13Buddha ago

So, NTI is a US organization whose primary job is to be the political watchdog of the entire world, thereby making it a safer place. That's just really comforting to know, especially with the guidance of having people like Ted Turner, Jerry Brown, and Warren Buffett to protect us.

Also comforting to know is that NTI's Warren Buffett recently gave $50 million to the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Commission) as seed money for an international bank, that undoubtedly the US will control, now being built in Kazakhstan, to supply nations (30 countries are interested in building their 1st nuclear power plant) with LEU (low-energy uranium) to operate nuclear power reactors in case of supply disruption. http://www.nti.org/about/projects/international-nuclear-fuel-bank/

For all of NTI's rhetoric, the organization is a complete sham. We have enough chemical weapons stockpiled to kill every living thing on the planet, and we, alone, will be the guilty ones for causing its complete destruction.

Satchamo ago

NTI IS NOT located in the CERS building in Damascus. Any information about Syria, Damascus or CERS on the NTI website is simply documenting said information. This post is terribly misleading. The information about NTI is correct...the information about CERS is correct...but that NTI is located inside CERS in Damascus is completely untrue so far as I can tell. I could not find evidence anywhere showing that NTI was located there. NTI puts themselves forth as a global nuclear watchdog group. I was just as shocked as the rest of you, and just as leery of the 'players' at NTI (globalist depopulators). So I did my own researching to make sure before I shared the information.

dellcos ago

21 hour account. KEKEKEKEKE

Awful-Falafel ago

To me it seems like the facilities list on the NTI website is just listing chemical and nuclear weapons facilities that exist, not NTI locations. Am I missing something?

13Buddha ago

I noticed that. No specific addresses internationally ecxept for D.C. The entire organization is mysterious, and is anybody actually familiar with its existence?

13Buddha ago

Maybe I will see if I can catch the next flight out to Damascus and research the situation in more detail. JC, the last few replies are giving me a headache. Either you believe something is amiss, you're not sure, or you don't believe there is.

Are_we__sure ago

Where is in your links is your claim sustained? If it's there I missed it.

13Buddha ago

@Are_we_sure, first of all, there is a drop-down menu on both NTI provided links for Syria and Washington D.C. READ the information for each entry. I believe you will discover that there is much ambiguity as to what, exactly, this organization actually does. Ambiguity = Suspicion. Once you have read all of the information, perhaps your illustrious mind can enlighten us.

Are_we_sure ago

Ambiguity certainly does not equal suspicion. It simply means things aren't clear or you don't understand what is going on. Usually people then try to understand what they don't understand, they don't start asking hysterical questions based on wild speculation.

And it certainly doesn't support your beyond-wild-speculation, false claims.

Where is your evidence for your claim that NTI is a Syrian ChemIcal Weapons Lab?

This is not ambiguity. This is in incompetence verging on flat out dishonesty.

You either don't understand what you are reading or you are trying to deceive people by claiming NTI is a Syrian Chemical Weapons factory.

The reason I accuse you of dishonesty is a simple search of Wikipedia would have explained what NTI is. It is a think tank based in Washington, DC. There's a drop down on their website for Syria because Syria is one of the countries they monitor.

The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization founded in 2001 by former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn and philanthropist Ted Turner in the United States, which works to prevent catastrophic attacks and accidents with weapons of mass destruction and disruption – nuclear, biological, radiological, chemical, and cyber.

It's a think tank devoted reducing threats. It started with the nuclear threat and expanded to others.

One of the ideas that Warren Buffet supports is the idea of a international nuclear fuel bank. Rather than have states like Iran or Saudi Arabia develop their own enrichment facilities for nuclear energy, have a guaranteed supply for countries that agree not to proliferate. This would reduce the risk of countries secretly converting their domestic energy program into a weapons program.

Another project they work on is the Nuclear Security Index: which

assesses the security of the world’s deadliest materials: highly enriched uranium and plutonium. A first-of-its-kind resource, the Index is designed to encourage governments to take actions and build confidence in the security of their materials. Now in its third edition, the NTI Index is recognized as the premiere resource and tool for tracking progress on nuclear security and identifying priorities.

The NTI Index assesses nuclear materials security conditions in 24 countries with one kilogram or more of weapons-usable nuclear materials across a broad framework capturing policies, actions, and other conditions that shape their nuclear security. An additional 152 countries with less than one kilogram of weapons-usable nuclear materials or none at all are assessed across a subset of the framework.

Short term the founders want to reduce the need to use nuclear weapons.

Long term, they want the complete elimination of nuclear weapons.

13Buddha ago

First of all, I never said that NTI is a "Syrian Chemical Weapons Lab." Furthermore, imo, NTI's intention is NOT to make the world a safer place. Its intention is to continue to rule the world. I read all about the international bank, and we both have different opinions.

aztlanshark ago

What am I not understanding? NTI is a nonprofit initiative to reduce the use and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Whether that’s true or not (probably not) how the hell did you come to the conclusion that they operate “bioloigical weapons agents” facilities?

13Buddha ago

@aztlanshark, please read my response to @Are_we_sure similar reply. Being enlightened from both of you would really make my day.

ethernet ago

ok... where is the link that says NTI was hit? sauce please?

13Buddha ago

Ya know, I don't know if NTI has 1 building in Damascus that houses subsidiary entities or not. The drop-down menu under "Facilities" list one location in Damascus, and that is where the bombing occurred.

Satchamo ago

"Facilities" means the facilities that NTI has listed as existing around the world that research and create biological, nuclear, etc. weapons. "Facilities" drop down box does not list NTI facilities.

flipflop1026 ago

Ted turner, as in CNN ted turner

scroll all the way down to the left. http://www.tedturner.com/

knightwarrior41 ago

you guys have short term memory and need and upgrade ASAP

john kerry said that assad got rid of all his chemical weapons so this is non sense.this whole thing is much about distracting the public from the issues that matter while they wear you out with the constant narrative.think people think!


BurnItAll ago

What the actual fuck?

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

A lot of deep state and nuclear energy, umm people (I use the term loosely). With Ted Turner and Warren Buffet on there makes me smell fish. Like forgot in the cooler for week in the hot sun, fishy smell.

KEKjudo ago

Where does it say that the facility in Damascus was the connected to NTI? Can find it in the links you posted

13Buddha ago

On the provided NTI Syria link, use drop-down menu and you will see "Facilities."

Satchamo ago

"Facilities" means the facilities that NTI has listed as existing around the world that research and create biological, nuclear, etc. weapons. "Facilities" drop down box does not list NTI facilities.

13Buddha ago

Just want to point out something important about the possibility that the chlorine gas attack was a false flag. Many photos of victims either show them with with or without an oxygen mask. Nothing more than that is seen except for the disheveled appearance of the victims.

Being a registered nurse, what I am saying is the undisputed truth - Toxic exposure to chlorine gas initially requires the following treatment:

■ Remove victim from source of exposure

■ Assess airway, breathing, and circulation.

■ Administer oxygen.

■ Establish an IV line.

NONE of the photos show a victim with an IV hanging.

This was a staged event.

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

A knee-jerk interpretation of mine says that the NTI site in Damascus produced the chemical weapons, handed them off to the Syrian rebels who used the weapons against the Syrian women and children.

The media then steps in to say it was Bashar Al Assad, then the USA, France, and UK bomb the NTI site in Damascus to destroy all evidence. WWIII starts.. (((They))) are happy.

The only thing is, the alleged "victims" didn't appear to be dead as a few of them were standing around during the photo shoot incredibly alive after being hit with chemical weapons.

quacker ago

the NTI site in Damascus

There is no NTI site in Damascus. The bombed site in Barzeh, Damascus was a CERS facility.

voatusernamevoat ago

Seems to me they setup the facility there to bomb for pretext to invade. What's stupid is Syria let them.

fuckfacemcgee ago

'NotACIAFront' for sure. Good fucking find.

NotHereForPizza ago

Intel good.

Aaronkin ago

Damn nice job of research. Here is the list of their Board of Directors from their website.

*Former U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest J. Moniz and CEO,  co-chair by the Board of Directors of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI).

*Former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn is co-chair of NTI

*Ted Turner co-chair of NTI, billboard advertisement, cable television (CNN Founder), sports team ownership, sailing, environmental initiatives and philanthropy.

*Lord Browne of Ladyton (Des Browne) is a British Labour Party politician who was the Member of Parliament and Vice Chair NTI.

*​Joan Rohlfing became president and chief operating officer of the Nuclear Threat Initiative in January 2010, after nine years as NTI's senior vice president for programs and operations. She is responsible for managing all NTI programs and operations, overseeing an annual operating budget of $15-$20 million.​ *Ambassador Alkaabi is the permanent representative of the United Arab Emirates  to the IAEA as well as the UAE's Special Representative for International Nuclear Cooperation.

*Alexey Arbatov head of the Center for International Security at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences and is chair of the Nonproliferation Program of the Carnegie Moscow Center.

*Chuck Bowsher Served 15-year term of office as the Comptroller General of the United States and head of the General Accounting Office (GAO).

*Edmund (Jerry) G. Brown Jr. Trustee for the Los Angeles Community College District in 1969, Secretary of State in 1970 and Governor in 1974 and 1978, 1998, Brown was elected Mayor of Oakland, California Attorney General in 2006 and 2010 Governor of Ca. to present day.

*Professor Liru Cui is Senior Advisor to CICIR as well as it's former President. CICIR is a think-tank in China known for its comprehensive studies on current international affairs.

*Ambassador Rolf Ekéus is chairman emeritus of the board of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. From 2001 to 2007, he served as high commissioner on national minorities for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. He has held a number of diplomatic posts, including Swedish ambassador to the United States from 1997 to 2000 and head of the United Nations Special Commission on Iraq (UNSCOM).

*Gideon Frank A former director general of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission, director of the research reactor in the Soreq Nuclear Research Center, deputy general manager for engineering and technology at the Soreq Center and general manager of the Center.

*Dr. Margaret A.Hamburg former Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), founding vice president and senior scientist at the Nuclear Threat Initiative, a foundation dedicated to reducing nuclear, chemical and biological threat, Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Commissioner for New York City, and Assistant Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health.

*Igor S. Ivanov is a professor at Moscow State Institute for International Relations. Previously, he served as minister of foreign affairs, from 1998 to 2004, and secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation from 2004 to 2007. Ivanov holds the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. He took part in the work of several U.N. General Assembly sessions, many international conferences, and in particular, co-chaired the Bosnia settlement talks in Dayton, Ohio. From 1991 to 1993, he represented the USSR and then Russia as ambassador to Spain.

*Ambassador Riaz Mohammad Khan spent nearly 40 years in Pakistan’s Foreign Service, holding various assignments at Pakistani missions around the world, USSR, China, UN, Georgetown University’s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Belgium, Luxembourg and the European Union He was also Additional Secretary in charge of international organizations and arms control issues for Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Spokesman of the Foreign Office.

*Dr. Jeong Kim Former President of Bell Labs got his Bachelor degrees in electrical engineering and computer science, while simultaneously working as a partner in Tech Startup Digitus, U.S. Navy, where he served as a nuclear submarine officer, AlliedSignal to work at the Naval Research Laboratory, launched Yurie Systems, a data networking company whose technology enabled telecom carriers to consolidate voice, video, taught engineering at the University of Maryland, served on the U.S. Presidential Commission on Review of U.S. Intelligence, the External Advisory Board of the CIA, and the Award Committee for the U.S. National Medal of Technology and Innovation and a whole lot more.

*Former Indiana State Senator Richard Lugar is the President of the Lugar Center, a non-profit organization focusing on nuclear non-proliferation, food security, and other critical issues.  Lugar also recently announced the creation of the Lugar Academy at the University of Indianapolis, including a Washington semester internship program for Uindy students and other student leaders.  Lugar was also recently named a Professor of Practice and Distinguished Scholar at the new School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University. 

*Admiral Mike Mullen Former chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, spent four years as chairman—the top military advisor to Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

*Ronald L. Olson is a partner in the Los Angeles office of Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP. 

*Michael Peterson President and Chief Executive Officer of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, CEO of Peterson Management, LLC and is Co-Founder of GPX Enterprises, LP, a private investment firm.

*Sir Malcolm Rifkind Queen's Counsel in 1985. In 1970, councilor in Edinburgh, MP for Pentlands, appointed to the Front Bench in 1975, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, at first in the Scottish Office, Minister of State in 1983, member of the Cabinet in 1986 as Secretary of State for Scotland, Secretary of State for Transport, Secretary of State for Defense and 1995-97 he was Foreign Secretary. 

*Ellen O’Kane 16 years of public service in Congress and the State Department, Obama's Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs, successfully closed negotiations of the New Start Treaty with the Russian Federation in March 2010 in Geneva, after months of stalemate. Secretary Tauscher also represented the United States at the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference at the United Nations in May 2010.

*Nathalie Tocci is Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Honorary Professor at the University of Tübingen, and Special Adviser to EU HRVP Federica Mogherini, on behalf of whom she wrote the European Global Strategy and is now working on its implementation, notably in the field of security and defense.

redgreenpill ago

What's noteworthy there is that Admiral Mike Mullen, who served as top military advisor to both GW Bush and Obama, as you noted, was one of three people added to the board of directors just last week!


followthedolla ago

i am jacks total lack of surprise

CrudOMatic ago

...with that many globalists at its helm, I'm not to quick to say it was for vaccines.

RemoteViewer1 ago

Obvi run by the DC kid Bangers Association of Hebrew Zionist Missions

boekanier ago

Nothing is like it seems. We don't know the real motives behind this attack of the western 'allies'. And certainly it's not the mass media that will tell us.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

In before the goyim know too much and we get shut down because this goy has insanely dangerous spicy information

MadWorld ago

Great work OP!

Fetalpig ago

Edmund G. Brown, Jr.....................as in Jesuit Jerry? Ruiner of all things in Cali?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

"Jesuit". rolls eyes

Yes, a Jesuit owned and controlled by jews

BlowjaySimpson ago

The desert quadrilogy my friend.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

The desert quadrilogy doesn't own and control most governments. Jews do. Muslims are stirring because of the greater Israel project.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Why're you butt hurt and name-calling?

BlowjaySimpson ago

Because. I am become niggerfaggot.

ProgNaziGator ago


Derjuden ago

Big if true.

iwar ago

It simply looks like a part of their research and educational institutions.

Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology (HIAST) is a university 300m away.



HIAST is subordinate to the Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC)



NTI looks like some international body probably funding and collaborating research or some initiatives, with I guess the true purpose being intelligence, keeping track of capabilities etc.

Good they bombed it at night, otherwise it would probably be filled with hundreds of normal working people and students.

lexsird ago

Intesting. All from a new account on a post that I don't recall seeing when I posted. Yeah and you supposively posted before me. Why no voats up or down? Too much info to be ignored on a hot thread like this. Probability of planted post high. After all we're seeing a 'glitch in the matrix' with the upvoat count.

When getting sloppy finger fucking things, they smell.

Vindicator ago

Upvoat bug has been happening for over a month since Putt ported new code. There are numerous threads about it in v/voatdev.

Broc_Lia ago

Thanks for the research, that does indeed sound wrong. In fact, it sounds like a target singled out by the globalists for some kind of sacrafice. One day you're an anti-bio-terrorism researcher, the next day you're an alleged terrorist.

DrPenguin ago

Umm. You may be on to something here. Your upvoats seem to be going backwards...

Oh_Well_ian ago

I called this out about a month ago and it has been totally ignored by the board owners. There is a bug that will freeze up votes anytime the post is edited. Seems extremely Shady to me and absolutely nothing has been done about it. @Puttitout

Cuckbot ago

The real votes are visible from v/news/hot and this is on v/all as well

Oh_Well_ian ago

I realize that. But when the submissions are archived what voat count is used? This is a serious glitch that's over 6 weeks old and NOTHING has been done about it.

Cuckbot ago

Can't answer it for sure but I assume it would show the true count. It's not ideal, no. I'm not sure the admin is in a really good spot atm, to be honest.

kneo24 ago

For you and everyone else in this chain, the back end of the website takes time to catch up with your upvotes sometimes. You're not always going to instantly see it being corrected on your end. @moarzor, @lexsird, @HillBoulder, @Zinnsee, @almightblackdragon.

Zinnsee ago

It takes over 7 hours to catch up?!

Cuckbot ago

No its frozen forever from the inside view

kneo24 ago

Sometimes. The caching slows down and sometimes Putt has to fix it manually. It could take a few days if he doesn't handle it.

moarzor ago

It was 64 a few minutes ago. Now it's at 2. It someone trying to bot this into the ground?

brandon816 ago

Vote count screws up while on the page if the OP was editted or something like that.

Cuckbot ago

submitted 14 hours ago by 13Buddha to news (+212|-7)

It's the voat cache issue. View it from v/news/hot to see the real count. It's also on the 5 most views on voat's front page.

lexsird ago

Mine is stuck at 1. Yeah, remember when Snowden said that (((they))) will fuck with shit spying on people and fuck it up? If there was ever a subject to panic over this would be it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Voat has a BUG since the update last month. Anytime you edit a post it will freeze in time and no new upvoats will be given.

HillBoulder ago

Mine is at 1 also.

Zinnsee ago

It's still at 1

almightblackdragon ago

So you seen it too? very weird.

NoBS ago

Jerry Brown? The fucking Californicating Moom Beam?

You got to be fucking kidding! CIA facility was hit, Ha.

This is just to good to believe. Damned worth a couple of shots from my "special" Scotch collection...

GoodGodKirk ago

Holy shit, that bastard jerry is going down for this one...

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

I cant wait to vote his ass the fuck out

I hope the rest of you people living in Northern California (north of sonoma fuck napa and the bay) actually pay attention to who you vote for next time and vote in somebody who gives a fuck about us

Do some mothafuckin research before you vote god dammit

srayzie ago

What are your opinions on the California fires? Whole neighborhoods burned down but trees still alive?


CaliforniaOrange ago

I drove thru the area with the fires (in Napa) right as they were pretty much contained, the fires were still burning a little but most of the roads were open again.

The thing I noticed is the trees were still standing with no leaves on them anymore just bare, but they all had (the ones I saw which was miles worth) scorch marks higher up on the tree (I’m talking 8-9ft up).

Our group noticed how bushes sitting below the scorch marks on the ground were actually fine. The fire was moving high and wasn’t even touching the ground from the lack of burn marks and living bushes, I remember hearing the fire was moving really fast and people barely had time to get out.

It looked like the fire was being carried by the wind really fast and was eating up the leaves for fuel as it moved high up (those types of trees didn’t have low hanging branches).

I’m not a fire science guy but I’m sure those houses were more of a powder keg than the trees with minimal leaves to burn.

srayzie ago

Ok. I was just curious what you thought

CaliforniaOrange ago

Someone could’ve started it on purpose. I think they blamed a homeless guy or something, because I’ve been hearing lots of people can’t afford to rebuild even with insurance and have to leave.

It’s also helped jack up housing prices even more as they flood down to the bay for available housing. Lots of people could be benefiting from it.

Whether it’s the people buying the property where the house was and building houses to rent out or current property owners getting tons of money from the increase in rents.

I honestly think they don’t know what caused it and blamed a homeless guy lol.

srayzie ago


CaliforniaOrange ago

(north of sonoma fuck napa and the bay)

Hey hey I hate the bay too, some of us gotta be on the inside though ;), gotta mark those commies...

IAmYourDad ago

He isn't running anymore. This is his last term. Just make sure you don't accidentally vote for Gavin Newsom instead.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Gavin Newsom

Why the fuck would i vote for a legitimate liberal faggot who helped turn san francisco into a heroin wasteland full of trannies?

CaliforniaOrange ago

Cox or Allen, not sure which one will get my vote in the primary yet..do you have any preference?

golgotham ago

Yeah, ok I was skeptical about the conspiracy angle but I just saw Daily Mail is ONBOARD with the attack. This can't possibly be good...

Pubiclouse ago

I wonder if they made the nanothermite used to take down WTC 1 WTC 2 and WTC 7 there...

Broc_Lia ago

Nanothermite? First I've heard of that.

If you own the buildings though, why bother with nano anything? Just kick out the anti-explosives patrols, plant whatever you like. Tell everyone it's just scheduled mainainence and aforementioned everyone is dead in the rubble anyhow.

Yuke ago

Explosives would indicate a demolition. The official story was that the fires burned hot enough to melt the steel structure and THAT is what brought the buildings down, but the fires couldn't have been hot enough from fuel and burning materials from the building to do that. The use of Thermite, however, would produce the temperatures required to do that. Samples from ground zero and the surrounding area showed Thermite, which means it was introduced intentionally. Which means it wasn't what we were all led to believe it was.

Pubiclouse ago

Very interesting video called Anatomy of a Great Deception free on jewtube. It will explain a lot more in my opinion. Very informative worth the watch the filmmaker did a great job laying everything out. Fucked me up for a while after watching it tbh.

Broc_Lia ago

Thanks. I'll give it a look.

Yeah, it's nuts if 911 was deliberate. Even as a Europoor I can tell it changes history. Hard to imagine it must seem to an amerifat.

MillstoneNecklace ago

Look into how many people made huge amounts of cash from 9/11, the massive gold heist that took place early that morning, and my personal favorite: the BBC broad saying that the undamaged building 7 was collapsing a full 5 minutes before it spontaneously collapsed.

The attack on the Pentagon is even better: not long before, Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon was "missing" $3,000,000,000,000. Just vanished... somewhere. And wouldn't you know it, but those wiley terrorists just happened to hit the Pentagon accounting offices.

Broc_Lia ago

And wouldn't you know it, but those wiley terrorists just happened to hit the Pentagon accounting offices.

While they were being remodelled no less, and no one important was in their office.

Also, didn't the leaseholder of the WTC and his family decide not to go to work that day.

MillstoneNecklace ago

I think he had errands or something that morning. The (((guy))) who bought the WTC paid like $150 million for it and got $1.5 billion in insurance settlements.

Lots of coincidences all over the place that day.

And Mohammed Atta, the "mastermind" was I believe connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi Intelligence somehow. I could be wrong, but I remember reading that he had some really odd connections (well, odd if you buy the official story).

followthedolla ago

it is deliberate. such a massive shitshow

Pubiclouse ago

Indeed... it's eye opening tbh. Fucking sucks not the doco but me not knowing for the longest time.

obama_sin_laden ago

good way to destroy incriminating evidence and plant incriminating new evidence ....traces of the chemical weapons were found at the destroyed facility today by united nations inspectors blah blah blah

Broc_Lia ago

Holy shit, that's absolute nonsense. Is McBraintumour running for presidency or what? This whole segment is just dripping with Globalism.

Buff_Awesome ago

Interesting if true. Need more sources for this.

NoBS ago

The FBI keeps finding the Whistle Blowers dead of violent suicides with multiple gun shots and signs of S&M sexual deviancy.

Why do so many whistle blowers like to be electrocuted on their testicles?

VoatsNewfag ago

Why do so many whistle blowers like to be electrocuted on their testicles?

Is that a common thing? I've heard of spies and whistleblowers dying to unlikely suicides, like the one who accidentally locked himself in his bag, but this is new to me.

lord_nougat ago

Oh yeah, it's totally hot. Wanna try it?

immatureusername ago

Just sprinkle some crack on'em johnson and lets get out of here.

Broc_Lia ago

I'm surprised they didn't find childporn scattered around their corpses and evidence of communication with islamofascists

guinness2 ago

Yes, Paul Lewis noticed precisely the same thing!

Perhaps those buildings were Deep State biological weapons factories?

dellcos ago


tzitzit ago

Page doesn't exist.

Orangutan ago


HidiotKojima ago

Deleleted tweet.

HillBoulder ago

Tweet gonzo!

CrudOMatic ago

Twitter account deleted - hope someone made an archive.

lexsird ago

OMFG, WTF??? Hahahahaha....that was fast. Nothing says your right more than being censored.

qwop ago

Tweet was saved here, maybe you want to update your post with it:

Unfortunately the attached picture was deleted too...ffff :(


13Buddha ago

Thanks, @qwop. Will do.

lexsird ago

Nope, gone. There so much missing from that it's silly.

Inconceivable2 ago

Nothing says your right more than being censored.

More true today than ever before. (((Social media))) is a cancer.

CrudOMatic ago

Did someone get an archive?

quacker ago

@Orangutan posted a Web Archive link. I put that link into a couple other archivers and got:

(Are those two sites the same?)

lexsird ago

Not a good one apparently so far. How few of us saw that I wonder? Genie Oil is another one I've had trouble finding anything about. Did anyone else catch that? Where they discovered more gas and oil than SA in Syria in an area that the Israeli have occupied illegally.

There so much stink going on it's silly. The fact that any of us here in this backwater social media board are hearing about it is testimony at how they're fucking up.

prairie ago

Wasn't there something like this with 9/11, and also the Oklahoma one? There just happened to be some interesting operations in the buildings that were tragically, tragically completely destroyed.

faggotitus ago

One of the floors was where people working on the 2008 bank melt-down investigation were working.
The Pentagon targeted area was investigations into the lead up to Gulf War 2.

guinness2 ago

Yeah, Building 7 magically fell down for absolutely no reason... and unfortunately all of it's billions of dollars in financial records and bonds were "completely destroyed".

patriot_biz ago

Yeah, even if you accept the official narrative about the rest of the events, this somewhat seems to be straight up insurance fraud.

cyks ago

Imagine being asked to accept the following:

Two years after Nixon's watergate scandal, Nixon comes forward and tells the American people that God told him to invade a country. The people agree and a war starts and continues for 15 years.

I would accept Nixon's war before I would accept any war from Bush Jr. Nixon addressed the people's concern with the household phrase widely heard, "I am not a crook." Bush Jr. has done nothing but snicker and scratch like a chimpanzee.

patriot_biz ago

Yeah, we should have seen it coming when we found out that the Bush family are coke dealers. Looking back, we all should have made a much bigger deal about this when we found out.
I tried to find a reliable source discussing this, but it's weird how no one seems to be talking about this anymore. Memory hole?

lexsird ago

What better place for it? Tell me there's going to be anything resembling oversight there? This is a good thing because in the modern era we can find the 'paper trails' of the rats running in and out of it.

As soon as I seen Ted Turner involved, I knew it was seriously fucked, everyone of them compounds this into exponentially fucked.

First, I'm feeling sheepish about being juked by this move if this is true, but will take solace in being wrong and an asshole with the fact (((they))) got fooled as well. Moving past how that's some amazing shit that we'll never probably know the full story about. Or will. It's early and let's confirm?

One has to wonder what kind of evil shit was in there? What kind of shit requires an evil organization to establish labs in bumfucked battlezone where oversight is never going to happen? There's nothing in the realm of legit that comes to my mind that we wouldn't just brew up here and stick our tongues out at the world as we did it. That's what we've been doing.

Is anyone else chilled at WTF could be in there? With these fucking evil cunts involved? Seriously has anyone considered the scope of these fuckers that are apart of this?? lol

Ok, this took some coordination wouldn't you think? This goes a long way to explaining my fears away as to why we're not being nuked. My question is was this level of play shared with the Russians? I'm wondering if they didn't supply the intelligence.

Apparently we can't trust our own fucking agencies anymore because their all Obama shadow government pawns, hence globalists, hence traitors and enemies. Who knows you better than yourself? Your 'enemy' which everyone thinks is Russia. You know kikes/globalist aren't going to have the influence on their intel as they do ours.

Getting out my head and my speculation, read their 'mission statement' and tell me that doesn't creep you the fuck out. If that's the 'soft serve' trying to shine us on to cover their real horseshit agendas, then I'm concerned about what crap they've cooked up in their lair.

Lastly, who the fuck were they going to use WTF ever it was they were brewing up?

"You don't need to use nukes, we can do better than that."

yup. lol


Be on the lookout BOLO for released biological agents and/or viral warfare agents....watch for people getting sick...

lexsird ago

It's already here in the midwest. We're sick as fuck here and we think it's the weather or sinuses.

What? They using HAARP with cloud seeding to activate storms to spread shit across the country? I've never seen an April like this one ever.

SomeoneOnTheInternet ago

I wonder if trump knew the deep state had their lab there and thats why he bombed it.

neogag ago

Some ideas: "NWO" plans to eventually betray Israel (listen to that recording narrated by Myron Fagan on YT). This was an NWO lab. Israel didn't want it and flexed its political influence to get rid of it.

Israel is complicated because it probably has its own deep state, while the not-deep-state Israel is also guilty of manipulating the west. Trump would be supporting the not-deep-state-but-still-terrible side of Israel (hence his funding by Mercer and the involvement of conservative Jews in his campaign).

dspfoisdafodsi ago

one can also wonder how these facilities were perceived by the trump team... sure they might have been part of the plan and erasing proofs, but it's also possible they weren't part of the plan and decided to shoot down globalist weapon facility to actually fulfill the mission of protecting Syrians... the former is more likely but we can't quite discard the later just yet

patriot_biz ago

Israel's Deep State is the Mosad. The rest of the populace is too terrified of Arabs, Russians, Americans...(well, everything really) to question anything they do. If you question it you're unpatriotic, irrational and a bad Jew.

13Buddha ago


huhu11 ago

Apparently not the first time Israel attacked a CERS facility in Syria.


In September 2017 the Israel Defense Forces bombed a CERS military research facility near Masyaf, probably targeting an advanced missiles factory. Two Syrian soldiers were killed and the facility was severely damaged, with many weapons stored inside destroyed.[18] Syrian media reported another Israeli attack in December 2017.

So Israel (((USA))) is bombing CERS facilties in Syria now.

Seems as different zionist factions are fighting each other. Or they are covering up the tracks.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Left-winged vs the right

critias ago

Or they are setting up facilities in the East in which to use as opening targets for war.

HillBoulder ago

Does this mean Q was right again?

Merlynn ago

Does this mean Trump bombed the part of Syria that threatened the peace there the most?

Gorillion ago

Seems like it. And his opponents can't bitch about it because they'd then have to explain why a Western-run Chemical Weapons factory was doing there in the first place.

My bet is that's where the false flag chemical agent was manufactured.
And Trump literally destroyed the exact (((enemy))) installation responsible for the civilian attack.

HillBoulder ago

It's either that or her just helped them cover it up. Remains to be seen which one it will be but people appear to be turning on him.

Merlynn ago

Nah,a cover up would,you know,cover it up. Not expose it.