Goys-R-Us ago

Ensuring even more people will want to read it thereby solidifying the hoax narrative.

bluedeath ago

They are getting more and more erratic and reactionary. I can't wait for the trolls to start stirring the pot. As dumb as these people are a troll could spoof govt employee email and trick them into distributing it. I think they would believe anything as long as it helped the witch hunt along. Get them to imprison each other like an episode of survivor.

Intrixina ago

And that is how you make it so everyone has read it!

logos_ethos ago

Cheap flash drives attached to helium balloons. Just to make a point about the futility of blocking data.

ardvarcus ago

If you read the manifesto, as I have, you'll find that all it contains are opinions about political and social issues. That's what's being banned in New Zealand today, opinions. Maybe we should change the name of the country to New Manchuria.

tomdogg ago

Would I get in trouble if I physically mailed storage devices to random New Zealanders with the video and manifesto on them?

john-from-wisconsin ago

Email it to all of them. Then its on their servers and they have to arrest themselves. Problem fixed.

john-from-wisconsin ago

Or better yet set up a global bot net to email it to them every month.

roznak ago

Did they just introduce sharia law? What will be next? Ban music?

gerberlyfe ago

Obligatory link to the full manifesto in a single image, it’s worth a read: http://magaimg.net/img/7k2q.jpg

gerberlyfe ago

Objectionable. This is authoritarian. They are closer to big brother than they realize.

SearchVoatBot ago

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HenryCabotLodge ago

Think about this MindGame for a Moment. New Zea1and Has become Illegal TO Patriots. ....... Chew on that for a minute. In our government, but not theirs, power begins with the Phrase WE THE PEOPLE. It does not begin that way in NZ.

oioiiooi ago

"We the people" refers to collective powers vs. simply "the people" for individual rights. Communist believe in "we the people too", the major difference being that their government isn't of and by the people, but is itself the people. This is an important distinction for communism because it blurs the line between rights and powers, and makes revolution impossible since a group cannot revolt against itself. Government is distinct in the American system, and power is distributed among different bodies. Among we the people, it is internally distributed through individual rights.

voatusernamevoat ago

We can go down this rabbit hole, disseminate the information in the manifesto, have them make everything about everything illegal.

TheTrigger ago

This is called accelerationism and there are plenty of people working on it.

PewterKey ago

So ... everyone remembers when 4chan bulk faxed egypt instructions on reaching the internet right? What's to stop a rogue faxer from flooding NZ with copies.

lacrimamosa ago

More lulz are to be had by tricking their media into possessing it and even posting it. Check this out: https://www.groovypost.com/howto/hide-text-inside-image-files/

Use that technique to hide the manifesto inside pictures of, for example, white women virtue-signaling by wearing hijabs. Send those pics to NZ media saying how brave it is, or whatever. Wait for a member of the media to tweet the pic. Point out that the pic contains the manifesto.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Am buying popcorn to watch the overthrow of the NZ government and Police Force.

brandnewset ago

She said it had no targets, but it did. She stated this on live TV ar the same time she SD they received it NINE min before shooting started.

That means 20 min to get police to Linwood at least. Police and security fail

waspkeeper ago

Page not found.

thatguyiam ago

Wow. A front page submission & no race-baiting glowinthedarkCIA fegets in the comments. This is R A R E

DavidHogg ago

They must have today off. I noticed the lack of them this morning.

Pattern_Blind ago

Last weekend I was getting tells from new accounts, hey goy you’re cool, let’s meet in real life. Never had one niggerfaggot on here call me cool once, not ever!

DavidHogg ago

Wanna have a beer at the local mosque? ;)

oligarchsalamander ago

Oh no a document that is deemed "objectionable" by the state! Better comply everyone.

thatguyiam ago

Next step is to ban teaching kids to read, and send to the gulags those who are caught literate.

muffalettadiver ago

Submission to Allah/Satan is the only way.

elitch2 ago

Nah. Australia's been like that for decades.

Worse, even.

Fuck cuckstralia. I hope more of her young men stand up.

Pattern_Blind ago

Crusader Saint Tarrant, may God bless you.

lettersofmarque ago

Believing justly in your duty of censoring words on a page is arrogance and pretense to the highest degree;

Believing that another person, especially in government, should shield you from words on a page is demeaning and pathetic; and

Believing that your neighbor, your peer and equal, should be barred from viewing words on a page that you find offensive is selfish and invasive of free thought and exchange of ideas.

The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error. John Stuart Mill (1859)

gerberlyfe ago

Well put.

WorldView ago

Possible 14 years for possessing "objectionable" material? What a joke!

SearchVoatBot ago

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Othmar_Regin ago

"A publication reportedly written by the man accused of the Christchurch shootings has been officially classified as objectionable by the Chief Censor" - W8! New Zealand has a "chief censor"?!?!?

GimmeTheUsual ago

There's a movie called "Equilibrium" where things were rated "EC" for emotional content. It sounds just like the fucking system in NZ.

What the fuck man, one motherfucker decides what adults get to see. Fuck that.

Kalergi ago

W8! New Zealand has a "chief censor"?!?!?

In Israel, the Militray is tasked with censoring the News. All part of the plan.

Laws on censorship in Israel are based on British emergency regulations from 1945 that apply to domestic media, foreign newspapers and wire service transmissions from or through Israel. The Israeli Film Ratings board rates, limits, and bans films deemed obscene, racist, or containing incitement to violence.

BentAxel ago

Welcome to the world. Not everyone has freedom of Speech. Young goats, you understand now why America is so much better?

1F4A9 ago

Just you wait until you'll start to get penalized by the US-Google-Facebook social credit score system. You'll defend it with muh private companies, but America won't be so much better when they refuse your credit card for wrongthink.

BentAxel ago


Pattern_Blind ago

We warn you young goats daily about the kikes because they fight with massive donations to our corrupt politicians of all colors, orange, white, black or yellow. They want to take that away from you young goats as badly as you want to keep it.

Look at the cucked, bought off politicians of New Zealand, look at their reaction, to completely submit to the sand niggers. That is your future if you don’t learn to fight, with your words and your love, love of white American and European people.

Or invent personal space ships as fast as possible, to get off this rock and set up all white space colonies. Might have to form a religion that prefers whites only and worship that like the kikes or sand niggers did, to get around racism laws and such. Whiteness isn’t a race, it’s a religion.

DasReich ago

They even have a "censorship team" you can report "objectionable material" to. Would be a shame if their email addresses we're flooded with the manifesto and video.


foltaisaprovenshill ago

Send them the video of the mudkikes in France talking about raping that 5 year old ching chong girl.

Trousersnake1488 ago

That's how I do it. I've got a fake Facebook guy named dayquan, he's a proud gay nigger who has amassed quite a following. When the nee Zealand happened, I comment NZ pages highlighting the video, but in a worried informative way. "This is outrageous! White people need to be stopped, Nazis are forming! I found a video, please please delete it" then I attach the video or pictures .

Acceleration is key!

Othmar_Regin ago

How about we flood them with anything we deem anti-white

DrShitlord ago

Exactly. My first thought. Can someone shoot that motherfucker, anyone still alive that ever had that position, anyone who will have that position in the future and anyone who would even want to fill that position as well as anyone who advocates that such a position is useful?

On the other hand, there is no higher recommendation than being censored. So thank the fuckers somehow.

midnightblue1335 ago

The only time censoring should be done, is to hide obscene images/language from children.

Censorship in any other form should be a felony punishable by enormous fines and even hard time, up to death based on severity.

History has shown us that censorship contributes to catastrophes.

Kalergi ago

Can someone shoot that motherfucker

They would, but guns are confiscated.

DrShitlord ago

Only the legal ones, as always