jewsbadnews ago

Dumb cunt at the end bringing up the Holohoax for the sextillion time...

MeMoLeem ago

It is all part of the NWO, first destroy the host country's culture by allowing "immagriants" by the thousands, who have no intention of becoming part of their host country. No, instead they are allowed to retain their own language, customs,etc., proving the fallacy, time and again, of multiculturalism. It's truly sad that elected officials worldwide have chosen to sell US out in the name of globalism, while they themselves are safely ensconced behind gated communities and who travel with armed guards. Maybe these invaders should be sent to the politician's neighborhoods to live.

John22 ago

Perceptions are based on what you hear, feel and see. This is his reality and not mere perceptions. These rich middle class television presenters don't live in the real world.

Tallest_Skil ago

He'll be arrested and executed soon.

Musaab ago

There is nothing you can do. Islam has come and it is here to stay. You are being conquered and you can only watch. You inbred creatures will soon be extinct. Allahu Akbar!!!!

newmenewmeyea ago

Well, my blood pressure is way up. That was infuriating.

fluhthreeex ago

My favorite was the Pavlovian-like response to the ex-military puppet: cheering and "woo'ing" at the word "Veteran". HE AND HIS FELLOW ZOG SERVANTS ARE THE REASON YOU ARE THERE BITCHING ABOUT THE MIGRANTS, YOU RETARDS. Can't get your benefits because you fought in the war and now you want your gibs? I give zero shits for you. You were the hand of the source of the problem. I would rather you be homeless than the other man who spoke. The gibs are for the invaders, not you. Duh. Don't you understand the Kalergi Plan? What did you think you were getting yourself into?

I had friends and friends-of-friends in the areas around the Muslim communities that sprung up over time after the US began overthrowing countries in the M.E. Using that as a model it's fairly obvious that immigration was always their planned response: beat democracy at its own game. It's an unbeatable strategy. Slowly and legally move in, breed on a large scale, build your numbers over time, maintain your core values, vote, enter politics, continue voting and GG. But with Africans? ...that was entirely unexpected. In retrospect: "blacks = opportunists"... well, no, that's not surprising. The UK and EU being so ZOG'd that they'd let them all in? Wow I did not see that one coming.

vladtep ago

So they gaslight him with that smug look on their faces.

maxoverdrive ago

Who gives a shit? These're Brits; they brought this crap down on themselves. It's time they paid for their pussification, in spades; let them suffer, let them live homeless, let them die - they aren't worth the effort until they rise up, violently, and take their country back....

Fetalpig ago

I like the way,they tell him,its not really what's happening, like he is delusional. When th numbers say the increase in immigrants is 2000% and 30% of the locals have left,but he is the delusional one. Then the guy that was a veteran,wanted to know why he doesn't get help,but they bring in the very people he was fighting against stealing the monies from men like him? They treated him like a buffoon. Limeys let their country get taken over.

BillZussman ago

I feel like the trick is trying to ruin the country slowly over generations that way everyone is dead that can tell you how things really were

Chadsden ago

That’s a funny way to spell murdered by an Islamic gang

MustyMackerel ago

lexsird ago

Kill that entire fucking panel of cunts right on TV, that'd send a proper message to the elites. I wanted to blast that smarmy cunt in the face as soon as she started talking, then the other retards started in. I'd never make it there, I'd have to kill me some motherfuckers pronto. Jesus, wtf happen to you brits?

bloodguard ago

That's next level "tutting" there. I wonder if he's out of jail by now.

bamadeplorable420 ago


slickleg64 ago

But trust the Q plan trump predicted this 4d chess

vladtep ago

I don't trust the plan. I think that the plan will do nothing to address this, by design.

slickleg64 ago

There is no plan. Q is a larp and Trump is a kike.

vladtep ago

My opinion is that Q is real, and the plan sucks because Trump is a kike.

I think the plan is a bad one for us.

Why would I trust a plan when I don't know what it is or the motivations of those who wrote it?

The only way this works is if Trump is really playing 88D underwater backgammon and he's some kind of closet nazi.

Pwning4Ever ago

Immigrants just living their shit hole,

123456788 ago

"Just because something is perceived a certain way doesn't make it true."

Where I come from, perception is 9/10s of reality. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a fucking duck. Don't give me this "it may look this way but it's not this way" bullshit. What scares me is that most of the audience was eating these words up.

vladtep ago

Just because something is perceived a certain way doesn't make it true

That goes for you too, tubby.

What he should have said...

Pwning4Ever ago

The guy had balls but he cleary could have help expressing his experiences (his words could easily be dismissed as antedotal and they absolutely were!). But he could've turned around and slammed them for their perception on multiculturalism, "your perception is that it's working, how do you know your perception is the correct one?"

AnthraxAlex ago

Just because you perceived yourself being sentenced to 30 lashings in the public square for drinking a beer on Ramadan doesnt mean your ass is raw and bleeding from receiving 30 lashing in the public square on Ramadan goy.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

The British government knows exactly what it is doing in importing these third worlders. Fuck them.

Walk1 ago

We all want our countries back but the Jews and leftists see us as dumb goys that need to submit to "diversity" and this one won't end with the biggest humdinger of a fight we have ever seen. We're going to need the Russians on our side for this one and hopefully they put such a beating on Western degenerates and Jews.

notboundtosilence ago

America is right around the corner. Liberals will be applauding every time some moron defends immigrants over citizens. We have a chance now, but we cannot be lazy. We must take our country back. You can see, once they take it, we will not be getting it back again.

pray_the_gay_away ago

these jews... how far do they think they can push us?

mattsixteen24 ago

It's just your perception goy. The zog is only comitting genocide against the British my flooding the UK with muslims. Go back to sleep goy. All those child rapes are just perception.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

It's not the immigrants fault your women voted for a welfare state and didn't make enough babies to fund it,

it's not women's fault they went to school and work instead of making babies in the 70s and 80s when inflation reduced the average income's buying power to 1/6th it's power from the 1950s,

it's not the Fed's fault for inflating the currency to pay for entitlements demanded by the early progressives,

it's not the early progressive's fault they used female suffrage and bribery to turn the government into an elaborate bureaucratic dowry inspired by the generosity of Christ and the recent liberation of negro slaves,

It's not the Negros fault they were born into servitude and man's yearning is to be free,

It's not the Jews fault for leading the slave trade from Africa to the new world,

It's not the Africa's fault for capturing slaves as the main export in a new globalized economy of trade and conquest

It's not the global economy's fault that until industrialization and capitalism, slavery and feudalism were the best available system of governance to compete against neighboring nations and tribes,

It's not feudalism's fault that agriculture and growing populations aided by strictly enforced norms of sanitation and purity lead to a stable civilizational structure followed around the world as the central mode of being for humans known as Patriarchy,

It's not Patriarchy's fault for outcompeting the starvation, disease, and endless civil war known as matriarchy,

It's not matriarchy's fault for producing offspring to aid in selfish aquistion of resources to produce more offspring as this is the basic unit of life

It's not life's fault for wanting to reproduce itself

It's not the universe's fault for creating life...

We didn't start the fire. It was always burning since the world's been turning...

Itsdone63 ago

So what's your point. Entropy? Who are you, the joker?

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Play the game to win, but see the game for what it is.

Itsdone63 ago

Fair nuff

slickleg64 ago

It's not the immigrants fault your women voted for a welfare state and didn't make enough babies to fund it,

Well theres the problem. Better end the welfare state.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Better stop paying taxes and translate your work into an asset that can't be counterfitted by the government which exists to aquire power and resources from the needs of the governed, which is why the government exists to breed needy people who justify it's existence.

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ErrorHasNoRights ago

These Jews are something else, I tell ya...

SporadicSpasms ago

Shook my head every time the degenerate cucks in the audience clapped when the Jewfag talked anti-white diversity shit in the first segment.

Who's the darkie transmutant speaking at the end? I can't tell if it's a man, woman, or Sasquatch.

jewsbadnews ago

The Anglos deserve to be destroyed. Fuck them.

SporadicSpasms ago

Nice troll attempt.

Next time put a little more effort into it.

jewsbadnews ago

No, I really think that, they are jews of the white race. They were Zionist before even the kikes were, and they destroyed Germany and now Europe.

SporadicSpasms ago

Oh, I see where you're coming from.

England has a major problem with the Monarchy and the City of London Corporation. Of course, the British populace has some king of a genetic defect to allow this shit in the first place.

The zion parasite is strong in England, but a lot of the people are also just plain stupid/evil.

shmuklidooha ago

Seems a bit Abo to me.

nomadriders ago

Shook my head every time the degenerate cucks in the audience clapped when the Jewfag talked anti-white diversity shit in the first segment.

The audience on these shows are always stacked with left wing cucks. We have a similar show in Australia and they've been caught doing it.

Ilisyer ago

It's a kind of Astroturfing, when you create an illusion of support to get others to accept and conform to your ideas and behavior. If you can appear as the majority, people are often too weak and cowardly to act against the group and risk social punishment.


Here's the real kicker, the guy expressing this opinion is a leftist, and he's paid handsomely for it, he is portraying a moderate right wing opinion. Nobody who's right wing is even watching that garbage let alone comes on any show that is run by the BBC or SKY. They all fully understand that the State run media are their enemy who champions anything centre left and often far left ideals.

You should understand Cultural Marxist better when this is the premise:

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

Vladimir Lenin,

If you read the Lenin papers, then you should understand what 'controlled opposition' is, and also grasp that (((Jacob Schiff))) was an influence on him, who in part was one of the Bolshevik foreign revolutionaries for funding their revolt against the Russian royal Tsar. This jew who in the US created the 2 party system after 1913 because a president had refused to do the Zionist bidding, this drastic political change let to the US involving itself in WWI. Woodrow Wilson was the stooge and the policies he enacted should have been enough for the US to rebel against a corrupt government.

This is the simple truth, it is a controlled system, and the various party system the US had before, where parties and even elected independent individuals would make compromises to enact legislation came to an end.

knightwarrior41 ago

yup correct

SporadicSpasms ago

Pretty much what I figured. Propaganda media here in the US does the same thing.

No thinking person actually watches that shit anymore.

uvulectomy ago

British Man: I'm constantly passed over for jobs and housing benefits, while immigrants get everything free and have money thrown at them. An immigrant told me I can't get help because I "haven't lived here" because I'm homeless.

Jew Host: OY VEY! Why are you being racist?? Why do you hate black people, goy?!?! IT'S ANUDDAH SHOAH!

Part and parcel...

squishysquid ago

You actually undersold the jewry caricature; they legit reminded the audience of the 6 trillion

uvulectomy ago

Probably because I closed the video right after what I saw. That was more gaslighting and kvetching than I could handle without puking.

clubberlang ago

and they even said he never mentioned black people which of course was.glosses over as superjew tried to backtrack

AinzOown ago

And the whole fucking crowd clapped. I wanted to smack the shit out of every one of them.

Olbee ago

I thank you for sharing your feelings. I’m more of a Lover than a Fighter...weak and frail body with a Big Heart. Sending Kisses to the audience, liberally and without prejudice. XXX Insta💞doubletap

clubberlang ago

ahhhhh the unquestioning clapper monkeys every country has em

AinzOown ago

racism bad, forced immigration good

gazillions ago

I had to stop watching there. It's too aggravating and I want to commit violence against those snotty bastards.

idle_voating ago

Developed countries should only bring in immigrants with something of value to offer, to increase the quality of those countries. Bring in doctors, engineers, software developers, etc. Don't bring in criminals, illiterates with no skills, lawyers and others who will only decrease the quality of the countries that they're moving into.

Another thing is to get rid of the H1B crap that is basically indentured servitude. Only true immigration. Also, retain more of the people who get advanced degrees in the US and retain their talents instead of sending them home to create foreign competition.

jewsbadnews ago

I see you haven't watched this video yet Taking the best from other countries makes their countries shittier because only the low skilled and uneducated are still there.

gazillions ago

Don't bring any them unless they're a cultural fit. All these countries were better without any of them.

Like it or not, white is a cultural fit because it's a genetic fit.

idle_voating ago

The best are fully capable of integrating into the cultures of developed countries.

gazillions ago

fooled us with that already. Go water your camel.

idle_voating ago

Nope, I'm American. Most Arabs don't have camels.

I've seen the best from other countries and it is a huge mistake to educate them only to send them home after graduation to start foreign competition.

gazillions ago

I know they don;t all have camels. Everyone knows they don't all have camels.

No they shouldn't be educated here. Our kids are left on infinite waiting lists for objective classes and end up studying shit instead.

That has nothing to do with the fact that we don't benefit from any of the immigrants, brilliant or not. If they're brilliant they need to raise their own country's standards with their brilliance. Brain draining them doesn't pay off so much. You have to point at the specific incidents where a non white immigrant did something hugely beneficial for our countries. That's bull shit. There's no way of saying someone else wouldn't have come up with it. Creations are based on what precedes them.

The only reason alien cultures didn't tear western countries apart until now was because of the numbers. If you're the only non white kid in the class, you assimilate and so does your family. AS soon as there are three or more they don't assimilate and don;t have to get to know you or like one single thing about you.

Make America white again is going to have to happen. Make all western countries white will have to happen. There's no other way. Whether it happens by war or influence is irrelevant. Over the next ten years your point will be politically incorrect and considered dangerous.

jthun2 ago

nah, we don't want tons of those people, because that means Indian pajeets who destroy our culture.

Indians turned India into a shit hole. They will turn other countries into a shit hole too.

idle_voating ago

That's where the part about only bringing in the best people from India and other countries comes in.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

This is known as the brain drain.

Developed countries should export their growing population into other countries to share the knowledge and genetic inheritance that led to their development. But you can't have a growing population if your women are in school and at work during their fertile years.

whatisbestinlife ago

no the worst when he was gaslit and told his perception of his life was his own and perhaps not accurate to true reality. this is psychological manipulation and warfare. he should have brought his fist into reality with his face in defense of trying to make him look crazy on television. unacceptable. and then the man had to go on the defense to boost his reputation and image and he truly sounded like he was willing to share his country with other people but not to the degree of being wiped out for it. this isnt angry. you havent seen angry.

jewsbadnews ago

Of course he was a jew, I would have met him after the show in the parking lot and did some painful things to him.

Doglegwarrior ago

I dont want to here this fuckkng gaslight term ever the fuck again! It has come out of no where and being fucking used by fucking sheeple left and right i dont even want to know what the fuck it means i know it is fucking bullshit

jollux ago

It started its memetic spread on shitredditsays in 2012. That said, it's also a useful term for our side.

Skeeterdo ago

Goes to show you Jews and Judaism is actually magic and moloch worship.

They are indeed 100% trying to twist and contort your reality in the physical, almost like they are the synagogue of Satan.

wleslie ago

Right on! This panelist argument against "angry man's" "perception" is the twisted language and thought processes on the left that lead to illogical emotion-based reasoning.

speedisavirus ago

Of course this is the same thing they say to justify minorities getting all their free shit. "You don't know my truth being a black one armed, one legged, tranny!"

uvulectomy ago

"When niggers chimp out, neighborhoods burn. When whites chimp out, NATIONS burn."

Olbee ago

Why stop there..? FiveAI goes West

lissencarak ago

Not holding my breath

Justwanttovoat ago

Whew, that's really terrifying

LDIP ago

That was disturbing

Duchozz ago

...not really anymore

DishingShitLikeA ago

Don't sit idly by.

Duchozz ago

The kikes own every media platform we could possibly use to form any sort of cohesive resistance under, so I wont hold my breath.

At this point it's looking like Islam will be the only anti semetic banner under which anyone can rally.

I_Always_Lie ago

That's exactly what the jew wants. Not their nations, our nations.

HillBoulder ago

They don't have nations nor should they.

I_Always_Lie ago

Well they do have that one sliver of shitty desert in the Middle East that we keep giving billions to.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

They don't own it, they occupy stolen land. Stolen land that can be returned to its rightful people.

Olbee ago

Ahhhh. The imaginary promised E.v2

HillBoulder ago

That is an abomination.

voatusernamevoat ago

Why jew orchestrators should be dealt with first.

slickleg64 ago

Hitlers mistake was going after peasants first and alllowing the wealthy to leave.

GoldIsRealMoney ago

Hitler arrested Rothschild.

andrew_jackson ago

Didn't know this. How did the Christ-Killer manage to escape?

slickleg64 ago

Louis Nathaniel de Rothchild.

After the Anschluß of Austria to Nazi Germany in March 1938, he was arrested at the airport at Aspern[3] and taken into custody by the Nazis because he was a distinguished member of the Jewish oligarchy. He was released only after lengthy negotiations between the family and the Nazis and upon payment of $21,000,000, believed to have been the largest ransom payment in history for any individual

Yea the nazis still let the jew off the hook for a few shekel @GoldIsRealMoney

GoldIsRealMoney ago

A few shekels? That's well into the billions of modern dollars for a deeply impoverished Germany.

whatisbestinlife ago

i just sit here and wonder what level of white will be used. will it take years or will it be over before I realize? will it be grueling or will it be without effort?

Atomized_Individual ago

It depends on the groundwork we lay beforehand. What lens people see events through will determine their response.

One-Way_Bus ago

I laughed when the womyn answering the elderly Brit lady calling Brits "indigenous population." It's as if Brits don't belong to the UK anymore.

Grindelwo ago

Britbong Londonistan is a fucking disaster

ardvarcus ago

More white people need to "lose it."

whatisbestinlife ago

he didnt lose it. this is mild frustration

Pwning4Ever ago

These are Brit bongs, the dude has fucking lost it.

whatisbestinlife ago

he hasnt even painted his face. he wasnt shouting at loud as he could or wave those who share his views to storm the set

derram ago :

"I want my country back!" Angry Man LOSES IT with BBC Host - YouTube

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