3 weeks of protest, largely ignored by mainstream media. Largest Protect in 50 yrs in Paris, France - Rebelmedia (twitter.com)
submitted 6.1 years ago by Tazzermalt
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C_Corax 6.1 years ago
I like to bash MSM for their bias as much as the next guy, but I would hardly say they have been ignoring the riot's. I am waiting for them to blame it on the Russians though.
Omnidempotent 6.1 years ago
Seriously, it was on the evening news
The blaming it on the Russians thing? Seriously?
No, just the protests themselves
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C_Corax ago
I like to bash MSM for their bias as much as the next guy, but I would hardly say they have been ignoring the riot's. I am waiting for them to blame it on the Russians though.
Omnidempotent ago
Seriously, it was on the evening news
C_Corax ago
The blaming it on the Russians thing? Seriously?
Omnidempotent ago
No, just the protests themselves