UndeadTed ago

Interesting how you can copyright something that's been around since the 1300s at least. Also interesting is if you compare the Satanic Temple's statue with the one in the show they are noticeably different. The face and eyes are different, the star is on the bridge of the nose instead of the head, horns and beard are different, even the muscles of the figure are different. The only thing similar is that they both have the 2 children instead of the nude breasts. They're going to have an uphill lawsuit against Netflix

Artofchoke ago

That is the exact statue that was modified and created for the display in Arkansas. It's exact.

UndeadTed ago

Oh I think I understand, there's a 2nd copy they had in Detroit. If that's so, then my bad

UndeadTed ago

You must not have actually looked at it. There's no way you can look at the actual statue photos and the show statue and say they're exactly the same, because they very visibly aren't.

ToTheMoonAlice ago

Good. Fuck Netflix.

privacy_first ago

Yes, way to go, eventually we will be so full of cross blocking copyright material that the entire industry will collapse.

It will be impossible to produce anything withouth infringing on someone else sopyright material !!

Monteblanc ago

eventually we will be so full of cross blocking copyright material that the entire industry will collapse.

That is a good thing.