Jimmycog ago

We should do that planet wide.

Artofchoke ago

They're killing billions of animals per year. Can you imagine trying to humanely euthanize BILLIONS? Impossible.

l23r ago

I know the words News and Nigger both start with the same letter. I also know racists aren't the sharpest crayon in the box (all white and pink crayons - don't want any of dem colours mixin')

CheaterStrikeG0 ago

where i live all the food is kosher i dont like this :(

Broc_Lia ago

In calcutta the street kids believe it's a cure for stds, to rape a virgin.

Michael_Obama ago

freed00m ago

YESS!! Now the Czech rep. the fuckers from ministry of agriculture signed an exception for muslim and they are not even institutionalized cause there are so few of them..

BarelyCoherent ago

You're missing the point.

See we accept OUR alloted number of immigrants!

It's not our fault they choose to leave because they cannot easily obtain HALAL food. Same as Arizona only giving a minimal amount of startup money to immigrants, not ongoing monies.

fairytisya ago

most Chinese take away cook halal, they dont use the same wok for beef and pork or chicken or even veg. its the public health here not religion. just like schools ban nuts and eggs

fairytisya ago

Its the fastest way to kill without to much pain. the blood is drained very fast leaving the meat softer. here the slaughter house teaches the new employers to do it that way using a knife.. halal is not just the way you kill an animal its also not using the same tools in the kitchen on different food types. so that alone is health and safety not cross contaminate. Also it is used in the home were you have 2 or more ovens to cook with. Any professional baker will never use an over that has been used for meat or other types of food that is not baking . Same goes for those who dont eat fish, if you had a friend over and cooked steak in a pan after frying fish its the same. SO you live in the out back have your own stock that you use to feed the family, so yes you will kill the fast way and drain the blood, not hoohaa around it and go poor lamb, have a needle I will be back in 2 days when you are 2 days dead and eat you.

OriginalReaper ago

A relevant example is we hunt deer in the us and no one bats an eye, but middle easterners do this and omg they horribl

Wonder_Boy ago

Doesn't Belgium run the EU? I thought they loved the Muslim culture?

Retron ago

European Jewish Congress condemns decision as 'the greatest assault on Jewish religious rights in Belgium since the Nazi occupation of the country in World War II'

Why should Jews have religious rights in Belgium? Slaughter your animals in fucking Israel. Yahweh knows you've removed enough Palestinians to open up a few abattoirs.

vastrightwing ago

Grow some! Ban MUSLIMS!

Thin_White_Duke ago

If they do that to their lovers, imagine how they treat their women

B3bomber ago

Brain surgery was invented before then and actually was successful for removing tumors. How they located said tumors to know where to open the skull is another story from archeological records. There's cave men examples of it. Yes the skulls show signs of the disease and healing where the skull was removed (regrowing after).

So... these people are just sick twisted fuckers who need to be exterminated. They have no value to anything except maybe as fertilizer.

B3bomber ago

Yup. They still pass off cutting up genitalia as a way to control sexual urges. The founder of Kellogg's believed in it too, along with super bland food.

B3bomber ago

Thought to be a cure for masturbation.

Broc_Lia ago

Isn't that India?

Uncle_Tractor ago

And here in Norway we are debating a ban on male circumcision (prob come to nothing).

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Best of luck.

Broc_Lia ago

I think it's the muslims do it when the kid is older.

Also some african christians in areas where it's believed to prevent aids. The Zulus used to do it with a spear as a coming of age ritual, but they stopped when some king's son bled to death after someone fucked up their aim and cut his dick off.

Broc_Lia ago

And adolescents. They do it anywhere from infancy to early teens.

Martel-Sobieski ago

It's less awful to do it to a teen. At least they have some semblance of awareness to know what's going on, even though they're still too young to consent to body mutilation

TheStapler ago

It's great to piss off terrorist Muslims and shekel grubbing Jews, but it's hard to get behind the government banning yet another thing. Kinda reminds me of how we spend ridiculous money on lethal injections for executions when we could just take the niggers out back and shoot them dead. No need to ban this activity, just ban Muslims and Jews.

facevalue ago

Your comment has me in a headlock. If I'm on my property and I have an animal that is my property, then I feel I have the right to do whatever I want with my property, on my property. Per my personal values, animal torture is one of the very worst things someone can do. I think that laws that prohibit animal torture are net positive, however I think laws that dictate what a man can and can't do on/with his property are wrong. Damn.

Artofchoke ago

Veganism is a hard sell. It's unnatural. A militant moral vegan might go that teetotal route, but plenty of less rigid vegans would be delighted to have the occasional animal based meal that didn't include torture. Then there's freegans, who care more about waste than anything else, and will eat animal products if they're being thrown away. For them, it's not a 'my body is a temple' type issue. So it's complex. Anytime we can reduce meat consumption, I'm happy.

Dibgick ago

Whatever-vegans are just a bunch of psycho selfrighteous faggots.

Say NO to the vegan aberration.

Artofchoke ago

You're begging the question. Whether vegan are 'psycho' or not isn't relevant to the discussion. Factory farming involves torture and abuse. Factory farming is required to provide meat for such a vast population of people.

Where does "veeguns urr psycho" come into play?? Jfc pick up the pace.

theoldguy ago

Considering it takes 10 pounds of food to raise 1 pound of animal, I'd say you're wrong, although a lot of food production is geared toward raising animals so it'd take awhile to adjust. It's just that it's really hard to get enough protein on plants alone, and it's not nearly so tasty.

Aswimmingday ago

Did you happen to see those other races at that time? I would venture to guess that the whites still were on top of civility.

Aswimmingday ago

Well, I put chickens upside down into a traffic cone and than take their heads. So there's that. I've also slashed the throats of larger mammals who I failed to make a perfect kill shot on. People are pussies who don't harvest their own meat anymore.

Broc_Lia ago

If you're out in the woods with no other tools then fair enough. If you're in a well equipped factory why not just use a captive bolt properly and put the animal on the ground in less than a second.

I'm aware some normal slaughterhouses are no better, but they really should be.

Aswimmingday ago

I was pretty appalled by the halal slaughter of the large mammals. And I advocate for the method that you mentioned. As it is cost effective and quick. But some people are so detached from where their food comes from, that even the bolt to the brain is not well enough for them. At a certain point I believe the goal of a humane death becomes silly.

Broc_Lia ago

Well, I don't eat meat personally, but yeah, there's no way of producing it without causing at least some pain.

Intheknow ago

Beans and weinies

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

I have no interest in trying to get other cultures to change their tastes.

Ifaptocomments ago

that's barbaric.

brewpot ago

A lot of people don't realize this but the term barbaric is distinctly Muslim. It's an old term for someone who is from the Barbary Coast or northern Africa. Fucking savages.

Outlier00 ago

Would you expect less from the moslems?

GoogleHatesVoat ago

Detroit suburbs did the same for blacks after the race riots in the 1960's. No 55 gallon drum grilling, no barbeque pit burning and no roadside food shacks or trucks. If it weren't for leftists, we'd have kept their collards/kale (cow food) out of the grocery stores too. But a 1,000% mark up is hard to resist, the hipsters just love eating silage.

heroinwinsagain ago

just like the rabbis doing bullshit circumcisions on babies giving them herpes. take your barbaric shit to kike land you fucking goym.

heroinwinsagain ago

so is this what the jews and muslims have in common?

Artofchoke ago

8 billion faggots is too goddamn many. Let's get rid of some, ease up that burden, hallelujah!

OriginalReaper ago

fyi (for those reading this,) more humane slaughter include shocking the animal before death and not allowing it to see other animals get butchered

Gorillion ago

They're pretty hardcore. Notorious for the Belgian Congo. Time for the Belgian Belgium.

ArsCortica ago

They can probably get away with banning halal slaughter, but the kosher methods?


Next thing you know those savages ban circumcision on both genders.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Long overdue

Pwning4Ever ago

BUT Muh Multiculturalism!

cointelpro_shill ago

now send them all to time out

lord_nougat ago

Okay, but we care about their health and welfare so they can please step into these nice showers first.

Michael_Obama ago

fuck off kike

l23r ago

Halal is a Muslim thing, not a Jewish thing. If you're gonna be a racist prick, at least get your insults straight.

Michael_Obama ago


wuzizname ago

It's chicken... only difference between kosher or halal is that it's had a magic spell cast on it by a rabbi or imam before killing the bird. That and the slaughter technique is less humane and less efficient that would modern science can offer. If anything, mandating kosher and halal drives the price higher and the animals suffer more in the slaughtering process.

Aswimmingday ago

The way chickens are killed is perfectly acceptable. Please tell me, how do you personally process your meat? Because I can tell you how the meat came to rest on my dinner table.

Whitemail ago

Belgium is Hitler

Devisser ago

That's better than a Commie like you.

Aswimmingday ago

Shit, this is pretty much how I do it. But I place them head first into an upside down traffic cone. The chickens head sticks out at the bottom. And than I take its head. The chicken can't fly around or get away from me while it's in the cone. It's a pretty simple way of feeding your family.

Hall_of_Cost ago

Taking off the head and slitting the throat are vastly different though. Taking the head is more humane imo because it dies much quicker.

Aswimmingday ago

in both cases, the jugular has been severed and no blood is going back into the heart.

CowWithBeef ago

Are you saying the time spent alive(conscious) after cutting is similar for throat slitting and beheading?

Aswimmingday ago

How the fuck would I know. But to say an animal is conscious is a stretch.

Dibgick ago

I wish I could upvote this x10

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

WTFS is this? This isn't how you slaughter chicken! That's completely wrong. I remember reading something from a Chinese guy that wrote that they like to cook animals alive because they like the taste of their pain. This is the exact same thing.

Edit: here is how it's done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzIHG2Hx644

Artofchoke ago

There is a method called CAK, controlled atmosphere killing, that will humanely dispatch chickens. If they are being ethically and humanely cared for during their lifetime, CAK will allow most moral vegans to eat chicken. I FUCKING LOVE CHICKEN.

Aswimmingday ago

I wish it wasn't so easy to get food. People such as yourself would quickly see this as a giant waste of resources. All I need is a traffic cone and a knife. Soon after my family will enjoy a dinner of farm raised chicken.

Artofchoke ago

Reducing suffering is more important than any perceived 'waste'. We have a moral obligation. Other than that, I don't understand anything you just said.

Aswimmingday ago

Your contraption that you think is 'humane' is a waste of resources. Have you ever processed your own protein? Fished even? Maybe you should spend some time on a farmstead to familiarize yourself with how life outside of a supermarket actually is.


Artofchoke ago

Yes, I fish. Whether or not it's wasteful is irrelevant, because the issue at hand is the torture and abuse of chickens in factories. Perhaps one day we can become more efficient, though frankly, the most efficient thing would be to create a new food system. If we as a species insist on continuing to procreate, it's not feasible to continue to eat so much animal product. India manages, so can everybody else.

Dibgick ago

India manages? Isn't that shithole full of starving idiots that adore cows instead of eating them???

Artofchoke ago

If they'd stop breeding like fucking mindless rabbits they'd be fine, and could sustain perfectly.

Kind of like humanity itself! ๐Ÿ˜€

Dibgick ago

Exactly, that and stop being religioua zealots and eat beef.

Artofchoke ago

Lol, there is no god. And I wouldn't eat a fellow mammal unless there was no choice. Cause it ain't necessary. :)

alele-opathic ago

Dated more a few at a uni with a ton of FOB Chinese. Not only is this true, they also believe the 'improved taste' quickly diminishes after the animal is killed. The net of this is they prefer to buy things alive, keep them alive in the fridge (or elsewhere), and then cook the thing alive just before dinner time.

They may seem comparatively dainty, but can be outright savage. FWIW I noted no improvement in flavor.

Broc_Lia ago

There's a chinese delicacy which is a fish grilled/fried in the middle and left alive at the ends.


padtuboqu ago

fiance is chinese who grew up here, her parents FOBish. I've visited china. Wanted to add some nuance. I am not discounting what you say, I haven't heard of that, but there is a big concern of food safety there and a lot of emphasis on how fresh something is, so they like to kill the animals as late as possible, as it proves it is fresh.

Broc_Lia ago

That's reasonable, but there's traditions there and in korea of cooking animals while they're still alive and eating them while they're still moving.

padtuboqu ago

yep i am certainly not here to defend that

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

In my experience, stressing just about any animal out right before you kill it adds a gamey flavor that's pretty undesirable. Hence why hunters value those heart shots so much - quick, humane death, fewer stress hormones in the meat (no blood movement to transport them, no pressure to get them in).

mudcatca ago

Chinese like the taste of stress, apparently

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

It should do the complete opposite of that. Both when butchering an animal at home, at a slaughter house, or hunting you want that animal calm when it dies so you want to kill it quickly. Adrenalin fouls the meat.

Gamio ago

Riot in 5, 4, 3, 2,.....

Dibgick ago

Nah. They will just import their food from other EU countries or Israel.

Gamio ago

Well more likely they'd just ship it in from another region of Belgium but not before the Muslims riot and the Jews sue.

Nanoonanoo ago

good news

ougNaHadNepVed ago

It's only right. Animal cruelty in the name of religion is still animal cruelty. At the time these religions were founded, cruelty was commonplace for people, so no one thought about animals. But we are more civilized now, and should consider such things.

Martel-Sobieski ago

Actually you've got it backwards. At the time those religons were founded slaughtering animals like that was the LEAST cruel method available. That was the point of the method. Our technology has moved well past that and now it's extremely cruel relative to other methods.

It's following the letter of the rule rather than the intent of the rule itself. This is something jews have a big problem with and something Jesus called them out on

ougNaHadNepVed ago

I'm not sure I agree. Even in those times, people knew about the heart, and that stabbing the heart caused death, near instantaneously. A butcher especially would know where a heart was located in an animal, and could easily use a sword or special knife to stab there. Especially a domestic animal, that was just standing quietly. Loss of blood pressure when the heart stops beating would cause unconsciousness very quickly.

I think it is this passage in the Koran that is the reason for this method of killing:

sura 16:115. He hath forbidden for you only carrion and blood and swineflesh and that which hath been immolated in the name of any other than Allah; but he who is driven thereto, neither craving nor transgressing, lo! then Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Because they aren't supposed to eat blood, they let the animal suffer while it pumps its blood out. And, of course, it is impossible to remove all the blood from flesh, the point of a very famous ruling that a creditor could take a pound of flesh from his debtor, but no blood. Maybe, if the flesh was broken into its constituent proteins, and washed, the blood could be completely removed, but certainly not just by using this form of killing. To claim otherwise is to practice sophistry.

My reading of that sura is that Allah wants Muslims to be vegetarians, with the possible exception of insects, because they don't have blood. All mammals, birds, and fish have blood, and so eating their flesh is always eating blood, as well.

Interesting as well is that if Muslims practice human sacrifice to Allah by cutting the throat and letting the blood flow out, and hold to their interpretation of 'no blood', they are allowed to eat human beings, according to that passage. i.e. human flesh is halal, if butchered properly.

cousineerie ago

We are more civilized now? Ha fucking ha ha ha. What planet do you hail from?

Boyakasha ago

Than bronze aged shepherds? Absolutely.

smokratez ago

Some voaters are betas who cry when they have to eat meat.

Artofchoke ago

Nobody 'has' to eat meat.

Dibgick ago

I have to too.

Artofchoke ago

LOL, you guys even make shitheadery adorable, good grief โ™ก

Dibgick ago


Artofchoke ago

Yeah yeah shakes fist get off my lawn ya goddamn punk!

smokratez ago

I do.

Artofchoke ago

You want to, you like to, and you do.

smokratez ago

I have to too.

Artofchoke ago

LOL, Okay, I'll bite. Tell me why you have to.

smokratez ago

Because I want to.

Artofchoke ago

LOL, ass โ™ก

smokratez ago

You are right. I am sorry.

Artofchoke ago

I'm sure you're doing the best you can, pumpkin. Everybody is. ๐Ÿ’–

smokratez ago

You know it can be hard at times.

Artofchoke ago

It can, baby. It can. Everyday I don't kill a motherfucker, that's a good day. We do what we can. โ™กโ™กโ™ก

smokratez ago

Hugs and kisses nigger.

smokratez ago

And it was awful. Lol.

Artofchoke ago

You want this pussy SO bad. :D

smokratez ago

You're a girl?

Artofchoke ago

You didn't know that? Why am I always surprised? I'm not giving off that 'broad' vibe?? Jfc

smokratez ago

I didn't. You won't live near me anyways. Not getting into long distance or online dating again. I do like having fun with you. We can keep doing that on voat.

Artofchoke ago

Deal. โ™กโ™กโ™ก

smokratez ago

Just to be certain. What continent do you live on?

Artofchoke ago

LOL!!! WHY do I like you! So much shit is wrong with me. The continent of New York. The only one that counts or matters. :D

smokratez ago

That's that then. I do have family in the US. We could do an expensive booty call at best some time.

Artofchoke ago

Where you at, Sir?

smokratez ago

I am a European.

theoldguy ago

Podunk Alabama is nowhere near Europe.

Grifter42 ago

That faggot is exactly why we need the National Alliance, and /v/NationalAlliance.

To fight against the pernicious degenerates and faggot hypocrites. In war, it is wisest to take out the traitors first.

smokratez ago

That's huge. That's like slapping muslims directly in the face.

Nanoonanoo ago

and the yids

smokratez ago

That's the kosher bonus.