OhRutherfordBehave ago

Summary: Child abuse scandal at Bejing kindergarten run by RYB education. Kids showed signs of sexual abuse, given unidentified pills, and had needle marks in their arms. Head of RYB education Joel Getz, former director of development of the Clinton Foundation.

Joel Getz: https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/person.asp?personId=536255597&privcapId=536042020&previousCapId=536042020&previousTitle=RYB%20Education,%20Inc.


derram ago

https://archive.fo/8rGru | :

China's RYB Education fires head of Beijing kindergarten embroiled in abuse scandal | Reuters

'Another woman surnamed Liu was also arrested for allegedly disrupting social order by spreading false information about the alleged kindergarten abuse, Chaoyang police said. '

'In a statement issued late Saturday, New York-listed RYB also said it had fired a 22-year-old female teacher at the RYB Education New World kindergarten. '

'BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese educational services provider RYB Education Inc said it had removed the head of one of its kindergarten, as allegations of child abuse at the Beijing nursery rocked the country’s booming childcare industry. '

'The Chaoyang district has launched an investigation into all childcare facilities in its area. '

'It said the teacher, surnamed Liu, had been detained by district police on suspicion of abuse. '

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