mudbear ago

Maybe it was 3 million to buy kids rather than for charity

JohnnySkidmarx ago

Don't Jews have enough money already?

frankenmine ago

Jews Jewing Jews is peak Jewry.

nosam ago

Less than 1% going to the actual kids? Jeez this sounds like every other charity!

savageslav ago

This is nothing new. K4K is a fucking scam. I seriously can't understand why in the world they are allowed to operate. Further more why the fuck is no one charged and prosecuted.

vastrightwing ago

For some reason I thought the charity was giving cars to baby goats!

jhaluska ago

I agree. Most people would feel incredibly mislead and wouldn't have donated if they knew where the money went.

FuckReddit69 ago

"...if they knew where the money went."

Paying human traffickers ?

JesusRules ago

1-877-Kars for Kikes, throw away your Kash today

Type-R ago

Can't unread, that's all I'll hear when I think of them now.

cointelpro_shill ago

don't blame me i just read it on reddit ¯\(ツ)

cointelpro_shill ago

  1. im like hannah montana, i get the best of both worlds

  2. i been here longer than you

Gorillion ago

Only 12k went to local Minnesota kids. Religion undetermined. The rest of the money was passed over to some Orthodox Jew thing called OORA, a jewish summer camp non-profit. But there's also some unusually huge expense going into advertising too. More than they pass along. The organizers are very sketchy. Big surprise. I imagine the whole arrangement is riddled with graft and laundering opportunities.

vastrightwing ago

Abraham, nice watch! Where did you get it?

My dad sold it to me before he died.

lude ago


SonOfRobin ago

Title misleading. It should be "Minnesota" Kids.

However, new revelations about the charity are no laughing matter. According to the Minnesota attorney general, between 2012 and 2014, Kars4Kids raised $3 million in the state through car donations. But less than $12,000, less than one percent of what was raised, went to Minnesota kids.

Whitemail ago

Shekels. Oy vey.

jhaluska ago

If a charity has money to advertise on the radio, not enough money is going to the cause.

BistroPalin ago

Here's the deal. There's a charity called Kars4Kids. You donate your car to them, they sell it, then use the money to run summer camps to help underprivileged minority children. A lot of people donated to this under that premise which is technically true, but isn't the full story. Charity rating organizations have been giving them grades like D- and warning donors their descriptions of what they do are highly misleading.

What they really do with the money is fund a free summer camp in New York for non-orthodox jewish children in order to radicalize them and convince them to become extremist fundamentalist intolerant hard core orthodox jews. And everything left over, is donated to other orthodox judaism evangelical organizations that don't run summer extremist religious indoctrination camps.

So, the above title isn't even how crazy it is. Donors don't even know that the organization is going to promote orthodox judaism and that the summer camps are only open to one specific kind of religious minority for the purpose of radicalization. Tons of donors believe their cars went to provide summer camps open to all poor children throughout the US.

Subtenko ago

Not even their own kind,lol

mirimar ago

Be careful. The title is misleading: 90% of the 3 million went ONLY to jewish kids.

ScientiaPotentia ago

They told people that the money was going to "kids", which people thought they meant Minnesota kids, but they used it for Jewish kids in New Jersey! Now that is a misdirection at best, but is really just a scam. They didn't lie. It went kids just not the kids they thought it would. Using altruism against non-Jews seems to be their specialty.

cointelpro_shill ago

aawww i guess that makes it practically kosher

mirimar ago

So you did this on purpose? You knew what the article really said.

cointelpro_shill ago

no, no. I didn't even read it. I hate reading

lord_nougat ago

Reading is for FAGS!

gosso920 ago

"Read the article??? Ain't nobody got time for that!"

Helios-Apollo ago

Jews jewing Jews.

worldofmadness ago

They actually gave them $12k? Knowing what type of scum that run these ''charities'' i excepted much less that would be given.

BistroPalin ago

Minnesota donors donated $3 million worth of cars and only $12k of that benefited any children with any connection to Minnesota because the charity hides the fact that the money exclusively goes to support extremist religious indoctrination camps in New York state for Jewish children. There was one Jewish kid in Minnesota who happened to end up going to the camp, value $12k for one camp ticket. The problems are that none of the donors realize what the donations are really going for, and 10% doesn't go to the camps at all. Some of that goes to things like a program to pay for the cost of private tutoring for privileged jewish children in order to improve their SAT scores. The charity also gets money from people in other states as well, so this isn't just about $3 million, they get about $30 million a year in donations all together from the US and Canada.

Boyakasha ago

I would expect this story to disappear quickly.