greenfascist ago

went to the page.

on the main page, affect should be effect.

globalism affects us all.

The effect of globalism is...

globalism has effects on people.

and, uh... the "under construction" sign is too much 1990's

just don't tell us, we know. those signs were invented to apologize. If you are going to make changes you have to stop apologizing. I know this is hard for Canadians, I am one.

ThorTheWonderful ago

The globalism portion is the credit of another site.

Most Canadians understand construction as being the site is still being worked on and wouldn't other wise know that as you literally demonstrated. In spite of the sign..

greenfascist ago

Most Canadians understand construction as being the site is still being worked on and wouldn't other wise know that as you literally demonstrated. In spite of the sign..

dont tell us. we know your site sucks. stop apologizing twice.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Your statements prove you still don't understand "under construction"

Too many libtards in voat.. Wish they would go back to reddit

greenfascist ago

Your statements prove you still don't understand "under construction"

stop apologizing three times.

If you are going for the voter aged 55+ then you are on the right track. if you want anyone younger than that, then you need to start listening, and stop apologizing.

Also, the advice was freely given, then ignored three times and followed up with an insult.


you are typing to someone who shares your sentiments, not even with an actual person who holds a different point of view.

You are doomed by your behaviour, so learn to change it.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Its not my site, but it makes sense to me that it says under construction while its still under construction.

greenfascist ago

yeah, I believe you. you reply 30 seconds later every time.

Now I can add lying to an insult after 3 times of offering constructive advice


ThorTheWonderful ago

You are an idiot I am sure they can do without your support

greenfascist ago

what you mean like someone who understand the difference between a noun and a verb, and also has an understanding of basic PR and website design?

Actually, it sounds like they are lacking all of the above.


ThorTheWonderful ago

Sounds to me like you must be one of those retarded IT's who thinks they are so much smarter than everybody who has to be forced to use their crappy web page designs.

Good luck trying to be a smart ass better than everybody else ass hole the rest of you miserable life. Idiot!

damnbiker ago

I've read through their web site and it seems to me that they're saying a bunch of stuff with absolutely no concept of how these systems work, who owns them and how to change them. It is my worthless opinion that these people have no fucking idea what they are doing. Below is my take on their site, but read through and judge for yourself.

From their policies page:

Undo the Damage caused by the provincial and federal government and fix Hydro

Hydro (I'm assuming they're talking about Hydro One here?) is a partially publicly traded company run by the Ontario Provincial government who owns the majority of the corporation. It operates in Ontario only and is not a federally owned asset.

From their infrastructure page:

This includes roads, electric grid, gas pipelines, water pipelines, sewer systems, hydro dams, nuclear plants if applicable, telecom system and others.

Electric grid: Provincially owned

Highways: Some Provincial, some Municipal

Sewer Systems: Municipally owned

Nuclear Plants: Federally regulated but Provincially owned and, in Ontario, operated as an independent corporation with a single share holder - the Ontario Government. Not certain about the Gentilly and Point Lapreau plants.

As for the rest of the stuff...

I have my doubts that these guys know what they are talking about.

From their Charter Page:

During this time, ("time" meaning the period of time it takes to complete this task and not to exceed 2 years.) the party will assemble a multi task force to tackle government corruption, and related crimes. It will also implement necessary nation security protocols that will be out lined in a separate document #: NS-AA000000AA21081721.

"During this time, ("time" meaning the period of time it takes to complete this task and not to exceed 2 years.)"

Right, and governments have NEVER implemented temporary policies that hung around forever like unwelcome house guests. Brian Mulroney, I'm looking at you, you lying sack of shit, with your "Oh it'll just be a temporary Goods and Services tax".

"It will also implement necessary nation security protocols that will be out lined in a separate document #: NS-AA000000AA21081721."

Document not available

In addition, the salaries and expenses that will be paid to party members will be strictly limited, monitored and regulated.

This isn't where the corruption happens, politician's salaries are already relatively low; it's the money that flows in from corporate interests that leads to corruption. Good luck stopping that.

In the interests of protecting Indigenous culture and heritage, each native nation will be regarded as sovereign nations

How the hell is that going to work? Are they still part of a province? Is each plot of reserve land going to have border patrols? Can natives still access the provincial health care systems? Have ANY of the provinces agreed to this?

21st day, 8th month, 17th year, 21st century.

Really? You couldn't just type "August 21st, 2017" or "21-AUG-2017" or even "21-08-2017" like a normal human being?

Edited: A wrong letter.

ThorTheWonderful ago

They have a concept, that is not a worry!

10399057? ago

Looks very interesting. I'll read through it.