new islamist theocratic Muslim Patrol inside NYC? disguse themselves almost exactly like NYPD, new group connects to Iran, Saudi, Afghanistan, Muslim Brotherhood/CAIR in the US (
submitted 6.1 years ago by Kippering
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AttackHelicopter 6.1 years ago
Kikes have been doing it forever. I see this as a balance. Maybe NYC could be ground zero for the Muslims to shoah the Jews.
fr33europe 6.1 years ago
It would be a balance if there was a white Christian security patrol
SearchVoatBot 6.1 years ago
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AttackHelicopter ago
Kikes have been doing it forever. I see this as a balance. Maybe NYC could be ground zero for the Muslims to shoah the Jews.
fr33europe ago
It would be a balance if there was a white Christian security patrol
SearchVoatBot ago
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