skidder ago

It IS strategic. It's a stop gap funding bill to move a possible shutdown from 1 Oct to 7 Dec. What is planned to occur between tomorrow and 7 Dec? FISA, Midterms, Kavanaugh, possible unsealing of indictments? Does anyone think that these issues, should they go strongly against the Demtards, potentially result in movement towards a border wall that can be contained within a new spending bill? I can certainly see a scenario where it does. I can also see why we don't need a distraction against Trump (gov't shutdown) immediately before midterms.

Merlynn ago

What I don't get is every time they twist his nuts and make him sign this shit,everyone acts like he's happy about it.

avgwhtguy1 ago

I think your everyone expects him to not allow them to molest his nuts

Merlynn ago

Yeah,you just try to stop a jew from molesting. I dare you.

avgwhtguy1 ago

Easy. Dont invite them in

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

$3.8 billion to fight the opioid epidemic,

And where is this money going? My brother is/was an addict, where can he get his?

avgwhtguy1 ago

Probably Big Pharma for "research".

If you wanted to stop the opioid crisis, you'd stop funding the federal prescription drug plan that distributes the free opioids, or make them as illegal as marijuana

speedisavirus ago

By the numerous programs run by these grants that have income based cost

knightwarrior41 ago

And where is this money going? My brother is/was an addict, where can he get his?

good question

Ban_Circumcision ago

I think Kavanaugh will go through, Its all a show to distract people.

They need a distraction so they bring in trump to play teh part. The Ds and Rs bicker like they always do... faltering forward...

they call it political theater for a reason

DrPenguin ago

So since there has been a national emergency declared for the opioid crisis couldn't that 3.8 billion go toward the wall? Army Corps of Engineers?

speedisavirus ago

He will just use the regular Dod budget for it. He hates alcohol and drugs. Saw what it did to his brother. You bet your ass the money for opoids are going to drugs

recon_johnny ago


avgwhtguy1 ago

You'll have to wait for his 2nd term

voatusernamevoat ago

As if this is a good thing, most federal departments are unconstitutional and should be shut down permanently.

avgwhtguy1 ago

Not to mention they're corrupt, inefficient, and generally stand in the way of progress to the cause they pretend to support

PotatoFarm ago

You know, for all the shit people talk about "Free" crap, I'm pretty fucking sure ALL Americans could get the best fucking care in the world, infrastructure, communications, etc. and by far, if this bullshit stopped at once.

I mean, Afghanistan war cost alone have been around 1 FUCKING TRILLION DOLLARS... can you imagine how much the quality of life of the average American could improve if that money was to help the people of the country? But hey, let's keep up with all these pointless and fruitless conflicts just "because".

silic0n ago

Government is a scam. Stop falling for it.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Think of all the social capital you could buy with $1 trillion. Pay married families a supplemental income so the mother can stay home with the kids instead of working... reopen sanitariums to keep homosexuals and other mentally ill people off the streets... build a damn border wall and deport illegals...

And you would still have a ton left over to all but eliminate the income tax.

knightwarrior41 ago

You know, for all the shit people talk about "Free" crap, I'm pretty fucking sure ALL Americans could get the best fucking care in the world, infrastructure, communications, etc. and by far, if this bullshit stopped at once.

I mean, Afghanistan war cost alone have been around 1 FUCKING TRILLION DOLLARS... can you imagine how much the quality of life of the average American could improve if that money was to help the people of the country? But hey, let's keep up with all these pointless and fruitless conflicts just "because".

i agree but the greed is just too great for these people

DishingShitLikeA ago

"these people"

wt1984yb ago

This only gets us to December 7.... $800 billion.Insane. What they don’t tell you is a large portion of this is going to pay the interest on our debt and that all of this money was loaned to us, which means more debt and more interest on the next installment.

This government shutdown nonsense will become more and more common as we need more and more loans to pay the interest on all the debt loaned to us by the federal reserve. Eventually, this might become a monthly event, then weekly, then daily, hourly, until it spirals out of control and the whole thing comes crashing down. Seems to be happening quicker than I originally thought. Which is why maybe it was so important for the Globalists to have their woman, Hilary, in the WH to oversee this financial collapse and transition.

A_M_Swallow ago

Interest rates are low at the moment. The US Government should have taken the opportunity to pay off its debts. Rates could easily return to 5% to 10%. Having to pay ten times as much interest would really blow the budget.

Alwaysmakingprogress ago

We’ll probably go full Venezuela as soon as we have to pay 7% interest on the federal debt.

Arckz ago

had a feeling something was in the shadows when Q and the MSM lined up in their stories and directing attention onto same discourse

speedisavirus ago

I have the feeling you are a faggot since you believe in Q

knightwarrior41 ago

had a feeling something was in the shadows when Q and the MSM

hold on...what?....i thought that Q already had predicted this lmao

Arckz ago

where - thats not what i gathered from the last few posts. Please correct me.

knightwarrior41 ago

where - thats not what i gathered from the last few posts. Please correct me.

i was using irony (sigh)

Arckz ago

mean sarcasm?

knightwarrior41 ago

mean sarcasm?

that's what i meant... :)

Kyle_Rogers_2018 ago

Presidents don't allow shutdowns before elections cause it could hurt their party. That is just how it works.

knightwarrior41 ago

Presidents don't allow shutdowns before elections cause it could hurt their party. That is just how it works.

this is also true

DishingShitLikeA ago

If you're going to quote his whole comment just reply.

knightwarrior41 ago

If you're going to quote his whole comment just reply.

does it bother you,why?

DishingShitLikeA ago

It's unnecessary. Why is this a question?

knightwarrior41 ago

It's unnecessary. Why is this a question?

who cares,oh yeah you but then again who cares

DishingShitLikeA ago

You wanna fight bro? Do I need to unleash some copy pasta? You will rue the day! Rue it I tell you!

Wait...🤔 Why are we fighting? Were we fighting? Nope.

I just don't understand why you are doing that.

knightwarrior41 ago

yeah when you see a big circus think of what the magician is doing in the background

GoyimNose ago

Trump is a very good goy oy vey!

StanTheTRex ago

Nope, I'm disappointed, I cry fowl, he said he'd fight for the wall but he caved, this actually makes me nervous for November.

speedisavirus ago

No he didn't. Put money on after the midterm he will use the military to build it if not funded

lord_nougat ago

You cry FOWL?!


Tallest_Skil ago

Why the fuck do you care about November? The republicans are the same party as the democrats. They vote exactly the same way every single time. They’re owned by the same demons. THEY HAVE LITERALLY NEVER VOTED IN FAVOR OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Where is niggercare? Still in effect. Where is the removal of faggot “marriage”? Still in effect. Where are the deportations? Nowhere. Where’s full amnesty? A SINGLE FUCKING ELECTION AWAY.

Voting doesn’t matter. Grab your fucking guns.

speedisavirus ago

Neck yourself Jew

Tallest_Skil ago

Great argument. So who should we vote for, shlomo?

RINOCucks ago

Americans will never stand up against government. They are too much of cucks to do anything worthwhile.

The poor backward red states are getting their federal gibs just like the left commie blue states.

awhiteguyuno ago

That's over $2,600 per American FOR FUCKS SAKES

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Triceratography ago

Half don't pay federal taxes so double it.

voatusernamevoat ago

I thought it was around 60%.

Triceratography ago

Maybe, who knows where they get these numbers.

It's not exactly true either. Figure at least 75% of the money you spend after taxes goes to taxes too.

Buy an orange at the store? No taxes on food... right? No, every business that brought it there was taxed. The trucking company paid registration, gas taxes, etc. in addition to income tax for the business and drivers. The grower and the store paid property and income taxes. Those all factor into the price of that orange.

voatusernamevoat ago

federal income tax goes completely to jew bankers as far as I understand, how things are paid for is by stealing out wealth through inflation and fractional "reserve" banking.

DishingShitLikeA ago

It's time

ideologicidal ago

Another loss of leverage for Dems going in to November.

Tallest_Skil ago

avoids shutdown

Good goy.

passes ✡spending✡ bill

Good goy.

no funding for deportations, no funding for the wall, no replacement for the Federal Reserve, no cut in military spending

Good fucking goy.

speedisavirus ago

You are low IQ if you think anything is happening to the reserve

Tallest_Skil ago


1HepCat ago

$3.8 billion to fight the opioid epidemic

Isn't the opioid epidemic a result of the CIA pushing what they've cultivated in Afghani poppy fields?

Is the new $3.8B to fight the deep state or is it just another revenue stream for the same set of people?

cats_taste_good ago

Is the new $3.8B to fight the deep state or is it just anoth

Just manufacture a couple hundred thousand dollars worth of smack,and use most of the money to set up a nationwide program to distribute it legally to people who are using opiods.

Give them clean, metered dope every day and leave them alone. If anybody wants out, help them. Otherwise leave the poor bastards alone in their narcotic haze.

speedisavirus ago


1HepCat ago

How do you get the Huffington Post to agree with Ron Paul?

RickMead ago

R's have the presidency the house and the senate and as usual they blame dems?

RINOCucks ago

“674.4 billion Defense appropriation”

More wars for israel goy

speedisavirus ago

What war, Islam nigger

draaaak ago

Or he's funding the military so he can use it to arrest and prosecute the thousands of traitors to America in military tribunals, while also being able to defend America from potential foreign threats.

fhaqyu ago

keep waiting

best kind of Goy

Dirty_Money ago

Seriously. Kiss me before you fuck me. At least give a plausible explanation as to why any of this is strategic.

IheartSwimming ago

The government needs an enemy to justify the taxpayers costs.

Reverse-Flash ago

It's strategic, all right, just not the strategy you were hoping for.

Tzitzimitl ago

its meme magic goy

Tallest_Skil ago

Kiss me before you fuck me.

I dunno… If I’m being raped, getting a kiss beforehand isn’t going to make me feel any better.

why any of this is strategic.