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Ban_Circumcision ago

grazie salvini molto bene

Botanist ago

In the Philippines, the man. Dureto (is that how you spell it?) said this year, and I quote “times are hard all over” He is one of my favourite politicians. The culture, the family values, that whole climate they represent. And it ain’t easy anywhere no more. Trump, May, Orban and any other leader at present, he’ll even the legal system at present is screaming out from more money and investment as it’s totally overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people and crime. Acting anyother way, is counter productive. The debt of nations all over rises daily, let alone the individual.

One can envisage a time to come where Europe’s Macaron, and Merkel will have theyre NATO Army complete and it will be used against the UN. That time is coming. Leaving the Amanda to fix your own sinking ship is neither cowardice or foolhardy. It will serve them better to be prepared now, rather than later.

Other nations should also not be making your internal decisions for you either. Italy see’s That, and it’s finally taken it’s head out of the sand and is trying to stand up for itself, it’s rights, and it’s heratige as immergration has decimated them. I hope they remain undeterred by the foreign infestation they face, and the external influences of the UN and NATO.

From my perspective many countries are only what they say they are on paper, due to the map not being updated. The exodus of people, and international migration have left countries with no resemblance to what they where previously, and with little chance of those ways of life returning.

Europe’s gentile culture replaced with that of a rape culture.

I’m glad to see Italy resisting. They are not stupid and ignorant like many others would have them portrayed.

Race_War_Now ago

And by "The UK" we mean a specified part of the UK that cannot handle the outcome of democracy.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I want to know WHO is sponsering this migration act. For future murders and stuff.

Uncle_Tractor ago

But not my idiot country. ;p

HeavyBrain ago

Sweden and Germany will be the last to remain and they will still jerk off about "unity" somehow.

irelandLost ago

And about how they’re defending “European values”, even in the face of popular opposition from the vast majority of Europeans.

Gopherurself ago

Hoott dey ir izzz

TestForScience ago

Whatever happened with the whole Brexit thing?

trevorgoodchild ago

Its turning into Bremain because the remainers are convincing people that the only reason they voted to Brexit is because they were lied to and tricked.

Race_War_Now ago

The whole Brexit procedure smells so fishy it's almost guaranteed there's something going on right there. Think about it. Everyone wants you to believe that Brexit is a horrible thing. Now they're initiating Brexit, and at all possible ways they're trying to say "I told you so!" and "Let this be a lesson for all other countries."

The Brexit procedure is deliberately being fucked up so as to scare the other counries into not leaving either

irelandLost ago

Yes. Obviously. The EU have been very open that that was their position for quite a long time now.

kestrel9 ago

WTF? Censorship of criticism and banning parties that oppose Globalist dictated migration? What idiots would sign this thing and still claim to be leaders of countries? UN is a human trafficking crime syndicate.

The Marrakech declaration, as its called, would block any criticism of mass migration, ban political parties opposing it and make migration a human right so no country could ever oppose it.

Savoini, president of the Lombardia-Russia Cultural Association, told reporters on Friday: “I hope Italy will not sign this agreement, because, as US President [Donald] Trump says, we must defend our identity and our culture from the invasion of economic immigrants.

We must give a strong and clear signal to human traffickers that we will no longer accept this shameful trafficking. These are decisive years for our European nations. We want to remain Europeans and Christians”.

Race_War_Now ago

Probably they're basing it on this.

OBJECTIVE 17: Eliminate all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse to shape perceptions of migration

So it's not an outright ban on any opposition, but we all know that "discrimination" is just a euphemism for "opposition" and "evidence-based" is just a euphemism for nigger-loving kike-loving lgbt-loving muslim-loving White-hating propaganda.

gazillions ago

There's so much money in human trafficking and inhumanitarian aid. UN is just a proxy arm of the giant money collectors. They get contracts for everything and the UN staff get kickbacks hidden in all kinds of legal and illegal corners.

HillBoulder ago

Maybe I will move to Italy now once I become rich.

Pwning4Ever ago

Apply for a job for Salvini's Deportation Force.

blagjesus ago

Viva Italia

thatcoolmartian ago

Hopefully Italy, Poland, and Hungary are the beginning of the fall of the EU and UN.

meaoaoaoaoa ago

Austria don’t want to sign this shit neither, and Brussells were only complaining about them:

“We regret the decision that the Austrian government has taken. We continue to believe that migration is a global challenge where only global solutions and global responsibility sharing will bring results”

I guess they lost all the hope when it comes to Poland and Hungary, which hopefully means that they will not continue with the effort to turn these people around.

Pwning4Ever ago

Australia is another country that pulled out, very surprising. But this migration pact is literally the 3rd world immigrating to the 1st, and it has strong laws to prevent the distinction between asylum seekers and illegals. Makes it illegal for the states to critize illegal migration also (which conflicts with our 1st)

meaoaoaoaoa ago

From what I've read signing this is more symbolic than "binding" and that the authors deny this being another step in normalizing invasions of illegals. That doesn't change the fact though that globalism is the direction they want us to move towards. Fuck the U.N.

Pwning4Ever ago

Japan "recognizes" the UN's refugee pact but they usually bring in about 10 per year. Here in the west, fucking libtards always bring up "Muh UN refugee policy" as though it's binding US law. I'm pretty sure our founding fathers wrote some stuff to prevent shit like that from occurring.

badruns ago

The EU was never meant to succeed. It was engineered to lock Europe into its death.

Pwning4Ever ago

You know I never would've guessed Italy would be the first Western European nation to join, I figured Brexit was a sign of promise for Brits and Le Pen winning in the first round to be promise for the french (as they are much further down the diversity pipeline).

Congrats Italy, you got yourself a real leader.

GreyGears ago

Le Pen winning in the first round to be promise for the french

The jews thought that too and successfully anticipated against it. They got Macron (one of the Rotchild's personal servant) parachuted into our government just in time for him to carve a small niche before the presidential election - and then used the fact that they own 90% of France's media to openly shill for him and shit hard on any other candidate. It was even more obvious and bullshitty than what Trump got.

If you think jews are meddling with other EU countries, it's nothing compared to the budget and attention they allocated into keeping France under control. If anything, they got a bit of tunnel-vision there and underestimated the other countries.

Pwning4Ever ago

Regarding Macron, he is extremely unpopular, like far more hated than Trump is here by the populace, Atleast Trump has his Republican supporters but Macron has no one.

What will likely happen is another Dark Horse Macron will run in the next election after Macron loses, French people will have short memory and refuse to vote in Le Pen. Salvini does give me hope for Western Europe though.

GoyimNose ago

Italy reader is a farse. Think about it, if globalism was real wouldint they have GLOBAL influence?

IsaacJan ago

Fucking retard logic.

GoyimNose ago

You are incapable of seeing the truth