jokersmild ago

Kids in the 50s used to ride their bikes behind the DDT trucks and they grew up to have kids.

numina18 ago

Everyone knows that GMO are sprayed with glyphosate, that remains on the plants. However, many do not know that glyphosate is used as a desiccant on over 100 other non-GMO foods. This means that as a field of oats, say, is ripening, the farmer sprays the entire field and the plants all die, at once. Then, they all the plants are at the same stage of life, dead, and they are harvested. The glyphosate remains on the food.

KinkRaven ago

Yup but the Reddit fags all circled jerk their protect voat fantasy to the top comments.

This is the info people need to see

selpai ago

If you have a pressure cooker/instant pot, you can just cook raw oat groats. It's cheap as hell, and it's better for you.

oioiiooi ago

Don't these contain glysophate too?

selpai ago

Try this, though you might not find them palatable.

They taste a bit like Spelt.

Broc_Lia ago

So what? 100% of cider contains cyanide. Unless you can prove there's extremely dangerous levels of it then I don't care.

MrPim ago

Cider containing cyanide is a little disingenuous. That cyanide is naturally occurring. I don't think the glyphosate is.

The acceptable level is its own subject.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Whether it's naturally occurring or not is completely irrelevant to if it's dangerous or not.

Unless you think hemlock and death caps are safe to eat because they're "natural".

Literally the only thing that matters is how much of the substance is contains compared to how much of the substance is needed to cause harm.

Broc_Lia ago

Cider containing cyanide is a little disingenuous. That cyanide is naturally occurring

Tell you what, why don't you go drink some naturally occurring cyanide, then some artificially produced cyanide, and tell me if they act any differently?

The acceptable level is its own subject.

Hardly. Sensationalist headlines like this would lose their punch if the journalists admitted that the dosages involved are too small to matter.

MrPim ago

Youre acting retarded this morning.

Broc_Lia ago

You still have to explain why you think the "naturalness" of a substance is relevant to safety. Or why dosage doesn't matter.

Until you've done those things I'm not the one being retarded.

antistatist ago

The notion that "everything is poison depending on the dosage" is a Jewish lie meant to make things like glyphosate seem comparatively harmless when they are actually purely poison at any dose.

Broc_Lia ago

The notion that "everything is poison depending on the dosage" is a Jewish lie

Everything is toxic depending on the dosage. To prove this is a lie, you can simply name any substance it doesn't apply to, I'll wait.

meant to make things like glyphosate seem comparatively harmless when they are actually purely poison at any dose.

You're asserting that even if I ingest a single molecule of glyphosate it's going to harm me?

antistatist ago

Agreeable that enough of anything can kill you, but the lie is meant for the other end of that equation, to make you believe that a small enough dose will not harm you.

A single molecule of glyphosate will harm you, but probably not measurably. But the real damage happens when the molecules accumulate in your body over time - your body doesn't expel them as fast as you take them in if you eat glyphosate tainted food every day. Same concept applies to fluoride and other heavy metals.

Broc_Lia ago

That's a lot more nuanced, we probably agree then. I'm just mad because these articles are full of weasel statistical tricks to make things sound much worse than they actually are, and they never apply any of the same standards to substances they approve of.

antistatist ago

Just because a source is shitty it doesn't mean the basic premise isn't entirely true. The truth can make great clickbait sometimes.

Broc_Lia ago

I don't just mean the article, I mean the source for the figures. One red flag is that they claim that dosages were 18 times higher than safe levels, but if you read more closely you find out that those safe levels aren't some third party benchmark, it's a figure they invented themselves for the study.

Using that technique I could prove anything is dangerous.

And sure, it's possible that behind all the BS there is a genuine health risk, but I've never seen a study confirming this that wasn't mired in "cult of the natural" nonsense.

antistatist ago

Bear in mind the official "safe levels" is also just some arbitrary bs number the government made up, taking care not to make it low enough to interfere with Monsanto. IMO there is no safe level.

No doubt unbiased studies on this are blacklisted by mainstream science, just like unbiased studies on climate change.

I've heard glyphosate is banned in Europe, as a known carcinogen. And there have been a few successful lawsuits in the US, like one recently by a school groundskeeper who spent a lot of time spraying weeds with Roundup and got terminal cancer.

If you're on the fence you can probably find good info if you look for it. Just remember to always factor in the angle of each source. Naturally any source who acknowledges the problem is going to be adamant about it.

Broc_Lia ago

Bear in mind the official "safe levels" is also just some arbitrary bs number the government made up, taking care not to make it low enough to interfere with Monsanto.

I said third party, not necessarily the government one. Making up your own thresholds to suit your study (which no one elses uses) is rather meaningless and misleading.

IMO there is no safe level.

Then we're back to the single molecule of glyphosate being a threat to my life, which clearly isn't true. There's safe levels for even the deadliest nerve toxin, certainly glyphosate has one.

I've heard glyphosate is banned in Europe, as a known carcinogen.

The EU is almost as ban-happy as California. They're not someone to emulate.

And there have been a few successful lawsuits in the US, like one recently by a school groundskeeper who spent a lot of time spraying weeds with Roundup and got terminal cancer.

Ok, but clearly the dosage is going to be very different between spraying the stuff into the air around you every day and ingesting trace amounts in your food. I'm pretty sure bad things are going to happen to you if you inhale any aerosolised herbicide.

If you're on the fence you can probably find good info if you look for it. Just remember to always factor in the angle of each source. Naturally any source who acknowledges the problem is going to be adamant about it.

I acknowledge everything has some amount of bias, but some are worse than others, and any source I've found reeeing about glyphosate so far I've caught pulling one or more dirty tricks.

KinkRaven ago

100% correct.

KinkRaven ago

He was pointing out you are conflating two very different processes.

Do some research, glysohate replaces glycine during protein synthesis.

Do you understand how bad that is or are you just a Reddit fag trying to look smart on the internet?

glassuser ago

It's just a plant, maaaaan.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Hemlock is just a plant.

XD 520 smoke hemlock ery day.

MrPim ago

See. The 'Natrualness' of the substance isn't what I'm talking about. And that's pretty fucking clear from whatI wrote. What I am talking about is the naturally occurring in Apples part. Apples contain cyanide, this is a naturally occurring state. Glyphosate isn't naturally occurring in oats.

Hey apples have cyanide, so it's ok if I piss on your steak. Piss is all natural and I'll keep the levels safe.

I'm not sure you're acting now, I think you're just fucking retarded.

Broc_Lia ago

See. The 'Natrualness' of the substance isn't what I'm talking about. And that's pretty fucking clear from whatI wrote. What I am talking about is the naturally occurring in Apples part. Apples contain cyanide, this is a naturally occurring state. Glyphosate isn't naturally occurring in oats.

So you are talking about the "naturalness." Why would it matter if the substance is naturally occurring or not?

Hey apples have cyanide, so it's ok if I piss on your steak. Piss is all natural and I'll keep the levels safe.

If piss performed a useful purpose in beef processing, and it only ends up in your steak in trace amounts, then yes, that'd be perfectly reasonable.

Incidentally, if you've ever eaten a steak and kidney pie I have bad news for you....

KinkRaven ago

Cattle eat feed, the feed (from barley to wheat to oats) all have glysophates in them.

Jesus you are an idiot. Go back to Reddit.

2 seconds of research and you'd find these data points.

Broc_Lia ago

Cattle eat feed, the feed (from barley to wheat to oats) all have glysophates in them.

I never said otherwise. This has no bearing on my argument.

KinkRaven ago

Yeah you did, but you're a faggot that moves the goal post.

I smell a Jew in the mix. Go back to Reddit.

prairie ago

Apparently they don't just use it to prevent pests, they use it to fucking dry the stuff. Just to dry it more quickly.

KinkRaven ago

This is correct, they also use it to burn down an field before harvest.

The amount of glysophates in our bodies is super high now and it does cause serious health issues.

I love these Reddit fags that are shilling for Monsanto for free, jebus can they be any more retarded.

Master_Foo ago

For those who dont know, glyphosate is the active chemical in chemtrails. It is also used as an additive in vaccines because it is more effective than mercury amalgam. It is radiated from the new G5 cell phone towers. And is used by unfuckable white dudes to attract bigfoot. Lastly, it is the chemical that causes rainbows in you lawn sprinklers.

And now... (((THEY))) are putting it in your oatmeal.

KinkRaven ago

Hahaha it is in oats.

My god you newfags need to go back to Reddit. Farmers use it on oats and wheat all the you even understand why they use it on non gmo crops?

Master_Foo ago

When did I ever deny its presence in oats? I specifically said (((THEY))) are putting in oats. Are you some kind of nigger or something? Where are your reading comprehension skills, bro?

KinkRaven ago

Your entire post is meant to discredit and demoralize.

Go back and rad your own post Juden

Master_Foo ago

Are you really so feeble as to be demoralized over a joke? What are you some kind of SJW or something? You need a safe space for your pet conspiracy theory or something?

Listen princess, go sprinkle some chemtrails on your oats or something. This is the internet, it's OK to laugh at stupid shit.

KinkRaven ago

It wasn't funny bro, don't blame the audience because you suck at humor.

Master_Foo ago

It wasn't funny bro

Have you ever noticed how all the other cults are funny, but as soon as someone laughs at YOUR cult, all of a sudden... It's not funny.

Maybe the joke is funny, but you are the problem.

Sorry to discredit and demoralize your cult dude, but it is funny. And to demonstrate how funny it is, I'm going to put my 10" glyphosate in your mother's mouth.

KinkRaven ago

You just ain't funny bro, and you still aren't.

ExplodingHead ago

active chemical in chemtrails

Did chemtrails made you retarded or was it wifi?

IquitzuOcha ago

I heard they found a bottle of the stuff next to Kurt Cobain.

prairie ago

It's also used to make the blue color used for the Voat logo. It's in everything.

shadow332 ago

"", wow looks like an amazingly reliable site there. Look you can get yourself a bioscarf!.

This user only posts from: rt, sputniknews, zero hedge and fucking At least whoever made the account is honest about it with the username.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @benisXDDD.

Posted automatically (#24068) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

MadWorld ago

Thanks for the update! On Voat, we have a lot of sleeper accounts. This domain is a bit like those sleeper accounts.

Domain:, whois
Registrar:, LLC
Registered On: 2017-01-25
Expires On: 2020-01-25
Updated On: 2019-01-26, recently updated.
Traffic History: long time domain(sleeper), only showed a single spike on 2018-09-30.
* 2019-02-18 05:16 PolishBot v/news, 23 days

As you can see, this domain was registered as early as 2017. It was recently updated, followed by submission to Voat. The domain has sufficient amount of data, yet has ZERO user interaction, only shows a single spike in its traffic history. Those are some of the signs of non-authentic website.

@offender also has a good suggestion, to sort users by domain names.

offender ago

That site you're using for traffic history isn't reliable. It's an estimate of traffic based off of it's ranking on alexa, which is why you see a big spike. Going off some SEO tools, it started getting traffic in March 2018.

Here are some potential leads: and

offender ago


Make a list of the accounts posting from russian news sites and you'll come across a lot of shills. They've been doing this for years on imageboards, it's likely part of a big multi-million-dollar state-run propaganda network.

selpai ago

Says the 5 month old account.

shadow332 ago

There's quite a few of these accounts. I've started to follow them since @MadWorld started his research and I've noticed they all have the same tell-tale signs:

  • only post a limited number of sites, e.g. breitbart, zero hedge, diversitymachtfrei, sputnik news, rt, and so on

  • never comment on the article themselves, never a discussion post, always just a direct link post

  • never post an archived version, always a live link to the site

  • when they comment, it's short comments always along the lines of "gas the kikes, race war nao" "fuck the democrats", etc. (I don't like the dems either but there are things I dislike about Trump too). Their arguments are very, let's say, too simple and one-sided.

I'm not sure if they're bots, but if what I keep asking myself is: if these are people just posting stuff, why don't they EVER archive, why do they use the same shitty sources over and over again? I stopped using breitbart and zero hedge because I noticed, they never write anything original, they just repost a mashup from other sources with overly sensational titles. When I looked into the original articles from, say, the German sources, I've found that what these contolled sites report is in fact misleading or just plain wrong information.

Broc_Lia ago

My assumption is that they're either a clickbait farm, or they're part of the failed op to set up the fake news narrative that no one's gotten around to shutting down yet.

KinkRaven ago

Glysophate contamination in non gmo foods and in the water supply is well established.

You can get a testing kit for under $100 if you want to verify it yourself.

Dr. Stephanie Senef is the source for this research and her papers are available on her MIT site.

The site and poster may be shit but the issue is very real and the documentation is out there.

I doubt you'll bother reading any of it.

Broc_Lia ago

Glysophate contamination in non gmo foods and in the water supply is well established.


You can get a testing kit for under $100 if you want to verify it yourself.

Never said otherwise

Dr. Stephanie Senef is the source for this research and her papers are available on her MIT site.

That's nice

The site and poster may be shit but the issue is very real and the documentation is out there.

"Contamination" isn't an issue unless a toxic dosage is present. If it's not then everything you just wrote is irrelevant. Everything you eat is contaminated by something.

KinkRaven ago

Whatever you are clearly a shill and don't bother to read anything.

Keep thinking you are smart and please kys. I enjoy how you skip over the 'glysophates are replacing glycine during protein synthesis' which is caused by minute amounts of it in your system.

Anyway you are a disingenuous little faggot and you need to go back to Reddit or kys

Broc_Lia ago

Have a nice day

KinkRaven ago

Still skipping over the core point.

Do you understand how bad it is and the outcomes when glysophate is replacing glycine during protein synthesis?

Your entire point has been BTFO yet you still act like a fucking Redditor.

Broc_Lia ago

it's likely part of a big multi-million-dollar state-run propaganda network.

More likely a clickbait farm, but whatever

offender ago

maybe, but it's really weird how some of these sites are exported wordpress sites, as HTML and use lots of fake names/aliases

ImOnAVoatSon ago

Maybe don't be a dumbass sheep and eat cereal in the first place.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Yeah, what kind of dumbass eats grains???

22trilionAsecond ago

oats are cheep :(

soon I will be buying lots of organic grass fed meat in bulk

CognitiveDissident5 ago

This is why I only eat organic

KinkRaven ago

Holy fuck why are ppl downvoating you for this comment.

Its a smart play for your overall health to eat organics

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Those would be Jews, not people.

KinkRaven ago

Ahh I should have known.

britt121 ago

Me too. We eat Bob's Red Mill oats but I've heard that they suffer from glyphosate contamination (trace amounts) because of cross contamination from other fields.

Timmy2 ago

If it's from a local farm and you know them, that is safe. Otherwise, there's a good chance the store is lying.

britt121 ago

True, but even non organic farmers will use it on their fields. I frequent the farmers market and only shop at the organic vendors.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, you think that protects you?

KinkRaven ago

It does help reduce the amount in your system but going organic alone does my solve it as run off from farms means its in our drinking water.

Dr Stephanie senef is the research you want to do a dive on

Bigblackcatwithahat ago

Out of interest, what is unsafe about organic food? Is is the natural pesticides they are allowed to use, or something else?

Broc_Lia ago

It's the fact that the word "natural" has nothing to do with food safety. The natural world is overflowing with things that not only could kill you, but have specifically evolved to do so.

KinkRaven ago

Oh stop with this stupid strawman argument and go back to Reddit.

There is a ton of data on glysophates contamination in non gmo foods and water supply.

Broc_Lia ago

Oh stop with this stupid strawman argument and go back to Reddit.

Meanwhile here's you with your reddit tier reading comprehension. He brought up the naturalness of the pesticides used, I explained how it's irrelevant. There was no strawman.

There is a ton of data on glysophates contamination in non gmo foods and water supply.

I couldn't give a shit. Everything is contaminated by damn near everything else. If you think your organic food is a pure unsullied product then I have a bridge to sell you. "Contamination" alone is meaningless.

KinkRaven ago

tips fedora "I couldn't give a shit."

Yeah we can all tell you don't give a shit about anything other then the smell of your own farts.

Most pathetic post on voat today.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

There literally nothing that isn't out to kill Tallest_Skil.

Tallest_Skil ago

Out of interest, what is unsafe about organic food?

Oh, nothing. It's finding truly organic food that hasn't ALSO been contaminated by poison that's the trouble.

Broc_Lia ago

It's what people should expect for buying into a meaningless fad.

Tallest_Skil ago

It’s really demoralizing watching people fall for fad after fad for decades. “Superfoods!” “Antioxidants!” “Paleo!” “Keto!” “All the cool kids are cuckolds now!”

Broc_Lia ago

I'm more or less on the keto diet and it works pretty well. I think they might be on to something with that.

I agree though. The cult of "Natural" is everywhere.

TheLastCrusader777 ago


FeCpig ago

Maybe it is time for Monsanto to pay a percentage of healthcare for those that consume their contaminated products.

GeronimosStolenBones ago

Monsanto is BayerAG

oioiiooi ago

Bayer nearly killed my dog via Bravecto.

GeronimosStolenBones ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Maybe it's time to kill all Monsanto employees and burn their facilities to the ground.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Have you ever found a conspiracy that don't buy into?

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey goyim I don’t know what a conspiracy is

oy vey you believe everything you’re told

except what jews tell you

but you still totally believe everything because I don’t know what words mean

and also I have no argument

Okay, drink RoundUp. Go on. Do it. Monsanto’s CEO refused to, but surely since there’s no harm–and since it goes on your food–you have no problem with it. Right?

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

I don't bathe in Coca Cola either, but that doesn't mean I think they're bugging my apartment. There's a difference between common sense and paranoia that you really don't seem to pick up on.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey goyim my well poisoning and hoaxes are totally the same as real conspiracies

There’s really no reason for you to be on this website.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

On the contrary, I believe that conspiracy theory wackos are merely 80% of Voat's traffic.

KinkRaven ago

The site is shit but there is tons of data on glysophates being used on non gmo crops.

Farmers use it to burn down a field to harvest and there is data now that show glysophate replaces glycine during protein synthesis.

This entire thread feels like a bunch of Reddit fags thinking they are smart.

Dr. Stephanie Senef, she's legit so stop being a fucking Reddit fag and do some research.

Holy fuck the shills in this thread

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Any reason you're answering a questions addressed to another user?

KinkRaven ago

Any reason why you've got a pile of cocks in your mouth?

Holy fuck the shills in this thread

Lurk moar

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

What was the last fursuit you penetrated?

KinkRaven ago

Weak sauce fag. Back to Reddit with you

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

I wouldn't cop to it either. Later, Skil.

KinkRaven ago

Hahaha omg you're an idiot. Check my profile asswipe I've been here longer both of you.

can't form an arguement, pretend he is smart enough to detect sockpuppet accounts

Again new fag stay on topic.

Tallest_Skil ago

You do the same. And?

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

"KinkRaven"? Good to know you're also a furry. And no, I don't answer other people's questions.

Tallest_Skil ago

So yes, you do, thanks for admitting it. Run along now and worship the jewish narrative on another website.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

God damn it...thought we'd finally gotten past the repetitive bs.

Tallest_Skil ago

oh no i keep being told the truth

over and over

because i keep rejecting it


novictim ago

It's got a sweet and nutty taste. I like it.

KinkRaven ago

Giver go drink a bottle of it and come back and report on it.

Hint: a lady already tried some research newfag

novictim ago

Ummm...3.8>3.6, newfag

KinkRaven ago

Do the research then