numina18 ago

If you understand Islam, the thing to do is send THEM ALL back where they came from. Christians are not called upon to welcome their sworn enemies into their lands. This is madness!!

lettersofmarque ago

TIL Telescopic Philanthropy. Thanks for that. This site is so educational. And Dickens is back on my reading list.

darkb ago

if they attack and rape meet with extreme prejudice

mediaisfooked ago

Did anyone watch "Killing Europe"? The mother of one of the girls gang raped said that her daughter lost count at 36! I believe there there over 40 different DNA samples in her rape kit. The mother goes on to explain the grooming gangs quite explicitly. Give her a machine gun, hand grenades, and a get out of jail free card.

OU812EH ago

Facts matter. We are talking about extremely low I.Q. sub-humans. They're fcking stupid, ok. They're so fcking stupid, that they think women should cover themselves head-to-toe so that they aren't tempted to rape them. They're so fckn stupid, they haven't even figured out that it's the 21st century yet, cause they still dress in those pajamas like it's the year Zero, and they knew pedo Muhammad personally.

dirtydyno ago

We are all told that Germany's invasion of Poland provoked the Allies into attacking Germany. I never understood the logic. The Soviet Union invaded Poland at the same time. Why didn't the Allies start a war with the Soviet Union as well. As I later read ... I wasn't the only one that was boggled by this. George Lincoln Rockwell also sited this in his book WHITE POWER.

Gorillion ago

Which gang rape was this? The one where they killed the girl then anally raped her dead body so much her insides severed and disconnected and her anal tract completely prolapsed?

Meaning they raped a freshly dead body until, and beyond, it literally started falling to pieces. Meaning they were literally fucking blood, bile, feces and viscera spilling out of a destroyed hole by the end.

That islamic gang rape? Or another one? I keep losing track.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

If German men don't wake up and unfuck the situation, no one else will. Please wake up.

zaksglass ago

This is a real clickbaity title.

phillyjoe ago

The concept of the nobel savage always ends in decapitation.

Funny, isn't it?

doubleanalbypass ago

if you read things like "Now, the eight Syrian migrants, an Algerian migrant and a German have been remanded into custody following DNA matches." makes you think a ethnic german was part of this, right? usually it is a german citicen, with migration background, or, not an ethnic culturally civilised german.

HeavyBrain ago

I think eveyone gets it here.

Its the same when they don't mention race you know its a nug or mud.

Of course a native german can rape a chick, but the dead giveaway is that it was a gangrape with more than 2 guys meaning that there were a lot of barback sloppy 2nd and 3rd going around, this level of closet gay can only be reached by muds.

barraccuda ago

The old and infertile hate the young and fertile.

Expect german women to betray, they love the thought of young german girls being abused. It satisfies them on a deep predatory emotional level.

auralsects ago



Octoclops ago

Fuck off and die cuck

HenryCabotLodge ago

We it is their Country, but perhaps some of the citizens of Germany will take on themselves to overthrow their government an start over. It seems to me that the very function of government has failed if your women are being murdered and raped on a DAILY basis. Why support that government - except that government has guns and the citizens to not.

MustyMackerel ago

Every moslem immigrant should be required by law to give a DNA sample before they are allowed to enter another country.

mediaisfooked ago

Fuck that! They should be shot dead for trying to enter any western country. Even the legal ones.

Blunt_Echo ago

Animals don't consider themselves rapists; they just take what they want—or at least attempt to do so. The problem is that there are a lot of animals walking around that look just like humans. Consequently, it's up to the humans to know the difference and to treat the animals appropriately. People need to stop treating animals as humans—regardless of how many legs the animal might have—and deal with animals utilizing traditional methods.

ice_eleven ago

This is horrid.

Also, why the fuck would a man want to be inside a woman who currently has another man's semen in her. These guys are less than human.

HeavyBrain ago

They are fags, besids what do you expect from them if its common and totally legal practise to fuck your aunts/uncels kids.

admin2 ago

"Sloppy seconds" ...
"Sloppy thirds"... or in this case of Allah's Will against the infidel blonde kids...
"Sloppy tenths"

Bigblackcatwithahat ago

Do they get sent back to Syria?

HeavyBrain ago

Nah, there is a big bad war going on, can't risk sending them back and them getting bbodily harmed now can you and after the war is over they lived here for so long, you can't send them back anymore.

Walk1 ago

Its time to just kick these people out and get it done with. It makes no sense why German women would want this, but women are like this, and it is why they need to be made to submit a patriarchal culture once again.

chirock ago

Of course they want more muslims. The German men are busy getting hormone therapy to become women. Cuck you, Germany.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

America is a big place. Tiny micro dick euro nations not so much. Whats their excuse?

oligarchsalamander ago

I love how one of the men was "German"

admin2 ago

AND I bet his name will be Muhammad sonething

HeavyBrain ago

Now now it could be a 2nd or even 3rd genration dual citizenship holder.

TheKnightOfGod ago

Each of these 10 muslims should be raped 1000 times by 10 pigs and then eaten by the pigs.

blargh55 ago

what is up with muslims and their dicks, seriously

vladtep ago

just like any other animal...

RampancyLambentRaven ago

See. This is why i hate women. Women wanted the Sharia invasion to happen so they could get fucked in the face, gaping prolapsed anal asshole shitter hole, and cunt pussy by faggot pedophile third world Muslim animal shit skin hordes who peddle disease and shoot and run over people. Women are all diseased animal asshole bitches who wanted this foreign fuck fest to happen to our nations and don't give a fuck about us white men anymore.

jthun2 ago

umm, no. some women are not at all in favour of this sort of thing.

unfortunately, too many white women are naive idiots or perverts

brewpot ago

It could never mean ALL women. Not ALL niggers are thieves but there's a pattern there.

Gopherurself ago

That's why they will be killed in mass until they bend back over

EIMR ago

Fuck off with your idiotic titles, write like you were a sane and rational person.

AtlantisAgain ago

Bought and paid for Globalist/NWO/Luciferian EU leaders egg-on the Muzzies to abuse and murder their own countrymen. They know full well what the Muzzies are.

NosebergShekelman ago

Now now no complaining. You ladies wanted this. oy vey

HighEnergyLife ago

Huge difference between being raped by a fictional Christian Grey, billionaire and handsome, and a pack rape by a bunch of illiterate, sweaty, smelly, ugly third world savages with rotten teeth and stinking breath

But they are the same in the views of a women. They have high social status and probably aggressive. The differences are in your own head

475677 ago

Not true. The rape fantasies most women have are merely about being dominated. They're sick of having the complete control over sex and know that they're role in sex is to submissively satisfy the man so they want the man to nut up and take them as they please. Some obviously want to be hit, choked, etc. but they most certainly do not want to be beaten or choked until they pass out. It's about showing complete dominance and causing slight pain/discomfort with someone you trust and ending it on a high note so the opposites give it a feeling of greater intensity. That said they most certainly want to choose the man that treats them this way and not having some filthy fucking shitskins gang rape them.

slickleg64 ago

Yeah . Just fuck them right and they wont be burning coal

englishwebster ago

there are only 2 things that matter at the end of the day in society - women and children. without those there is no future.

attacking our women is the penultimate act of violence and a decleration of war by one religion against another.

attacking our children is what the drag queens are doing in libraries, and thats the ultimate insult

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Children are the future.

Kill pedophiles

Kill traitorous kikes promoting open borders and pedophilia

HonorDefense ago

Fuck off with the kike bullshit. That has nothing to do with Muslims destroying countries

Rawrination ago

Go try out the new showers. People are dying to get in. Happy Hanuka.

HonorDefense ago

Another tough unemployed internet warrior. Let's meet and discuss shall we. I promise to leave your cunt intact

Intrixina ago

And there it is. When cornered they resort to violence. Same mentality as the mudscums.

HonorDefense ago

It's all about accountability. Don't spew bullshit if you hide under your mother's skirt.

475677 ago

I'd throw down with you over the kikes in public. Not only would you and everyone else around get severely red pilled but the second you talked about using violence against me I'd happily stomp the side of your knees as hard as I could, and as many times as I could, making it so that every painful limping step you take for the rest of your days is a reminder of how badly you fucked up by resorting to violence during a debate.

Happy Hanuka.

HonorDefense ago

Is this Alexander? You sound familiar to me. Well said btw. Didn't realize random anti semitic comments was a debate and I am not Jewish which makes it even better.

475677 ago

Say what you want rabbi, but you have a 4 month old account which means you're a kike or are merely shilling for them because any normal person who spends a week here out of mere curiosity knows in their hearts that our hatred of you is justified. It all starts by asking why we even feel that way in the first place. Like surely we don't just blindly hate because our ancestors did right? What could the jews have done to deserve such hatred? Why did the entire nation of Germany and not just a few individuals go to war against the jews? Then in their disbelief they go looking for evidence to shut us down and find out that the holocaust is a straight up lie, that you've been collectively expelled over 350 times in the past, that you worship the devil, that you suck baby cock after cutting it without anesthesia, etc. and slowly but surely they become one of us.

It's enivitable and so is the coming war against you and all the fellow shitskins you're trying to subvert our nations with yet again. This time though we will go full holocaust on you. There won't be a single child left behind because just like a baby spider grows up to make a web a baby kike grows up to be a natural subverter of nations. Your women, your children, even your babies are all getting bullets and then we're going to expel all the half breed kikes to Israel and glass it to make a point to the rest of the world. This time though it's not only going to be Germany but the whole world coming down on you and there will be no escape. We will search to the ends of the Earth and then start over again until we are sure the kike menace has been dealt with once and for all so enjoy the last few years you have left knowing that we will find you and when we do it's not an elaborate trip to a work camp for you but a bullet on site.

HonorDefense ago

That is hysterical. Thanks for the laugh. Moving on to more interesting topics

Intrixina ago

Yeah, and I'm holding you accountable for spewing the exact same shit as mudscums.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

you are an ignorant kike or shill.

Kikes subvert host nations for open borders

downton-stabby ago

Third one Men. Men have been forgotten. They are forced to slave away and have had their "sacrifice self for women/children" turned on its head. If men were able to be Men then society wouldn't need saving. Even the trash muslims women/children are "safe" from invaders, just not each other.

vladtep ago

Brave men should be rewarded.

Cowards should be shamed.

englishwebster ago

agreed, mans role in society is traditionally the defender of the women and children, and we aren't doing that because were being shamed into not defending ourselves.

riffwraff ago

Women are naturally whores with no moral compass. Stop giving them a pass.

englishwebster ago

thats because, like men, they were not raised right.

2 generations ago (the much hated boomers born after ww2) the parents actually instilled ethics in their children. dont do drugs - dont go out at night. stay away from that boy hes no good for you, and make sure you eat your veggies. their children (the hippie generation of the 1960's) did not do the same for their kids, which is my generation. We gen-xers not only lack a moral balance due to poor upbringings (as shown in our selfish attitudes about not having children in favor of trying to get rich) but we did even worse by our own children, the millenials and up - who now take their lessons from the state.

we are all to blame here, not just one gender.

riffwraff ago

Women have never in history had a moral compass and it doesn't matter how you raised them. When Germany's Rhineland was under French occupation, the German women married nigger colonial soldiers. The offspring of these were referred to as Rhineland Bastards. When France was later occupied by Germany, French women married German soldiers and were later tarred and feathered after the liberation. Japanese women in American occupied Japan? Yep. White Spanish women in Puerto Rico? Irish women in nigger Barbados?

Giving women rights caused this. They cannot think logically and have no moral compass. They will have sex with animals if left to their own devices. "These kids weren't raised right!" Is boomer bullshit to excuse their emotional infantilism amd avoid taking responsibility for second wave feminism and empowering these whores.

They need to go back to being the property of their husbands and fathers. Jewish influence will disappear over night.

Soyboys are the result of estrogenic hormones being pumped into everything we eat. Soy, plastic, corn; pure estrogen. Our water is full of estrogen. Whores on birth control piss estrogen inti aquifers and filters that recycle water don't filter it out. Sedentary lifestyles and estrogen everything wire men hormonally to act like women. A soyboy is mentally a woman.

phillyjoe ago

Don't forget easy divorce. These soyboys are raised by women to be a perfect little man. Aka 100% undesirable.

50 shades of Grey is a best seller for a reason

riffwraff ago

You get it.

englishwebster ago

if you think current feminism is a caner then youll get no argument from me. as for women naturally lacking a moral compass consider that your solution (make them the property of man - very muslim of you by the way) is just a smaller version of the tradition of men going out to fight the bad guys while the women stayed home and raised the kids. but women arent fighters - that isnt their role. they will end up bedding with whoever happens to hold the largest gun and in the case of their own men having lost a war or their own countries occupied such as in your example the result is either this or endless rape, which is what we are seeing now.

they cannot physically resist overwhelming male aggression which is why they need men in the first place to defend them. this isnt in itself a lack of moral compass. hell - lets reverse it. how many soldiers from any army went and did the same thing - raping or otherwise ending up with the locals in the nations they occupied? if im not mistaken the korean war made more than a few american/korean offspring.

riffwraff ago

Very muslim of me? It's been the norm of every western society until the last hundred years or so. You keep on giving women a pass for being disgusting and pretending we failed as men. Our only failure as men was when we stopped beating them down and locking them in rooms when they got uppity.

Women caused this. We let them vote and they voted for this.

englishwebster ago

its the muslims that still practice the notion of women as property, not modern society. and yeah, we gave them the right to vote. our fault not theirs for bowing to the pressure. I agree on the vote that it should be a male only practice, but as far as womens rights like freedom to earn a wage i disagree.

you should check out arron russo's final interview before he died. in it he said that the entire first wave feminism movement (right to work and vote) was funded by the rothchilds of the era as a way to double the taxbase after they got control of the federal reserve.

wouldnt suprise me in the least.

Gopherurself ago

Dude if this happened in the states I would make a drive by

Stormisbrewing ago

White women were emotionally blackmailed by the Judenpresse blasting them with pictures of a dead toddler washed up on the beach. They did not vote for invaders to rape them, they were taken advantage of by globalist traitors who know how to manipulate the masses.

auralsects ago

Bull shit you dumb White Knight faggot

Mass immigration was to provide the labor they REFUSE TO GIVE BIRTH TO





Rawrination ago

And yet that same 70% of the population (myself included) continue to sit on our asses as the kikes and traitors sleep like babes sure that nothing will happen either to them or to the system they built.

fuck-your-world ago

White women who vote for this shit should be triple impaled, one in their box, one in their ass, and one in their mouth shitter, just like they like it.


The #1 sexual fantasy for women is a rape fantasy. Of course they want to flood their country with rapists

4n0n3m0u5e ago

I found this odd when I first heard of it like 4-5 years ago, so I looked into it. What it really boils down to is a desire to be dominated by an alpha male in some capacity. Classic examples would be found in the romance novels women read, where the 'rapist' is always a total chad. These women want Gigachad to come 'rape' them, not unbathed, STI-ridden Mohammed. Everything is rape culture these days, so hopefully they all thank their local feminist chapters for the bait and switch.

Drakgan ago

A Chad can't rape the willing.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

It's all still a bit paradoxical to me. "Somebody's doing the raping."

olieman ago

That may be, although I find it hard to believe white women fantasize being raped by a shit skinned Muslim, and especially a gang of them.

olieman ago

That may be, although I find it hard to believe white women fantasize being raped by a shit skinned Muslim, and especially a gang of them.

admin2 ago

But why did Men give women the right to vote and destroy entire nations?

Why do women voters in all white countries spread socialist welfare and open borders everywhere? For Rape? Empathy without Rational thought?

Women voters have rapidly destroyed thousands of years of civilization.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

But why did LEFTIST Men give women the right to vote and destroy entire nations?

To win elections. Democracy is cancer.

Why do women voters in all white countries spread socialist welfare

To avoid marriage. Only men prefer marriage and nuclear families, women prefer warlord harems.

and open borders

Because their biological senses tell them that the men inside the borders are weaker than the men outside of the borders. So they let them in, let them fight, then mate with the winner.

Only men want borders to protect THEIR women. Women just want the strongest mate which will produce the strongest children.

Seriously, if you were a hot swedish blonde, would you want to get impregnated by Sven, the male feminist, and have his sons decapitated by muslims? No, you get impregnated by Muhammad, then his sons decapitate other sons. Thats how biology works.

Women voters have rapidly destroyed thousands of years of civilization.

Not women, WEAK MEN. No weak men, no voting women. If you didnt notice, the men who let their women vote have their women raped, and the men who DONT let their women vote do the raping. It is not a coincidence.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Jewish influence. Women are stupid and easily manipulated.

ice_eleven ago

What if this feminism shit is an endless cycle that we're doomed to repeat?

ErrorHasNoRights ago

But why did Men give women the right to vote and destroy entire nations?

Effeminacy. Saying "no" requires mortifying oneself, which is now nearly impossible for the modern Western man.