Onlio ago

I wonder what we would find if we started to dig into what happened while Bill Clinton was president. I would bet you would find a lot more of this

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Praise kek. Touch a fucking nuke off in the port. Do it at night while I'm asleep. So I won't have to go to work in the morning. The locals are going to love this story.

It would be the best thing to happen to the port. Unless you are a local, you don't know what is going on. Port Canaveral is killing the lagoons that sit behind it. What was once the Seatrout Capital Of The World. has been polluted with roundup and raw sewage to the point there is no seagrass or fish. It is also home to the manatee, that have to live in literal shit. The lagoons have been cut off from the ocean by the locks in the port, which are never opened to protect the (((Disney))) cruise ships.

So. corporations are making bank while the locals and wildlife suffer. Business as usual.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Secret Deal Allows Company Tied to Saddam’s Nuclear Bombmaker, Iran and U.A.E. to Manage Key Florida Port Facilities, Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew unilaterally approved the lease for Gulftainer — a Middle Eastern ports company owned by the Emir of Sharjah of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Iraqi businessman Hamid Dhia Jafar — following two years of secret talks. It is deeply concerning that Lew and the Obama administration decided to forego any national security threat analysis by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) which certainly seems in order given the nature and implications of this deal. After all, a similarly fraught arrangement — a contract for Dubai Ports World to manage a number of U.S. ports a decade ago — was submitted for CFIUS approval, and ultimately aborted. In addition to being an important seaport in its own right, Port Canaveral is in close proximity to a number of key U.S. facilities — including the Navy’s East Coast ballistic missile submarine base, two U.S. Air Force Space Command bases and NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.

Cat-hax ago

i dont care what any ones thought on the politics of this are, no foreign country should own land or operate a business in the USA.

Oh_Well_ian ago

well, BMW making cars in Kentucky using American workers is much different than terrorists funders running our ports

this story should make the entire country nervous and demanding an immediate remedy

tendiesonfloor ago

Wet fart disinfo post.

OP is shill.

Ozzsanity ago

UWM strikes again.