badruns ago

Connecting Rich with uranium one seems a bit of a stretch when there's tons of other more likely reasons to kill him. The uranium one stuff went public well before he was offed.

MasterLucifer ago

June 3rd, 2017 WIKILEAKS CONFIRMS Late Source. Hillary threatened to "shoot the panda" Seth Rich | The Impious Digest

badruns ago

Yeah... Which has what to do with uranium one? If they killed him over uranium one, that means someone else leaked the podesta emails to wikileaks. If you're presenting this as an argument, where did wikileaks get the DNC emails from?

MasterLucifer ago

Nobody leaked the emails, it was DNC freedom of information request.

badruns ago

... wut

I'm not sure you have a firm understanding of the DNC scandals.

MasterLucifer ago

Ehh yuh I do, I'm Jewish.

speedisavirus ago

Talk about weaving retarded conspiracy theories.

DreidelDance ago

Is that why this happened?

birds_sing ago

Seth Rich was killed because he was preventing Hillary from becoming president. It wasn't ONLY because of Uranium One, but ALL of the reasons why Hillary needed to become president.

MasterLucifer ago

It's poetry professor.

MasterLucifer ago

Nice bio.

4chan8chan2chanSage ago