godihateisrael ago

"...a company giving the abortion giant money in exchange for parts of aborted babies, via a series of undercover videos."

Excuse me what the fuck

9000timesempty ago

Oh yes. The demeanor of the people in the video show that they are soulless. Probably demon possessed... Lol. Dead inside. Absolutely destined for fire.

It made me sick listing to the talk. Now of course California is persecuting the journalists. Bahahaha. This fucking country is about to be on fire.

stric9 ago

So.. Freedom of the press is dead? Good to know. Reminds me of pre Bolshevik Russia. The court system is turned against us and the court of public opinion (press) is too? That's a solid case for mutiny. Or just let the chips fall where they may. Trust the plan. There are laws that can be sited here, right? Surely our forefathers had this happen before and put measures in place. Time to do some journalist digging.

Lynch_Tree ago

Niglets aren't human.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

The old internet joke

hacker gets 10 years in jail the pedo he exposed gets 3 months.

SearchVoatBot ago

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beece ago

Crossposted to V/LyingNewsMedia


Thisismyvoatusername ago

Yeah, 2 years ago. What a crappy headline to hide the actual story with a “Here’s the Latest” instead of prominently noting that the State Supreme Court issued a stay stopping the case from moving forward.

Tom_Spanx ago

Had to sort by Bottom to find this, even though it's the first line of the article. Let it never be said that only reading the title before making a comment is a problem specific to reddit.

Niggardly_Jew ago

News needs a "recency" rule.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Well, to be fair, the article actually is news. But the headline buries the lede.

NoBS ago

This is the legal way the silence Whistle Blowers. Much better than using someone like Seth Rich to drive home the message.

You have to admit that if a loved one worked for the DNC murder machine then I too would take computer security as a death threat.

Not my death, but a clueless grandchild who was successfully indoctrinated. Or their innocent child...

NemoOfManyColours ago


Snort ago

So the CA Supreme court actually stopped the case?

Is this a sign of the Apocalypse?

lanre ago

No. They seem to do this (along with the 9th Circuit) when even they realize that the case will be overturned at a higher level and set precedent or be a PR blow.

Anon83 ago

When you conduct yourself as planned parenthood has conducted itself, you deserve the fucking noose. Anyone who had a hand in exposing them deserves a medal. But this is clown world.... Sickening. God help us.

ZerRoyalXir ago

Honk honk

Craftingjunk ago

Fuck this country

Jehoshaphat ago

Its fucked enough already. Lets fix it.

Maroonsaint ago

Send me a picture of dick

lord_nougat ago

Maroonsaint ago

You’re an asshole

lord_nougat ago

Aww, thanks, sweetie!!

That's the nicest thing you've called me all day!

Maroonsaint ago

Don’t call me sweetie fuck face

lord_nougat ago

Yes, dear.

Maroonsaint ago

I wish I could punch you in the face

lord_nougat ago

Yeah, me too. That would be so hot!

Maroonsaint ago


lord_nougat ago

No, thank you.

That's more of an HPOP thing.

Maroonsaint ago

Send me your nudes

Jehoshaphat ago

Jesus saves.

All those on his SSD.

AMart83 ago

These people are heroes and we need to start standing up for them. We can't continue to expect journalists to put themselves at risk while the people they're trying to help don't have their back.

edistojim ago

And clown world continues......

Edenz ago

WTF has happened to journalism and freedom of speech?

edistojim ago

You mean what happened to our justice system?

tom47 ago

Journalism and freedom of speech has gone the way of the dinosaur it seems, the left in the democrats have usurped it for their own means and for use in their own propaganda!! The ONLY investigative journialsm Ihave seen for years has been done by "Project Varataus"!!

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

It's not for everyone. It costs thousands of dollars in legal fees.

Haywood_Jablomeme ago

Oy vey I wonder...

Oh_Well_ian ago

Weaponized Court System.

dayofthehope ago

It's not just the (((court system))) to be suspicious of. I'm also suspicious of these (((journalists))) while it seems to be a good cause, who are they actually?

David Daleiden says that he grew "culturally catholic". This might be a euphemism for Jewish, since it doesn't make any sense. Catholicism is a religion not a culture.

Jews doctors are responsible for almost 50% of abortions. Yet they are also infiltrating the alt-right and controlling most of the opposition.

VoataoV ago

Just a note, there are ethnoreligious Christians.

tom47 ago

Remind me not to be standing anywhere near you on judgment day!

dayofthehope ago

If by any chance you believe yourself to be a Christian and think the Jews are God's chosen people, you should see Marching to Zion.

The Jews are the sons of the devil.

tom47 ago

Zion is a mt. on which part of the city (old city)of david sits and also the mt. on which Solomans tempel was built!! You just don't get it do you?? You proclame befor almighty GOD THE MOST HIGH; That HIS CREATION, THE people that #HE_THE_MOST_HIGH_GOD chose out of all the people of earth to be HIS PEOPLE, and he be their GOD!!YOU CALL THEM SATAN SPAWN??? HAVE you any idea what the only sin is that god will #NOT_FORGIVE is? saying something is of SATAN, WHEN it is of GOD!!!

SearchVoatBot ago

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dayofthehope ago

Todays Jews do not follow or believe any part of the Bible including the Old Testament. They deny and blaspheme Jesus. They claim they are descendants of Ashkenaz who is a son of Jephath, listed in an Biblical genealogy, which means they are neither Semites nor descendants of Abraham.

Care to explain to me how you conclude that today's Jews are the chosen people of God?

fuckingpasswordsman ago

Weaponized (((court system)))

Heer_me_roar ago

That won't even charge Jewniggers like Jussie Smollett when they try to start a race riot

howdy_booty ago

At least the city and police department are going after him.

Heer_me_roar ago

Those niggers are just putting on a dog and pony show. Don't trust them.

TheKalergiFan ago

a dog and pony show

It's closer to drag queen story time

Niggardly_Jew ago

Lol. I bet some retard actually believes that.