kevf4 ago

The hospital staff and the president both seem sincere. That's a great "feel-good" video.

ardvarcus ago

Trump is the first president since Reagan who is actually fighting for ordinary Americans, to make their lives better. Reagan was loved, and Trump is loved. Haters can hate, it won't change that.

fhaqyu ago

It's amazing that people can't respect Trump even after he saved the lives of 6,000,000 peaceful followers at the tragic and horrific mass shooting.

I heard the gunman forced people down a hallway where knives came up from the floor before he marched them into a pool of acid. the horrors!

I can't believe the American people and the atrocities that they are committing against the Jewish people, this is nothing more than anti-semitism and needs to end.


and give the Jewish community the reparations they so deserve, all they are asking for is your basic rights as a human being to be stripped from you. is that too much to ask for goy?

TrumpNPC025 ago


Orange man good.

His haters are all jews on voat.

Seaknee ago

Could you imagine what our country would be like if the msm would show clips like that all day instead of the hate filled crap they pump out 24/7. After I watched that video, the emotions I felt were, respect, admiration, gratitude and love, they don't want you felling like that though, as President Trump has said many times....Fake News....Sad

TrumpNPC024 ago

Hate for orange man bad.

Love for orange man not bad.

The media got orange man elected.

He saved money on advertising because of them.

Orange man good.

Seaknee ago

Hey man, nothing rhymes with orange. There is a documented phenomenon know as the trump effect, it's sorta like tae kwan do, he just redirects your hate back at you and switches on the light of truth and your done. Seen him do it many times.

Siffolly ago

Door hinge? Keep it, but pay me my royalties if it works out.

Seaknee ago

That only work's if your from Boston man, "Door hange", it's not an oringe, I tell you man it's impossible. Try putting a big orange something in your living room and then try to get fung scway going man, you can't either - try it.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Eh, it doesn't work the other way around. Nice effort though.

wgib ago
