facepaint ago

'Shooped memes don't belong in /v/news. It should go into either /v/politics /v/funny or /v/whatever.

a100167 ago

Clearly photoshop, there are dozens and dozens of legit bullshit on this stupid broad, making up bullshit is weak as fuck.

Dirty_Money ago

Shut up kike fucker

a100167 ago

You're lazy and weak as fuck. Try having a shred of fuckin' honor when attacking someone instead of lying like a common fuckin' nigger. Eat shit you cunting mongoloid.

Dirty_Money ago

Found the commie jew.

a100167 ago

Try finding your dad nigger. I bet he'd beat you harder than I would.

Dirty_Money ago

Hit a chord, didn't I?

Funny how leftists revert back to plantation owner-speak when upset. Then again, it was the liberal jews who owned the most black slaves in early America. And they ran all of the global slave ships.

the_hidden_metric ago

Oh man, and now you're nonironically using DR3? You really must be a fucking boomer.

a100167 ago

lol you're a nut job. Try posting shit that isn't fuckin retarded and you'll get a better reception you drunken cunt.

Dirty_Money ago

I dub you the cunt. Bend over, bitch.


Wtf is this boomer tier meme trash?

Camulos ago

Because it was. OP is a yid faggot.

Dirty_Money ago


I got hit with leftists tards who don't like their modern Diana-spirit, Cortez, being outed for the modern whorebag she is.

con77 ago

of course its some longuyland jew in the pic w/ her

con77 ago

if that pic is real someone wins the internet for the month!

facepaint ago

It is a 'shoop.

Alteration of an existing old not-so-popular meme circa 2013 according to tineye.

Tin Eye search:


Originalish image:


Camulos ago

It's not. OP is a fuckin' yidfly faggot.

Dirty_Money ago

Apparently it originates from her bartending years.