Mark_it_Zero ago

I would still pee in her butt.

V1LLA1N ago

I’d give her a penis facial for way less than £465.

BumFightChamp ago

They're using full fetal tissue. I guarantee it.

Feral_Human ago

What she really want's is a bunch of dudes to caver her face with their intact foreskins.

yewotm8 ago

I thought gooks were unkiked. How many of them bear the mark of the jew?

fedevela ago

You are crazy, there is no satanic consp ......


This works great! The only side effect is it leaves her a little cockeyed.

BiggestLobster ago

"Cloned" foreskin tissue. not tissue from real babies.

anOtherVoice11 ago

She couldn't get anyone to turkey slap her.

anOtherVoice11 ago

If it was made in China, it wouldn't be baby foreskins !

anOtherVoice11 ago

She looks pretty good for a 95 year old !

Oh_Well_ian ago


Steinmacher ago

Now she's a dick face...

Chimaira92 ago

Something similar to this is what they do with the harvested organs from abortions.

albatrosv15 ago

So wait... korean boys are also circumcised?

Bhalz ago

And to think I could trade in my penis for this world, fuck every being a woman I'll take grey hair and a cheap suit over suffering all this shit to keep looking young.

Intrixina ago

Fucking degenerates...

RakerKey ago

Yet more news stories involving male genitals - there has been a flood of them recently for some strange reason

The ruling tribe are literally obsessed with it.

tokui ago

Old news. Shiseido, I recall, is a big seller. Very expensive. I doubt SK is sourced due to availability, since circumcision is not that common there. USA would have more. I think it's more about procurement laws, which when factored in might allow one to state that SK has a large supply (in comparison).

Roadkills and other animal control supplied animal corpses are rendered into high quality fats for the cosmetic industry. Never followed up, but I can imagine it's likely they don't have the chemicals and hormones farm livestock get loaded with.

Pluviou5 ago

Cloned stem cells? That means cloning may be years ahead of what it is in the public's eyes, behind the curtain.

Chimaira92 ago

I knew those Chinese people looked too eerily familiar.

clubberlang ago

So my guess is she's going for a small face?

prairie ago

It's be funny if you could trick someone like this into believing that these were the equivalent of infant girl foreskins. 180 degree change in attitude^infinity.

anOtherVoice11 ago

Didn't a judge just allow FGM !

15218800? ago

"After a long flight, I do like shave my face and slap on after-shave balm made of liquefied cloned clitoris' – frankly who doesn’t?"

prairie ago

Watch out for the roastie face this can cause.

15218857? ago

Don't worry it's cloned from virgin girls clits.

tokui ago

I'd buy that skin cream. Rub it on my schlong, make the wrinkles disappear.

repoman ago

INB4 scientists discover that the single best anti-aging serum is the money shot.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

It's already been done. You are decades late

Chimaira92 ago

Centuries even.

bagano1 ago

Hollywood is full of some stupid people with too much money. It really is something to observe someone immature with too much money get taken advantage of by con artists.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

  • Insults people just for having money
  • Completely ignores the treatment is medically and scientifically sound

Yup. Found the dumb Jew.

knightwarrior41 ago

now we know why they like babies to be circumcised,i wouldnt be surprised if she is in to young blood transfusions as well

fundie ago

Well if you're an orthodox jew, you get the best of both worlds (and you give the poor little guy herpes):

just sayin'

webrustler ago

It's not working, Kate.

Lynch_Tree ago

Sandra Bullock, 54, is credited with nicknaming it ‘the penis facial’.

Something she'd know a lot about.

EdSnowden ago

Wow, what a creative and beautiful mind to come up with such a unique and descriptive name for putting liquified penis on your face.

These people are truly worth venerating and giving money to.

smokratez ago

He. Sandro Bollocks is a dude.

voatusernamevoat ago

It's okay, she's part asian.

IndigoElectric ago

Great, now there's a market for MGM

Timmy2 ago

If she smears it on her boobies the creams gets quite stiff. It's odd that other Jew women don't use cloned foreskins.

mattsixteen24 ago

Sick freak. There is no end to the perversion of these delusional hollywood degenerates.

Conway ago

Her lizard skin is showing on her arm.

draaaak ago

Making her a literal dickface.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

And also technically a dickhead too

Neinlife ago

Do you dumb niggers not know what cloned means

knightwarrior41 ago

i dont believe that she takes it cloned bro.these people are true degenerates that would do anything to be at the top of their game

Neinlife ago

It isnt up to her how the shit is made.

myvoicefromhell ago

You could have just said, "No."

GoyimNose ago

literally satanic

C_Corax ago

That's.. Not something one would think people would openly admit.

benjitsu ago

ALready old fucking news some other Kunsten was giggling about it on Ellen forever ago

Gorillion ago

She's being paid to shill it, I imagine. Her movie career is dead and she looks good for her age. Hollywood Whore needing bucks and attention + creepy beauty treatment needing a souless shill = Match made in heaven!

EdSnowden ago

And this is what they’re willing to brag about paying for. Think about what they do behind closed doors.

andrew_jackson ago

Good point. Would gas.

derram ago :

Kate Beckinsale reveals the VERY odd beauty treatment involving foreskins | Daily Mail Online

'But the one chosen by actress Kate Beckinsale perhaps tops the lot – it involves the discarded foreskins of South Korean infants. '

'Experts claim rubbing these stem cells onto the face activates ageing cells, producing more collagen and making fine lines disappear. '

'The serum contains epidermal growth factor proteins, which are taken from the dermal fibroblasts – skin cells responsible for generating connective tissue – of circumcised baby boys. '

'These fibroblasts, which produce collagen and other fibres, are then cloned in a lab to grow stem cells before they are put into the face cream. '

'The secret ingredient is sourced from South Korea because it has a large supply of foreskins obtained during circumcision, the general custom for young boys. '

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