mrfetus ago

Great post fellow goat, good call on the clicks.

BumbleTummy ago

BTW, Archive is not compatible with the DNS Server - Cloudfire. Archive fails to support the new protections against Man-In-The-Middle DNS spoofing, so it will fail to resolve.

UberAngler ago

False flag attack in Belgium in 3..2..1..

VetGoat84 ago

LMFAO: Pinchas Goldshmidt, was Jewwy Hooknostien already taken?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Troll ago

My fellow Jews of Voat, it's time for our vassals in US and NATO to bomb Belgium. How do we accomplish this within a year? Which narrative will serve best for that purpose?

MassTooter ago

I heard a rumor that the Belgiunese denied the hollowcost, saying it was a fullcost instead, and that only six katrillion went without bargains.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Funny how we can get this shit outlawed but no one wants to ban the cutting of baby dick's by disgusting jews.

PuritySpiral ago

They've tried in Iceland but (((international pressure))) prevented them from pulling it off.

MassTooter ago

Did they rescind the law?

NosebergShekelman ago

Bullshit. Israel exists for only one reason and it is to serve israel and jews. Be fooled not about these tricks, goys.

FriendofAbe ago

Kosher Slaughter is barbaric. They literally bleed the animals dry by stringing them up, slitting their throat and watching the animal slowly die while it writhes in fear. Those people are freaking sick.

freedumbz ago

>the virgin hebrew cyclist vs the chad delivery van

MassTooter ago

Wow! I can't believe how anti-semitic the Belgiunese are. Don't they know about the hollowcost?

crotchfjord ago

Bet it'll work just like the gun laws in the US.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

To be honest I don’t really get laws like this. Apart from the rituals, the actual slaughter is no different than traditionally done by pretty much most cultures around the world from time immemorial. Hell, when I was in the FFA we slaughtered animals using much the same techniques.

15927273? ago

They just want the animals shocked before death

doginventer ago

The stunning is only one factor in the process though. In my experience as a country boy the handling of the animals during rearing, transportation, and in the abattoir are far bigger factors in the suffering and indignity of the animals than the difference between bolt/bullet and a properly sharp knife in the last few minutes. In my opinion the problems of mistreatment usually arise out of the factory system of food production from farm to all the way to market rather than method of dispatch.

Tldr: buy direct from farmers wherever possible.

15931040? ago

It's a complicated issue for sure, farm fresh meat tastes better too. Normally I'm against government regulation but this upsets the jews

doginventer ago

I worry that we think we are fencing others out, when we are actually fencing ourselves in.

theHare ago

i do not appreciate jews.

mrfetus ago

Be rude to Hebrews, class conflict soon.

Veggiehead ago

Good, it's disgusting , same as Halal. I'm a vegetarian and don't care what people choose to eat but FFS treat the animals with a modicum of respect.

Gorillion ago

But cruelty makes the meat taste like fear!!! Goy/Kaffir/RoundEye

boxofcrackers ago

When an animal is killed in the wild, by a lion, say, or a bunch of human hunters, what usually happens is that the last seconds of that life were adrenaline shocked pure action. This means the heart rate is high and the death is very fast it bleeds fast.

crotchfjord ago

The last 2 minutes vs an entire life in captivity. Would not stress that much over them last 2 min.

Harbinger88 ago

Don't forget that most species we breed for consumption wouldn't exist in their current forms, our ancestors made them the way they are today. Yes, it is sad that some animals live only to be slaughtered and eaten, but such is life. At least we are slightly more respectful towards them in Europe and America than elsewhere in the world.

King_Leopold_II ago

The chink fur farms are disgusting.

VoatEchoChamber ago


Hey bud, as a vegan (20 years now) I have to correct you on your idiocy.

treat the animals with a modicum of respect

If you drink milk you are still supporting the cow slaughter industry.

If you eat fish or any other animal flesh (there are various names for these kinds) or drink milk you are no different.


Veggiehead ago

Idiocy? Fuck off. I don't drink milk and have a tiny bit of fish once a year , maybe.

Samchay6 ago

That sand in your vagina must be awfully coarse...

olltre ago

fag, i just ate chicken, gonna eat pork ribs tomorrow, gonna have bacon and sausage with eggs and cheese for breakfast. will probably eat plant based snacks and occasional dinner throughout the week but not every day. suck my cock bitch

Artofchoke ago

You are a fraud, and a fake.

juicedidwtc ago

vegans ruin everything. i made some weed infused gummies, but bought "vegan gelatin" by mistake. YUCK!!! it was so bad i ended up just throwing away the whole batch, and wasted $40 of weed in the process.

gazillions ago

You aren't part of life if you aren't part of death. You're the one with a problem. You're maladjusted and fucked up, so you shouldn't be telling anyone, anything except yourself.

Go hunting and ave a deer from a tortuous "natural" death you fantasist.

MrDarkWater ago

What a faggot. Get lost

drozzxd ago

Bitch I'd eat a live cow just to piss you off. Fuck off.


The JC addresses the JQ

gazillions ago

Hahahahah 70 years of favored status and treatment is ending.


The salt - the tears, the rending of garments. How delicious.

olltre ago

who knew the salt could be so sweet

freedomite ago

That is some damn fine poetry.

mrfetus ago



bees belgium b’ mores ons targets whens wees b’ legalizings the b’slaughterings of dirtys-gypseys-jews babes.... bees gods speeds babes, cheers ups!