zerozen77 ago

It's because the video is bullshit... I thought jews were supposed to be smart.

Civil_Warrior ago

From pathology to potential to continuing to be a worthless goddamn nigger living of theft gibs drugs and coal burners

Doglegwarrior ago

This is how i discusss it.

I start with a slow clap almost a golf clap then i clap louder and louder and i try to get other white people to start clapping. I intensify my clapping as i stand up and start to wooot and holllar as i clap harder and harder and start yelling fuck ya merica!!! Whoooooo then i sit down and say that stupid faggot didnt name the jew.

GeneMath ago

If I didn't know any better, I would think newzealand has something to hide.

fortuitouslyunfallen ago

Be curious if @puttitout got a similar request.

90SE ago

New Zealand must have been itching to go full totalitarian for awhile with how hard they've went since the whole mosque thing. Sucks for anyone over there who still has balls

Dark_ArrowDCU ago

Especially by KIM.COM's ordeal

nonbreakingspace ago

Can confirm: NZ is a shithole

90SE ago

Sorry for your loss

Cat-hax ago

Almost like it was planned

FuckshitMcDickTits ago

Sloppy job, mossad

Gorillion ago

TFW you need to shut down the shut it down.

Maybe dial it back a few notches you Streisanding NZ dillweeds.

Fullmetal ago

The blatant lies being published are what really kill me. For fucks sake, do they really expect that to fly in the Information Age?!

Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

Yes, they do. They’re not that smart, they’re elitist; they’ve been told that they’re smart. As a result, they believe everyone who isn’t them is dumb. Hence, you get half baked retards pulling shit like this.

TheTrigger ago

They have the money to pay actual smart people to do their bidding. Are you kidding? They have fucking neuroscientist PhDs working on how to fuck with your head. You're being naive.

AnthraxAlex ago

Most people are dumb though. It's more accurate to say that they believe that their propaganda demonizes people smart enough to spot their lies well enough that the mass of idiots aren't influenced to follow a different Shepard even if that Shepard speaks the truth.

Kirbyrambo ago

Gestapo State ===> no wonder why the cabal are all moving there. That is fine ==>when most get there drop a few MOAB's on that piss ant country. A much more efficient way of dealing with the cabal question????

Dark_ArrowDCU ago


Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

I like the idea of having them all gathered into one place.

uvulectomy ago

You mean concentrating them all in one place, possibly to go camping?

i_did_nothing_wrong ago

never heard about the Streisand effect...

downton-stabby ago

This is a perfect chance for them to practice subject silencing over topics. They'll push this in the future on other "issues" until it becomes the norm and they silence anything they want.

i_did_nothing_wrong ago

and the more they do it the more normies will be attracted by site like this. How do you think I arrived here in the first place?

downton-stabby ago

You overestimate the general population. History tells us there are more NPC's that prefer to be lead as sheep than normies such as your self who eventually sees through the lies.

i_did_nothing_wrong ago

nope, I haven't seen the light yet, just came here for the lulz p.s.: on the long term they are only going to make normal people interested in stuff like "post-quantum cryptography", trust me.

downton-stabby ago

Like I said, go read your history. People don't give a shit about truth. They want to follow the crowd, they want to be "safe", and they want a strong leader. They will crawl over dead bodies of their countrymen to get it as well. Society is only as good as its current generation.

i_did_nothing_wrong ago

You just need to calm down, the doomsday clock isn't ticking. Plato's allegory of the cave shows us that this isn't a new problem we are facing, it is as old as mankind. Just enjoy the lulz while you're here...

downton-stabby ago

I'll pray for your soul then..

clamhurt_legbeard ago

What mosque attack?

This one?

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Isnt there something else out there, that is evidentiary fake, and if you question it, you will be shut down, black listed, in some countries imprisoned, and outcast. I think it was Holo something.........

Generally, when something is faked, it gets shut down.

Dark_ArrowDCU ago

Wasn't fake. My grandfather liberated concentration camps.

Privacy_Terms ago

Holo something

Hologram? I recall something some years ago where they showed a video on live TV of what was supposedly a commercial jet aircraft hitting a building and the image of the plane kept disappearing randomly.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

I don't know if it was gram, but i do think it may have had something to do with a measurement or equivalent of something paid...

Gorillion ago

A Hall of Cost perhaps?

LightestHour ago

But how much did the Holla cost?

EnterTheUnKnown ago

That is most certainly ringing a bell

frana ago

Government-enforced truth? Should we conclude it was fake?

undertheshills ago

They're afraid 5 or 6 people will do what he did and all hell could break loose

Trousersnake1488 ago

I can only hope!

HeavyBrain ago

So they are worried that the guy just started a race war pyramid scheme?

Knollsit ago

Sounds a lot like some other event that happened in the first half of the 20th century that we still constantly hear about today. Hmmmm

DeadFox ago

How is this government enforced truth? This is censorship. They don't want whites to think they can fight back.

TheGreatReplacement ago

The best way to combat censorship is to just keep putting this stuff out there.

If anybody appreciates it, I converted the Christchurch manifesto to plaintext.

It's easier shared than a PDF or DOCX file and with less chance of malware.






PeacefulAssassin ago

when they intimidate you from even asking questions they are enforcing the truth they gave you.

DeadFox ago

In other words, they're censoring the truth?

HighEnergyLife ago

You mean a live streamed video?

selpai ago

There's enough circumstantial evidence to support that already.

Turkeypotato ago

But it's a. Whyte mang so it's bad. If it was. Moslem in church they wouldn't talk about it. Kinda like that mud that attached the preacher in Canada.

Corpse_washer ago

Cant have people talk about the blue socks

JustFuckingDoIt ago

Blue socks?

Corpse_washer ago

The shooting was fake as fuck

phoenix883 ago

It's easier for them to orchestrate it than to fake it. Fifty muzzies are irrelevant to them and they could never silence everyone involved in the long run.

It may have been a false flag. But not a fake.

Faking it would cost many millions in training, CGI, preparation, equipment and later hush money until the end of time. False flagging it would cost training the guy and a few thousand quid for guns and ammo. We know they are stingy and they would never expend more money than needed unless there's a very good reward for it. And there is no conceivable reward from fake over a false flag.

Remember the synagogue murders in the US? Super old and probably terminally ill people died there. Same reason.

Corpse_washer ago

Yeah, thats what you think its logical, but care to tell me whats easier? CGI it or orchestrate it with many people who need to be silenced later on? Having security leaks with people or CGI it. Nah mate, why would they CGI it when they can orchestrate it with real people who then needed to be silenced, then the silencer needs silencing too, yeah, makes sense.

phoenix883 ago

CGI and post production are the most expensive parts of any movie, easily doubling even the cost of even A list actors taken together.

With a short clip like that released on horrible resolution heavily compressed video, CGI sure is fractions of that costs.

Still, training a guy and giving him three guns and two hundred rounds of ammunition is yet only a fraction of even that.

And it's not like preserving Muslim life is on the list of priorities of the deep state anywhere in the top 100. Obama surely never cared if he killed hundreds and thousands.

Corpse_washer ago

CGI and post production are the most expensive parts of any movie

Yup, except these are not movies and provides a security you cant obtain with doing the false flags really with real people. Its not just train a guy give him 3 guns and a fuckton of ammo and ready to go. You need a trainer, you need a place to train, you need a place where you can get guns, you need guns that wont come back to you etc. Compare that with a computer and a half-retarded glownigger in terms of security.

Jewed ago

Your own video shows he has shoes on and the color change is just tops vs bottoms.

Corpse_washer ago

shoes on

Yeah mate, in a mosque he will sure have shoes on regardless you see bare soles first and then blue socks. Dont you despair, yes, the shooting was not fake, just so you can better sleep at night.

Jewed ago

He was entering the mosque, not yet in the main area where they go barefoot.

Corpse_washer ago

You are barking at the wrong wall here mate, i know its fake as shit and there is no amount of talking you can do to change my mind.

Jewed ago

Being retarded is on you.

Corpse_washer ago

Keep shilling, i dont care.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

As he stated, it's your own personal choice to be a retard, haha.

matthew-- ago

Well fuck, now we all have to watch it again to confirm...

Corpse_washer ago

Do it

matthew-- ago

I'd rather not, once is enough, it was really cringey and now everyone is going to look at me funny because I listen to Initial D music unironically.

I'll get around to it when I boot up my computer tomorrow, can't see shit on a mobile screen. Then again, it gives me something to do while I wait at my country's equivalent of the DMV tomorrow.

MarauderShields ago

Holy fuck, when did this come to light? Has it been checked against original captures of the stream?

Corpse_washer ago

Its from the same day. I did not check it against the full movie, you can see its bullshit from start.

Privacy_Terms ago

I don't see a single drop of blood. It also looks like the strobe might be just to simulate muzzle flash and not to distract targets or w/e the official story is. Firing low powder blanks that don't produce proper muzzle flash?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

"it doesn't look like a Hollywood movie so it's fake"

Privacy_Terms ago

I never said it was fake. I was simply pointing out things that look unusual to me.

But hey, who gives a shit about what I actually said when you feel like grandstanding, eh?

Jewed ago

Did you know 223 is actually a small projectile, leaving small entry and exit wounds? Besides that you can see blood pooling when he goes back in, and you can see the brain splatter of that piece of shit in the gutter.

Privacy_Terms ago

She was the one that looked like it should, in my opinion. I did not see any pools of blood inside, but then I have not studied the vid or anything, just watched it I think once all the way through and then some various clips like this. I don't buy the part about a small exit wound not being visible though. I have shot my fair share of large mammals with various weaponry and anytime there is an exit it is quite noticeable. My first thought on the blue socks is that they could possibly have been photoshopped. I don't know, it would need to be compared to a verified original copy of the vid I guess. The way none of these shootings seem to add up like they should means that every possible theory should be explored.

Plavonica ago

It takes a decent camera to catch muzzle flash, this isn't the movies.

Privacy_Terms ago

Fair point. Just tossing out observations, not claiming to be an expert. The suspicious lack of any visible blood on any of the bodies or floor or walls still remains.