samuel999 ago

Sounds awful .. I read about this story at another source and I was shoked. I'd better go to online pharmacy instead of any doctor now lol, happily there is an abundance of available drugs in the web (no prescription needed).

myshpqmc ago

Relaxed, dude, America loves rapists and Muslim Islamic serial artistic killers who are rich and thus a good ally, as all knows .

Rape is nothing and coward USA would let communist rapist free, which is often banned to speak in redd*t.

US supplied bomb that killed 40 children on Yemen school bus , with smart missiles which are smart enough to recognize and kill easy-to-kill children to show US has balls when being fucked off by hard-to-kill Russians.

​Slow coward failure America likes to make the war as long as possible, already said far far more earlier and banned.

Is slow coward USA doing the same thing that USA just waits a few months until China yuan is down 10% to $, then dares to tax 10% on $505 billions, and thus gets 10%-10%=0% in real trade? After all, USA has loved China communists and their ZTE for decades. My English is so bad?

​1, USA shouts that USA would put tariff on $500 billion goods made in China to change anti-freedom trade with China.

2, China devalues (downs) its currency yuan 10% to USA currency $.

3, then USA dares to really put tariff 10%, and gets nothing in real trade because 10%-10%=0%, which means that prices of goods made in China are decreased 10% by means of China government devaluing yuan 10%, and prices of goods made in China are increased 10% by meanings of USA government putting tariff 10% on all, and thus prices in trade not changed in total.

​4, ZTE is always controlled by China communists, and sells anti-freedom system to Iran and Korea, and banned by USA and then supported by USA at last.

Just the first sentence I said, if you cannot read more sentences. "Coward USA is too slow, which would make the war last long and thus make USA fail eventually."

Coward USA is too slow, which would make the war last long and make USA fail. China yuan is already down 4% to USA dollar. So the real tariff in trade would be 10%-4%*500/200=0% for the new 10% tariff on $200 billions of China goods.

Notice: $500 billions is the minimal of goods made in China exported to USA. So China yuan downing (or devaluation of China currency to America currency, now about 4% down) affects more than $500 billions goods exported to USA, but new tariffs expected only affects $200 billions goods exported to USA. So the result of the new tariffs on the whole trade of goods made in China but exported to America here is only 10%-4%*500/200=0%.

Maybe USA can keep torturing Children (news about immigrants) and infants (news about USA believing cow milk is much better than mother milk or breast milk for infants), and make China communists keep stealing $375 billions and millions of American jobs from USA every year, since all these would make America great again.

Is USA a coward failure only shouting 200 billion and shouting 500 billion with doing nothing real while China communists have been keeping beating USA?

The simplest example in life to see the unfair robbery nature of China communists...(rob money from Chinese,rob work from American)

If you transfer money from banks not in China (for example, D) to China bank,Zero fee. But if you transfer back,that's to say, if you transfer money from China bank to banks not in China (for example,D), very high fee. That's the fairness? So, we got to know why China bank would not like fair competition with other banks, and China communists did unfair competition very well. (By the way, there is a little fact : China top four communist banks are the four biggest and richest banks all over the world. )

China bank says: If you transfer money out of mainland,for example, if you transfer money to USA , the fee is 1‰, 50¥ at least for each.And there is also tele fee,150¥ each time. And there also may be other fees. ​ So, if you are a Chinese and want to buy an American goods, you transfer 500¥ to your account outside China, and China bank just simply takes off more than 200¥ from you just because you want to buy an American goods. Moreover, if you take this American goods back to China, you may face high tax by China communists as well. So, we got to know why China goods would not like fair competition with USA goods, and China communists did unfair competition very well. (By the way, there is a little fact: China communists legally steal $375 billions and millions of American jobs from USA in 2017 by anti-freedom trade.) ​And all above here lasts for decades!

Seen in "China government has legally stolen 375.23 billions from USA in a single year..."

​Edit:I take no order from anyone. For those super Nazis, Can you and the followers read English?

​ Or you just don't want true free trade without tariffs?

Come on, Nazis and racists and communists, just ignore the truth, attack me and remove.

If no reply or late reply or this removed, blame redd&t or vo&t or the net, not blame me, because its not my control, and sometimes because "You have reached your daily comment quota. Your current quota is 10 comment(s) per 24 hours." which could also be false for you did not make 10 comments a day but you still cannot reply.

Vhaine ago

Honestly, I'm not sure which side I should be rooting for on this one...

Musaab ago

You guys should realize that Muslims would be valuable allies in fighting the Jew World Order. Instead you resist. Therefore, we will take your cities one by one. Like a tidal wave, we will sweep across the west, conquering every place we touch. Your men are weak, your women are ours.

WickedVocalist ago

Ew uncirc cock is nasty

R00STRE ago

Muh Joo fags are MB, I'm telling you!

Walk1 ago

I would lace it with all kinds of toxins to shut down their system. They are the foulest race known to mankind.

Newmemba ago

dumb of her to say so

ForTheUltimate ago

so that's why jews do business with each other

I can see natural selection at work

Deflo56 ago

I’ll never understand why people show their dark side on social media. How can such a dumbass get into med school? She must know somebody.

Ambrosekanefan ago

Friendly reminder that there are good Zionist Jews out there and then there are Kikes. Protect the Real Jews.

Kill all Muslims.

TheTruthTheFacts ago

attempt of murder

TheTruthTheFacts ago

and thats how he loses his license

jewsbadnews ago

"Diversity is our strength"

Doglegwarrior ago

Well one good thing about midslimes i guess.

Wowbagger ago

"Muslim Doctor Residing in Ohio"

lissencarak ago

Based and red-pilled.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

He's aight in my book, not like I opt in for shitskin doctors anyways

AllHailTheFool ago

They're not sending their best...

videocodec ago

Muslims are not your friends nor allies just because they hate the Jew. Both are evil. Both should not be trusted

midnightblue1335 ago

A lot of folks don't seem to get this- being a White man makes you the enemy of the jew and the muslim. Yes, the jews and muslims have had clashes and don't get along that well (with some exceptions) and the jew is the hated enemy of the muslim.

But the phrase "enemy of my enemy is my friend" does not apply when that would-be friend also hates you and views you as an enemy! Fighting back against jewish subversion and muslim brutality are not mutually exclusive.

I would acknowledge that jews are the greatest threat to the White race, with muslims coming next and niggers in third place. If the jews suddenly vanished off the earth tonight, we'd have world peace tomorrow. But it wouldn't last- muslims would "become the jew". They'd adopt their tactics of playing brown people against Whites. They'd ally themselves with the niggers and brutalize White people. But without jewish influence, they won't be nearly as difficult to deal with.

Dismal_Swamp ago

I'm starting to like these Muslims. You'll never find some pussy white Christian talking shit about Jews in America. And this woman even goes out of her way to try to kill those rats with the wrong drugs. There should be a medal for that.

WickedVocalist ago

Then maybe you are one of those FLDS polygamous fags who likes promoting female homosexuality.

NosebergShekelman ago

haha I like this guy already

robabo ago

turnabout is fair play.

ShillKiller007 ago

Since when do Jews ever go to nonJewish doctors?

carlip ago

i refuse to recognize a source that calls its self "DC Clothes Line"... fuck off OP

speedisavirus ago

Faggots been spamming this site a lot lately.

JesusRules ago

hahahaha haaajew

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Don't fucking romanticize islam, asshole.

user for 2 months already -500 downvoted ccp.

GoyimNose ago

Jews choose Jews

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I would not consider visiting a muslime, Jew, or nigger doctor.

White is right especially when it comes to doctors.

canbot ago

You can't always decide. If you get cancer, or any larger medical problem, you will go to the hospital and the hospital will assign an army of Doctors. Each one for a different field. Each one collecting a separate fee. And if you object to minority doctors you will not be treated well to say the least.

gazillions ago

Go to Poland for treatment.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

If I get cancer in a lot of places I’m going to die. I would rather die than be killed by the incompetence of a nigger, the hatred of a muslime, or the corruption of a Jew.

canbot ago

That is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

If you die because of the incompetence of a nigger what does died, the nose or the face?

Turn_Coat ago

East Asians are okay too.

ALIENS2222 ago

Agreed, best dentist I ever had was a Chinamen.

FridayJones ago

My favorite dentist (now retired) was a Japanese-American. He was so careful, so minimally invasive, and did everything in his power to minimize the discomfort. I see him enjoying his retirement via and think of it as well-earned. There are teeth in my head right now that owe that man their lives.

totes_magotes ago

If he'll do it to Jews, he'll do it to you.

FH_Rileys_MaitreD ago

Yeah. I’m not a big Jew fan, but the Hippocratic oath is very important.

GoyimNose ago

When the enemy of my enemy is not my friend

SayTan ago

If there were a malpractice case involving her...

Dumb tweet made her uninsurable as a physician.

MrShekelstein ago

muslims hate jews more than anyone else so idk.

WickedVocalist ago

Yeah and LDS people also hate Jews, love globalism, and burn crosses for a false prophet with the love of greed. An anti semitic religion ideaology of white genocide through globalist mixing.

Merchant_Menace ago

Not true. Both muslims and jews hate us more than they hate each other.

MrShekelstein ago

Every muslims I've talked to has hated jews more than anyone else.

They only hate america because we were enabling them.

voatusernamevoat ago

Na, they have a long history of working together against someone else.

recon_johnny ago

I’d say them and I run a close neck and neck.

totes_magotes ago

You're right, he's a doctor of peace.

ForTheUltimate ago

achieving peace, one infidel at a time

lissencarak ago

I am not dumb enough to go to a Muslim doctor.

downton-stabby ago

They may be a technician, an assistant, or some random nurse among non muslims. Keep your eyes out.

Gargilius ago

...don’t forget the pharmacist!

Turn_Coat ago

This is true... get an asian or white doctor. That said; I'm glad some one is doing their part to deal with the semites.

SayTan ago

Now that she is uninsurable as a doctor, perhaps she can be a suicide bomber?

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Kike doctors and nurses probably too

Damncircle ago

Let's give little Emily testosterone instead of her normal meds.

Doctor kike why is my daughter. Wanting to sow shut her cunt?

Because you are bad goyum now let me seal it up or I'll sick govberg and defacsberg on you.

Goys-R-Us ago

This should be grounds to yank their license. It's probably just more bullshit to divide and conquer.

SayTan ago

Her making herself uninsurable? Nope.

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ardvarcus ago

What Jew is going to go to a Muslim doctor? That would be like the Grand Dragon of the KKK going to a nigger doctor.

Conway ago

Because, jews line up to see the muslim doctor...

speedisavirus ago

Not the smart ones

One-Way_Bus ago

Everything to save a shekel or two. Oy vey!

lissencarak ago

They probably do. Jews do perceive Muslims as historical and racial allies. They are not really used much to the recent spat, especially the ones not in Israel.

CameraCode ago

I don't know about allies. Maybe useful golems.

patrice_0neal88 ago

Lol not even close

lissencarak ago

Eh, they are getting used to it, but look at their relations in the Ottoman or Moor empires.