Kathyl ago

This is complete and utter bullshit. How can it have any up votes as all?

brandon816 ago

Shills. Shills everywhere. https://voat.co/v/reportshills/1831883

Lacklo ago

This is tyranny. If it'd ever happen, civil war will break out.

Cynabuns ago

Another speedy post with questionable users and same domain as last one; fyi @Typo

brandon816 ago

Add @vardef, @mareb, @kameliax, @abroonha, @naseria, and @jameposh to the list of questionable users.

Turn_Coat ago

Well, that's why the 2nd exists.

ertekabe ago

Legllay she can do it,but it will lead to a war

ineedbettername ago

7 new accounts all commenting on fake news? OP, you're a faggot.

NeedleStack ago

Now 9 new accounts. Same kind of name, similar low CCP. I'm sure the post upvoats were bought too. And the site is bogus as hell (improper character spacing, etc.).

vahdatsaz ago

You are not in a place to decide for people

2heropro ago

Fire her and the traitors like her.

antiguteh ago

If i was not afraid of law,i would....

ceratox ago

Do it sooner,for the sake of America

danieldanik ago

President was right about her.

teratif ago

Why dont she retire?