L1ght3RUp ago

Are these the cops that ha e tried to break ranks and convince others in blue about the yellow vests ?

Fetalpig ago

They have read the plans,and they know to what lengths the government will go...the guilt must be terrible.

Tallest_Skil ago

Jewish censorship: Bypassed

They're real suicides. Whites are so fucking pathetic that they'd rather kill themselves than fight back in any capacity.

Civil_Warrior ago

There is no clear underlying cause for the high rate of police suicides.

Yeah, being sickened at the fact you can't kill every Jew responsible for invading your country with NIGGERS MIGHT HAVE EVERYTHING TO DO WITH IT

OvenBakedGem ago

It sparks nothing, cops, nurses and farmers in France have been killing themselves by the dozen every year for quite some time. But the main issue of France is antisemitism, goy.

Oh_Well_ian ago


If French Police, on average, had grown disillusioned by Macron's policies, a wave of resignations would be far more likely.

Either corrupt cops are FAKING their deaths, with help from other law government agencies and the Press, or they are being whacked because they are part of the criminal 5th column that has infiltrated all western governments.

Plavonica ago

They have been resigning, for years now. They had to go through several diversity courses, initiatives, and even sign a declaration to that effect to keep their jobs. These cops are whats left of a decade of insanity being pushed directly upon them.

SealofApproval ago

Or possibly these people are far sighted enough to see what is round the corner for the rest of us if the polocies of Macron and Merkel carry on in the direction they are going.

Payattention ago

(((Nothing to see here yellow vests.)))

angryspin ago

Could be legitimate; I'd imagine it would be quite depressing working for the arm of the Government that suppresses the will of your countrymen.

lord_nougat ago

The suicides are probably all the remaining good cops they had on the force.

90SE ago

They could just start working with the protestors and give the movement some real teeth but I guess killing yourself works too? A life ended by suicide is a life wasted

phoenix883 ago

It is sad to see based police officers kill themselves.

They have access to firearms and ammunition, and they could very well join the yellow vests tomorrow and fight for the future instead of whining and wallowing in self-pity.

Guy_Justsome ago

I think you're mostly right.

The African flood makes police work a never-ending clown circus of chasing infinite criminals in infinite circles. You throw a shovel load of workplace hopelessness like that onto a population, and some of the ones already dealing with personal life stress at home will break.

The two described in the article look like regular local cops who deal with regular crime. Maybe I'm wrong, but my understanding is that local cops don't beat yellow vests - that's the job of France's elite gendarmerie.

Tallest_Skil ago

They're real suicides. Whites are so fucking pathetic that they'd rather kill themselves than fight back in any capacity.

IsaacJan ago

Oh wow, look at the kike shilling against whites. What a fucking faggot.

Rotteuxx ago

How is he shilling ?

I've lost friends to suicide because they couldn't handle the jewed world they had been brainwashed to live in. He's right, many whites are too weak psychologically to fight back, they just crumble onto themselves.

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anoncastillo ago

It's shilling because all tallest skil does is throw black pill feces at everyone and tell us that every strategy we try is shit and not good enough while not telling us what we should do instead.

Tallest_Skil ago


How about you kill yourself. Now. You have no argument. You can’t refute a word I say. You just can’t handle your feelings being proven wrong.

not telling us

I’ve told you personally at least twice before. Kill yourself for not even trying to hide it.

anoncastillo ago

See what I mean? Worthless.

Tallest_Skil ago

Yes, you are. Continue embarrassing yourself, shlomo.

Rotteuxx ago

He does a lot more than just throw blackpills around, he give good criticism on various subjects even if you don't want to hear it.

A lot of strategies being thrown around all revolve around what got us here, being good little goys who do no evil and are above violence.

It's obvious what he thinks we should do, pick up arms and cleanse our society.

anoncastillo ago

He spends more time uselessly trolling allies he disagrees with than constructively criticizing anything.

Rotteuxx ago

Well which one is it, is he a shill or a troll ?

Just because something doesn't sound positive doesn't mean it's not constructive. Unless feelings & perception are more important than facts, how it's presented doesn't matter. A critical mind will look at the content, not the container.

anoncastillo ago

Why not both?

It's very rare that I see him post anything with actual content. A little trolling or insulting is fine and toughens us up, but when that's 90%+ of everything you post it's not worth the time to sift through it and find whatever's useful.

Rotteuxx ago

He rarely posts at all but just going through his first page of posts it's hard to say that it's 90% worthless.

He's a commenter and most people who call him a shill rarely offer logical retorts, simply ad hominems based on personal impressions of him or others opinions of him.

anoncastillo ago

Hard to respond with more than an adhom when his comments to people he disagrees with are nothing but adhom.

Rotteuxx ago

Once again, a quick look at his first page of comments doesn't support what you say.

anoncastillo ago

You made me curious enough to go look at his comments page. I saw basically no deep thought, a little bit of regurgitation of talking points everyone here already knows, and a bunch of shit talking that will convince no one of anything. It's like blackpilled's most toxic fan took a shit and out came tallest skil to shit all over accelerationists while telling everyone we should go out in a blaze of glory with no plan or strategy and bad optics.

Tallest_Skil ago

Yes, you're very good at shilling against whites, subhuman. Notice how you will refuse to prove anything you have ever said or disprove anything I have ever said.

Dance for me, yid.