Newmemba ago

so where is the BLOOD????": Don't Muslims BLEED like everyone else???

Newmemba ago

which first person shooter of the past twenty years does the "video" most remind you of?

Kekalicious ago

At 9-46 red shirt n glasses fumbles. ends up taking 3 to the head. It is intact and whole till he leaves the building the first time. when he goes back inside. No more head or face. He is not the only one. You can paint latex and give it a blood pack easy enough. The first burst to the right of the room. Standing man. I think they switched him out the same. Or the gent that took three to the ass. Did he really need to head-shot him the second pass. The shots outside are a signal to get ready. Looks like I am sleeping with the flat-earthers tonight. Bunch of fags.

polygeek ago

Get out.

Civil_Warrior ago

Don't lose your head like this wax dummy!!!

Lurker22 ago

Goats, if you haven't watched it, don't watch it. Don't click this link.

Civil_Warrior ago

says account with no activity since 2017 you glowing nigger bitch

Lurker22 ago

Ok. Nevermind. Watch it. I just don't think it's progressive to watch stuff like this. Such videos haunt my dreams.

Civil_Warrior ago

You lying Jew Look at the headless wax dummy you liar

Lurker22 ago

No, but appreciate it. Here's an upvote

Jehoshaphat ago

Two and six month accounts having a field day with the conspiracies about this one.

We see you, you faggots. You glow in the dark.

Civil_Warrior ago

Give this guy some head he has none.


He was able to put holes in the wall and in his windshield firing blanks. Blanks so powerful they knocked a piece of skull off that woman on the ground.

Also the Earth is flat and hollow and the frogs are being turned gay by shape shifting reptillian space jews

Civil_Warrior ago

Watch the first two shots on the windshield nothing. Then he loads real ammo ..different result next time he shoots the windshield

Civil_Warrior ago

You dumb bastard lying sack of shit nigger. I expressly stated there is two kinds if guns used you idiot. The first part is BLANKS then he goes and gets the other gun and fires at the wax dummies. Stop lying nigger Jew what I said is TRUE.


You haven't answered my question you are trying to avoid it because it makes you look incredibly stupid if he was firing blanks then why would they have to CGI in rejected cases?

That's like saying it's raining outside but they CGI in all those raindrops. Idiot

Civil_Warrior ago

Watch the video you bunk fucking excuse for a life form

polygeek ago

I watched ~3/4 of it...still believe he's full of it. Source: I've shot living things and used to be in video production/digital editing.

polygeek ago

I have since seen the a better version of the casings video. Seems to me there's a good chance you're right about this being a hoax.


polygeek ago

Can’t view the link on my current network. IMO, the resolution is crap...casings don’t appear visible due to the low resolution. (Same for shooting in the distance.)


I love how conspiracytards make up conspiracies on shit they are completely ignorant on.

He was firing blanks huh? That's funny.....blanks wont cycle the action on an AR, dipshit.

Civil_Warrior ago

Hey asshole you can mod a gun to fire blanks you shithead moron


Yeah I already said that, moron. So now you're adding illiterate to stupid as well?

Kekalicious ago

Your such a towel.

hillbilly_guy ago

Blanks will cycle the action on an AR, the military uses them all the time. Still think the OP is a conspiracytard though.

Civil_Warrior ago

You like headless wax dummies w no blood? Mindless

hillbilly_guy ago

I thought it was your twin. MIndless.


No no no, you just don't understand. This is a vast complex conspiracy where the perpetrators were so diabolically detail oriented that they actually went in and used post-production CGI to add in ejected brass casings later.

Oh but they forgot to put a FUCKING HEAD ON A MANNEQUIN.

Again, so concerned with detail that they made sure to include spent casings in their little ploy. But I guess one of the prop guys forgot that people have heads and left it off OH WELL


No, you have to modify the gas block to get blanks to cycle.

hillbilly_guy ago

Or have a blank firing adapter on the barrel. Or a partially blocked barrel. None of these are that hard to do.

Civil_Warrior ago

Did the gun look like it was heavily modded?

Hell fucking yes it did

Civil_Warrior ago

You silly nigger that gun is heavily modded and has no flash suppressor BECAUSE YOU DONT NEED ONE WITH BLANKS YOU MINDLESS NIGGER


OK then dipshit, explain the bullet holes in the wall and the hat he shot off that one guy's head.

OH WAIT LET ME GUESS - that was all done in post production CGI effects right?

Civil_Warrior ago

Hi idiot. At least now you are trying to think so I'll help u along. As previously stated first round is blanks. Then he goes to car and changes guns NOW you see real action as he shoots up the wax dummies some of which have a blood packets but most don't for some very Unconvincing splatter free bloodless headshots. But the real Oscar winner is the headless wax dummy sitting upright on the pile of fake bodies!!! On the right hand side pile, second time in right as announcer points out wax dummy with arms folded look a little to the right and there he is..headless bloodless dummy sitting plain sight.


Right right......except for one little detail. You see, moron, blank cartridges have crimped ends. You can see the spitzer point projectiles inside his magazine. They aren't blanks. You can literally look at them and tell they aren't blanks.

Also - are you actually so stupid that you're arguing that he modified his gun to fire blanks....then fired the blanks....but then, for...some reason, they had to CGI in the brass casings?

Well which is it you laughably stupid fucking retard, was he shooting blanks from a modified gun (and therefore there is no reason to add in ejected cartridges) or are they CGI? You are pissing on your own feet here, dumbass. You are arguing that two mutually exclusive things happened. God damn, take your meds you autistic simpleton.

Civil_Warrior ago

There's a headless bloodless wax dummy sitting there did you see it yet you liar?


A headless dummy? You can SEE HIS FUCKING HEAD YOU MORON.

Here, I even did the hard work for you since I love making you look like an idiot. BEHOLD...THE HEADLESS MAN'S HEAD

tokui ago

Earth is also flat, fyi.

Civil_Warrior ago

Watch the video you shill

Lurker22 ago

Stop asking us to watch it, please.


OP is so fucking stupid he is arguing that this guy was shooting blanks.....but also the ejected brass casings are CGI

You know....something that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. A gun shooting blanks still ejects the casings, why would you need to add them in with CGI?

"I filmed this man smoking a cigarette. He is absolutely smoking a real cigarette and really expelling real smoke from his lungs. Oh but all the smoke you see is CGI" - see how dumb that sounds? That's OPs argument in a nutshell.