zerozen77 ago

I hope the French kill this faggot Rothschild puppet.

Merlynn ago

I wonder what all those people have (((in common))).

SubhumanDeplorable ago

Macron is a living and breathing Ken doll. Same intelligence as a molded head of plastic too.

7e62ce85 ago

Never thought I would say this, but Macron is getting me erect.

vladtep ago

Sounds good to me...

collin6173 ago

Haha. Poor Macron is losing. Time to break out the old faithful "racism"

phoenix883 ago

He is technically right, but also fully wrong.

The yellow vests protest against propaganda journalists, lying journalists, journalists that behave like they have public office. They protest against criminal bankers that siphon off a lot of the economy, bribe politicians and finance anti white NGOs. They protest against lying corrupt politicians that accept bribes, support criminal bankers, enable anti white laws, anti white NGOs and ignore laws and the Constitution to actively and continually work against even the most basic human rights of everyone who happens to be white and European.

It just so happens by pure chance that everyone of that long list is either Jewish or foreigner or both.

RustyEquipment ago

i mean.. you could just have said one word and not 4... but you probably arent very efficient...

northportage ago

With their sudden pretentious kitchen livestreams, even American Democrats are starting to figure out that it's useful to at least pretend you're on the side of ordinary people. This asshole is doubling down on the 'call the entire population deplorables' strategy. Let's see how that works out for him!

Judasrope ago

You had me at targetting Jews. Just wait till we get a distraction here. Will be a kike hunt.

Octoclops ago

Macron is a tyrant and a liar.

nomadriders ago

Who has read the book "The Turner Diaries"? In the book, the Organization revolting against the System is trying to win hearts and minds, but the system keeps labeling them racist and the like. Amazing how accurate the book was, considering when it was written.

combatveteran ago

I'm looking up the book now. Thanks for the recommendation.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Oh jeez. Godspeed, brother. When you're done with that, check out his other book and murdoch murdoch

PhilKDick ago

I remember liking the book, but little more, as I read it so many years ago!

Nanoonanoo ago

time to fuck off macaroon

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ItsBad ago

Not muh precious journalists! Where would we be without our state sanctioned liars?

PhilKDick ago

France is full of them. Les gilets jaunes protested right outside of BFMTV, prompting an outcry from its jewish billionaire owner.


The State and it's control systems are feeling threatened, screaming anti-judaism, visa-vi 'Racism!' is their way to shut down the populace, they'll find that we no listen to these dog-whistles. It's time for drastic change. Macaroni first tried to use force, silence and strength to ignore us, then he tried to appease us with extending the deadline for the legislation, then he canceled the legislation, then he began his nonsense about unity (which is impossible in multiculturalism) while also attacking nationalism and spouting his globalist civic-nationalism in the form of patriotardism as the 'solution' to the woes of France. Today, he has nothing left other then the whole 'muh racism' 'muh xenophobes' diatribe. What macaroni and his kike overlords still haven't learned is that those dog-whistles only worked on leftist and the right bit their tongue due to political correctness controls, that time has ended.

The social fracture of 1990 in France is increasing. Can macaroni fill his country with enough subhumans to cancel out their democratic voice? And if he is successful does Macaroni and cohorts not think he's not going to get a bullet to the head? We are after all talking about the land of Les Miserables.

Survival_gluten ago

poor Frenchies, if they had guns it would make it so much easier.

ardvarcus ago

No, they are targeting you Macron, you little weasel.

PewterKey ago

Looks like that's an easy fix then. Remove those 4 things and they'll stop protesting. Considering all of those are extreme minorities (both low in number and extremists), removal should be easy.

dudelol ago

And fast.

dudelol ago

And fun