start selling advertising, and merchandise. Let's pretend it gets big, I make lots of money, and have more dedicated daily users than the state of California.

By what perversion of logic would I be obligated to allow some fuckwit to post material I find personally objectionable on my website? Keep in mind that the website would still be my personal property. How am I obligated to let someone else use my personal property in a manner that I disagree with?

OhGoy ago

The logic is profit. You are obligated by economics.

Serve the market or die. If you censor, it is preferable that you liquidate.

Fullmetal ago

How the hell does that thinking work for you? Seriously. I'd like to know how you came up with that.

OhGoy ago

Fucking amazing.

I love value investing.

Vocabularix ago

Can't censor streaming? What world are you living in? Every mainstream streaming platform is heavily monitored and censored.

Fullmetal ago

Start your own, or don't use a platform.

lipids ago

Not the illegal streams.

TopTierCIAShill ago

True. Costs like $10/month for one of those bypasses or whatever to stream whatever you want on demand with those Kodi add ons

OhGoy ago

So don't use them.

hedgefundhog ago

He's right though. It's hard to censor the internet because the pirate swarm find ways around it

SenseiDesu ago

He's right about the alternative part. He's not really correct about the generalizing comment about streaming though, since he didn't specify it as illegal streams. There are some streams, especially public/legit ones that are constantly monitored. It's the underground/illegal streams that can get around it.

You even said pirates in your own comment. They are not exactly legal.

oneinchterror ago

That's not really the point

OhGoy ago

True, but TV is the last of their power.

They've already lost in print. Cutting the cord means cutting off their income thus power.