superspathi ago

You know, since all the sand niggers have fled Syria, and since Germans are so good at cleaning shit up, maybe there is a win win here if they just swap places.

wgtt911 ago

what a joke this bitch is....

bdmthrfkr ago

If only she was funny.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

She needs to be publicly hanged, that treasonous cunt ruined Europe.

ideteststicks ago

She's stealing native German kids heritage, say 30 years from now tell a true German that their football team won't have a single true native white German they wouldn't believe you. Never mind no-go areas, they won't integrate so just fuck them out and none of this bribe money for repatriation they'll just sneak back in for another hand out anyway.

eulogyjones ago

I don't see the left up in arms about these islamic invaders trying to take Germany from the natives. Funny how that works

Agile ago

Yeah I'm gonna have to say too little too late on that one

Eualos ago

"without Germans there'd be no 'no go zones'" - merkel

SealofApproval ago

Stazi stooge

culofiesta ago

I have to say that Merkel, May and all the chicks in the Swedish government have really ruined it for any woman in this country. Whenever a woman says we 'need a female president' just look at the mess Europe has become thanks to broads

boekanier ago

Broads should stick to their cookers.

Ialwayssaythis ago

Ha ha stupid bitch is probably going to just spread them around so the whole country is a no go zone.

MadCatTimberWolf ago

Totally pure lip service.

boekanier ago

Great words, no deeds.

bourbonexpert ago

too late.

she won re election. germany is a lost territory to me.

bdmthrfkr ago

Unless I'm taking the kids to Legoland I avoid it like the plague. Legoland itself was overrun with dune coons the last time we visited, never seen so many folded umbrellas in one place.

Fuck Germany.

dayofthehope ago

Trouble is that most public spaces including trains and public transport are partly no-go zones already. Germans must be staying home a lot these days.

T101genisys ago

A blatant satanic ritual. Oh sorry, I meant an (((artistic))) display.

lexsird ago

Hey you vapid retarded treasonous cunt, it's too late. You already fucked Europe, and your country with your insanity of throwing open the gates to savages and ancient enemies. AND...You've let commie cocksuckers infest the shit out of your country, I'm talking about Antifa.

There's never been a bigger failure of a leader in the history of ever. Any male for the next few hundred years running against a woman for office can just hold up your picture and it should suffice to anyone intelligent as to why voting for her is a bad idea.

Germany, France, Sweden, UK, all fucked thanks to you, you daffy ignorant hell whore.

And now you, Europe. You've drifted way too far to the Left and you're about to pay for such monumental stupidity as you drift into a head on collision with the reality of your actions. You'll never be the same, you'll have to fight a bloody war in your own nations to regain anything of your past.

I'm afraid before it's done, we'll have to clean up your shit for you. It's like cleaning up after a retarded toddler and we're getting tired of it. I think you've proven enough times to us that you can't self govern worth an iota of a fuck.

superspathi ago

We've got the same leftist twatter problem here called democrats.

monkeytoe101 ago

Too late dumb bitch. You've killed Germany

Neral ago

I think they cut off the last part there. "Merkel Finally Acknowledges German "No-Go" Zones, Vows To Eliminate Stigma attached to them."

northportage ago

Merkel VOWS? Oh well that's okay then! Everyone chill, everything's going to be fine! A luciferian psychopath VOWED to fix something!

mynameispiff ago

Individual migrants can receive up to €1,000 ($1,185) if they voluntarily return home, while families can receive up to €3,000 to do the same.

I'm pretty sure all the benefits Germany has been giving to migrants is valued far greater than this one time payout. I'd be interested to know how many end up taking Germany up on this offer (offer ends February 2019).

Skyrock ago

It gets mostly taken up by Balkan people from safe countries like Albania or Romania who would be deported anyway. It is more of a legalized bribe to speed up that inevitable process at lower cost.

0110001111 ago

Liberals love to tout the EU as this enlightened place. When I visited, a lot of the native citiznes(white people) were pissed that social services, pensions, retirement services, healthcare were all being cut back to make way for the migrants. It's easy to be altruistic when your not paying, or seeing what the damage is done. Paying someone to leave your country, only encourages those same people to come back to gain the system, as they double, triple, quadruple dip or more.

bdmthrfkr ago






Fraiture ago

Her logic: It can't be called a "no-go zone" if the whole country is turned into a mudslime shithole.

BlockMe ago

But but but when Trump said that he was being raysis and sheeitt. Thus spake Sad-dick Khan, Sultana Mayor of Londonistan, United Kaliphate ...

Cat-hax ago

to late fat fucking cow.

rhymer ago

Gold medal level Kalergi Plan following Cunt. I hope they hang her from a lamp post by her sagging Marxist tits.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Bring in the AfD to fix the problems instead, Merkel is fucking useless.

obama_sin_laden ago

the right wing is rising ,if merkel does nothing about the islamic invaders shes gone and if she starts to try and appease the right inclined voters its seen as admitting she fucked up and will only strengthen the rights position .she is a dead bitch walking and will forever be remembered as the dumb cunt who caused all of europes problems ...get rid of her

Turn_Coat ago

We Nuremberg now.

RedditisPropaganda31 ago

Well of fucking course no shit she will continue to do nothing and bring in more sand niggers

Plavonica ago

In Germany Merkel is right.

FuckYouReddit- ago

Somehow this dumb cunt is leader of the conservative party.

If she's conservative I'm Elvis.

ZenAtheist ago

The West has eliminated the true Right Wing. "Conservatives" are just *middle-left" now, and true right wing conservatives are "haters" and "white supremacists" now.

It's a tactic of the extreme left to silence their opposition in order to bring in a Marxist State.

BAAC ago

Dead on. What we call Liberals now are actually leftists. What we call Conservatives are usually Liberals (or damn close). Real Conservatism is pretty rare now. Our world view has shifted so much, I'm not even sure people would recognize true Liberalism in the early 20th-century sense. Merkel is a socialist.

ZenAtheist ago

A society that works is a balance between common sense liberals and common sense conservatives. The conservative mindset is about structure and value and order and nation and pride, however it can lend itself to stagnation and too rigid structures. The counterbalance is liberals who bring in new ways of thought and new ways of doing things and new values. Between the two sides, we can find a balance that works - not a perfect system, but a system in progress.

This has worked for quite a while... it's a pendulum that swings from right to left over the years. But every once in a while it gets swung too far to one side and then that side holds on to it and tries keep it there.

This swing too far left is socialism/Marxism. The United States was in danger of this, but they elected Trump which was a swing back to the right. Sure he's not perfect, but it represents a societal balance. Both sides resent this correction when it swings away from their side, but it must be allowed to happen. However, as I mentioned, the Marxists use guilt coercion and violence coercion to enforce their ideas in an attempt to make them permanent and halt the right and this natural balance. Their main target is conservative thought, which they label "hate" in order to legislate it into a crime.

Both sides tend to think that utiopia's exist as a result of their moral virtues - the right thinks that if they just elect leaders that are nationalistic and work for the interest of the people, that this will bring in a right-wing utopia (see the Hitler worship on Voat). And while this isn't all wrong, because these rigid structures and moral values are rooted in history and the good of one's own country, they don't guarantee a perfect world. Indeed, anyone who questions these rigid structures will be condemned to punishment in some way - thus turning the utopia into a despotism.

The extreme left, however, has a different approach to utopia. Since they have no rigid structures, their values are based upon the ever shifting world of their feelings in the moment. They try to legislate equality and equity where every individual is the same, and enact ever more tightening laws to force society into a utopia. But since their utopia doesn't exist, they only end up legislating the most violent hell-on-earth dystopia possible.

classy_nigger ago

This could be its own post.

ZenAtheist ago

I endeavor to have constructive conversation on common sense politics as often as I can. It is my hope that people start to understand and value a system that has free speech as its core value, and is rooted in the balance between people's ideas and input.

I don't think radical leftism can survive in an environment that allows actual free speech; and if we want to solve this problem without violence, we need to win this fight first.

classy_nigger ago

Can a system with free speech as its core value can be understood and valued by people? Understanding the value of a such a system won't make the system "valuable", even if you had a people comprising only intelligent and civil people. Its just not in our nature to want "free speech", and as long as someone stands to gain from censorship, they will seek it.

I'd agree that "radical leftism" cannot survive in an environment that allows free speech, but that's not because of the free speech. Its because "radical leftism" is predicated on lies which speak to the unmet needs of men; it would continue to vanish even if we couldn't speak of it, because men will continue to learn the truth even if they're not allowed to speak, because they must meet their needs according to their nature. "Radical leftism" has only existed thus far because of a very unnatural environment we've found ourselves in. In this environment, many find it challenging to meet their needs according to their nature, and in the process of trying to meet their needs they continue to learn and change their minds in the effort to meet their needs. Naturally, a philosophy which speaks to their inability to meet their needs will appeal to them because it is the truth; they cannot meet their needs.

This problem could not have started with "radical leftism", then, as "radical leftism" is only a desperate attempt to meet their needs according to their nature. Their desperation must have started somewhere else if they needed such a philosophy. My suggestion is that the source of this despair is actually the very thing you're attempting to bring about: peace.

Violence is the default state of men. It is our need to be violent, to overpower those weaker than us and to weaken/test those stronger than us. This is evident here on Voat, where they goad weaker men by calling them "beta" and "cuck" in order to provoke them, and where they insult their rulers to test their ability to contest their power, and it is evident among "radical leftists" which you need to examples of. We can understand the terrible things that violence causes and the value of peace, but we cannot change our nature from violent to peaceful. The only outlet for such a society is the incessant warring brought about by their especially violent rulers, and so violence is the default state of nations. But when nations are violent and their populace peaceful the populace serves the needs of the nation, not the needs of the people. As such, a subject will never have his needs met.

We must either be a peaceful subject, with needs unmet, or a violent ruler. The ideals you're fighting present in "radical leftists", also present among others including here on voat, are inherent to subjects with needs unmet. At best, "free speech" will return us to our nature, and we will become more violent with one another, i.e. a violent free people. You cannot "solve this problem without violence" because a "peaceful free people" option doesn't exist.

All that to say I think your endeavors are admirable, but you're better off aspiring to something else.

BAAC ago

Great post. Maybe it was easier to keep/find that balance before? Maybe we've become too good at tipping the balance one way or another. (We're certainly better at propaganda than we were 50 years ago...) I wonder if that balance is even achievable anymore? I wonder what happens if it's not...? We're certainly living in interesting times...

ZenAtheist ago

There are certain global influences that have been working hard for decades to unbalance these scales... Bankers, communists, Jews, leftists, socialists... they have implemented policies and programs decades ago that we are just now seeing the results of. They planned to swing us far into the left and create their utopia. Unfortunately it seems like the only way is to go through it at this point. My hope is that we will see certain European countries fall into Marxist violence first like Germany and Sweden and France... and then we can perhaps see the dangers before it's too late for us.

Justsomeone ago

The fire is rising.

Bane4 ago

That's my line

Justsomeone ago

That's a big line.

GR1FF0 ago

For you...

Justsomeone ago

You stole his line again!

If you take it off from him again, will he die?

GR1FF0 ago

It would be extremely baneful...

kammmmak ago

16 minute acct. First comment. Alrighty.

GoatyMcGoatface ago

DeepthroatDucktales ago

What the everlasting fuck was that

collegetoker ago

This is your country on Jews.... any questions?

bdmthrfkr ago

I watched this the other day just to remind myself how blatantly sick these fuckers are.

valk2 ago

Damage done. The citizens need to rise up and remove her.