epsilona01 ago

Then we should try convincing them that they can't protest because of the laws in Saudi Arabia or something.

Jixijenga ago

Aaaactually I don't know if all of that's covered under voat's policy. Just pretend you didn't read that and fuck off.

Jixijenga ago

Two things, that red squiggly line under the word means you fucked up. Secondly, you need to read what is written because you look like a moron if you don't.

Try again, this time apply yourself.

B3bomber ago

I would care if they weren't an invading army.

Jixijenga ago

I did, however, find this gem: "The right of a nation to expel or deport foreigners who have not been naturalized or taken an steps toward becoming citizens of a country is as absolute and unqualified as the right to prohibit and prevent their entrance into the country. 149 U.S. 707."

Yes, and I don't disagree with that and in fact agree that we have a right as a sovereign nation to deport people on these grounds. What we don't have a right to, as listed in all three of my links, is to arbitrarily deny persons (illegal or not) the right to habeus corpus.

If someone is here illegally and has committed a crime, then yes, habeus corpus applies. However, that is only if the US is interesting charging the suspects. They do have the right to just deport them, without "due process ". Are you not understating what is meant by due process?

I am understanding it, but I have to ask, how is the government going after these people? Surely they have a legal reason to exclusively seek out illegal aliens who have committed crimes here, so they're either charging them and then going after them or simply busting in a door and deporting them afterward. I'm concerned about both, to be honest.

We don't want to normalize tyrannical behavior even if it's necessary to secure our nation, it should be a reluctant course of action and not the normal procedure of law enforcement. We've gone way, way too far down that road already.

Do you understand my position now?

Besides, it's etiquette to provide quotes and then a link, instead of just dumping a veritable tome in the comment box and hope no one reads it to disprove your thesis. They'll just ignore you or dismiss your opinion.

I want people to read the entire thing, if they just dismiss it that's on them but it is an important thing to know about given current events.

Jixijenga ago

More globalist shilling brought to you by the previously inactive Jixijenga!

You keep claiming this but it doesn't make it accurate; here is my oldest submission posted two days after my account was created. You're talking out of your ass because, once again, you don't understand what's going on because you're a moron.

This guy consistently promotes these narratives amd interpretations and even endorsed impeaching Donald Trump.

If he deserves impeachment, yes, I endorse it. I'm sorry this hurts your feelings (no I'm not lmao) but the president isn't some god-king and I don't worship him.

Deal with it, maybe you can multitask and figure it out while you're licking the greasy asses of the Saudis.

You accuse me of "globalist shilling" but here you are arguing against the fucking Constitution so I think you're the globalist here. I've explained this shit to you already, so go suck a dick.

Jixijenga ago

You are pretending that illegals are equal to citizens

No, I'm not. You're deliberately misunderstanding what's actually going on here, you think that you're entitled to all of these rights because you're ~an American~ but you're actually not; they're inalienable and natural rights.

That's what the Constitution recognizes.

Everyone has them but only on US soil are those rights protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Meanwhile illegal aliens are not entitled to 2nd Amendment protections.

Quit pretending

Quit being a mouth breather. You can go read the entire Constitution for yourself and the fact that you don't understand it while still expecting you're entitled to free shit is just sad.

epsilona01 ago

If they think that US laws apply to everyone around the world, then certainly they believe that rules around the world apply to US citizens. Which means they're not allowed to protest under the laws of many countries. Arrest them and extradite them.

rspix000 ago

rounding up citizens or legal residents and deporting them

No, ICE is saying they're just rounding up vicious criminals for deportation. That's a little bit different than the DACA "dreamers" now isn't it. BTW, I only have to prove that it's the guv talking smack to ask for more proof.

More here: http://www.projectrepublictoday.com/federal-agents-start-immigration-enforcement-raids-least-6-states/

GimmeTheUsual ago

Let 'em protest - its their right -- and its also INS/ICE/DHS's right to notice who is an ILLEGAL in those protests and DEPORT THEM TOO.

Hahahahahahahaha -- fucking illegal shits, did you really think we were going to tolerate your bullshit forever?

shitstartercarter ago

California, please leave you will not be missed. I'll take the economic blow it would be better than dealing with your state.

sunshine702 ago

Good. That kinda pisses me off that an illegial who had a criminal record was working at a Target in the valley. All of the citizens and veterans that could have used that job.

Inaminit ago

How may protesters were Citizens?

Gorillion ago

How nice of the illegals to congregate in one easy-to-cordon-off area.

wgtt911 ago

ICE needs to stop sending illegals to their home country and send them to Mexifornia and the other sanctuary cities.. but they must agree to keep them there...

Zimque ago

Van Buren and Jackson had The Trail of Tears. Trump and Sessions have The Trail of Beans.

con77 ago

shoot to kill

WellSetTable ago

You can thank the asshole and his ilk who promoted this the past eight fucking years.

ShitsInPringlesCans ago

Good. Arrest and deport the protesters.

Mobius_racetrack22 ago

Hope they don't block traffic.....

HashTagFU ago

Closer to @Gorillion.

monkeytoe101 ago

Simply by being here illegally they are breaking the law thus they are criminals. Send them back.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Good riddance! They have to go back.

trumpolicious ago


Giabean123 ago

If this was just a routine raid just think of when the bigger ones come.

ibepokey ago

No hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here.

how dumb is this? we're ejecting:

known street gang members, child sex offenders, and deportable foreign nationals with significant drug trafficking convictions

i would think removing these kinds of people would LESSEN the hate and fear, no?

Totenglocke ago

Critical thinking skills have always been elusive for liberals.

Fenrirwulf ago

From what the article said, they are targetting criminals, but are grabbing any other undocumented people they run across during their investigations. Sounds like an efficient use department resources to me. Plus they kept mentioning about the arrested not getting access to attorneys. Do people not understand that the those in the country illegally are not entitled to the protections of the US Constitution. That is one of the benefits of becoming a citizen.

larkan ago

targetting criminals, but are grabbing any other undocumented people

People in the country illegally are criminals, by definition. Anyone in ANY COUNTRY ON THE PLANET illegally is subject to arrest and deportation (or worse, depending) by that country's authorities.

Except for the US (and maybe a few EuroCuck nations), if you come here illegally you can get welfare, housing, bank accounts, schooling, and healthcare. Well under Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama anyway; Trump seems to have a different notion of enforcing the immigration laws.

ialreadyhaveaccount ago

This will show non-criminal illegal immigrants that it's very dangerous to associate themselves with criminal illegal immigrants. Good or bad, it will help cut off the ones that aren't favored in this country and help to improve compliance with state and local laws. (Even though they are already breaking federal immigration laws) I see no downside.

jbnunez ago

But Attorneys want work. Watch for some immigration firm to lobby so that they get due process and collect $$

wgtt911 ago

we can also thanks the courts, doesn't anyone wonder why illegals have the RIGHT to Free Public school.. it's a don't ask don't tell... and the schools get their funding from Head Count, legal or not, so they are happy to take the illegals..

Jixijenga ago

Do people not understand that the those in the country illegally are not entitled to the protections of the US Constitution.

I keep having to explain this but yes they do have protections under the US Constitution. This isn't new, it was ruled back in the 1800's that aliens do have constitutional rights within US borders. This goes for @AgnonStecaskIpla and @WellSetTable too.

If you're wondering how I'll keep it short: the Constitution is, without a doubt, the highest law in the land. Certain protections in the Bill of Rights don't bother to specify who's protected by it. If this seems dumb to you do note that "lesser" laws say you can't murder a tourist and they absolutely will stick if you try it. This is the same principle.

If you don't like it take it up with the SCOTUS.

GimmeTheUsual ago

IF that was true, then why do we have a citizenship process at all?

Just COME ON IN MOTHERFUCKERS, lets set you up with some free money and food!

Are you totally retarded, or do you practice by smashing your head against heavy objects?

Jixijenga ago

IF that was true, then why do we have a citizenship process at all?

I don't know, why don't you tell me?

lets set you up with some free money and food!

Oh, there's the problem. Of course you don't understand this.

See, the Constitution? That special document that contains our most highest laws? It has no equal within our borders. When you're in the USA you follow the laws of the USA. Period. I know this is a very difficult thing to understand but it's not just us, it works like this in all other countries too, you don't all your Constitutional rights recognized in a place like North Korea because their laws are different.

This is a fact of life, I'm sure you feel entitled to things like free speech and being able to hang out with more than two of your friends at any one time but these are not universally recognized rights. Here? In America? They are. Why? The United States Constitution.

They're inalienable rights. Meaning you have them all the time regardless if they're recognized or not. This doesn't just apply to Americans, it applies to literally everyone on the planet. Except the Constitution doesn't have jurisdiction everywhere on the planet.


Do you understand now?

I've explained this twice in very simple terms, I'm not drawing you a picture.

GimmeTheUsual ago

Hahahah, oh man... you're about as fun as those "Sovereign Citizen" nutjobs.

Yeah, sure. Tell you what, you show me an illegal immigrant that deserves to be here "just because", and see if you can KEEP them here. Go ahead, drive down to a fucking home improvement store and tell a beaner that you're going to represent them because you KNOW the constitution.

Then, after you get their hopes up, explain patiently that you're just some libtard choad that is really a fucking pedant and doesn't know anything about immigration law and procedures.

Let us know how that works out, wontcha? LOL

Jixijenga ago

Oh boy, here comes the retarded drivel.

Yeah, sure. Tell you what, you show me an illegal immigrant that deserves to be here "just because", and see if you can KEEP them here.

Or how about not? They're illegal for a reason.

Go ahead, drive down to a fucking home improvement store and tell a beaner that you're going to represent them because you KNOW the constitution.

??? What now? I'm not even sure you even know what's going on anymore.

Then, after you get their hopes up, explain patiently that you're just some libtard choad

Nope, you don't know what's going on. Sad.

that is really a fucking pedant and doesn't know anything about immigration law and procedures.

Said the man who didn't read the Constitution, but despite his posturing he clearly had no idea what he was talking about. Meanwhile, the second man, who did know all about the subject at hand, stared at his computer screen with dismay wondering if there was a way to capture the rotting idiocy spewing from the first man.

Surely if he could convert it to electrical energy he would be quite rich since there was no end to the vile substance in sight.

Next time go read the legal document you're warbling on about.

GimmeTheUsual ago

What? You can't prevent an immigrant from being deported using your SUPER CONSTITUTIONAL powers?

Oh-Emm-Gee... whatever shall we do...

Jixijenga ago

What? You can't prevent an immigrant from being deported using your SUPER CONSTITUTIONAL powers?

I never said they couldn't, nor that they shouldn't, be deported from the country for being here illegally.

This is why you're an idiot, you go on and on and on about how I said something you disagreed with but in reality it didn't actually happen. You know it didn't happen. So now you're not sure what to think, you're sitting here trying to figure out how to trick me into admitting I said what you thought I said.

I'm sure by now you realize that won't work. You're too prideful to admit that you fucked up and that you don't actually know what the Constitution says, but you really, really want me to be wrong.

Again, next time go read the legal document you're warbling on about.

GimmeTheUsual ago

lol rekt

Stay constitutionally superior, fam


Jixijenga ago

Oh, I will.

Hearts and kisses.

Distinctlyavoidtruth ago

Horrible interpretation. Meanwhile an American in Mexico? No rights but his right arm!

Jixijenga ago

Horrible interpretation

It's been fine for the better part of 200 years now. Without it the Bill of Rights would actually be weaker since cases like this affirm that the rights do exist, the Constitution recognizes them, and everyone under it's jurisdiction is entitled to them.

Distinctlyavoidtruth ago

Rubbish! It isn't fine and it certainly hasn't worked. All one needs to do to find evidence of this is to go to a grocery store and watch the filthy, parasitic illegals filling their carts up with expensive food, that only lasts a week, then pay with an ebt card always arguing with the cashier about how stupid it is that they can't buy cigs and liquor with their bet cards.

Really it matters not. One only need look at the rates of diseases they suffer from and the high rates of infant mortality and complications to realize the problem will take care of itself shortly.

Jixijenga ago

I think you're misunderstanding what I meant. The fact that the Constitution's authority extends to non-citizens means it is strong and not conditional to whatever crackpot notion that comes along.

Attacking the Constitution is a lot harder since it's a document, from the get-go, that doesn't grant rights but recognizes them.

Distinctlyavoidtruth ago

It's only as strong as our consent allows, or in bad times it's strength is dependent upon how many bullets the state has in stock.

I believe it's inflexibility can be both a positive and a negative, depending upon the situation.

Jixijenga ago

I'd rather it be inflexible to weather knee-jerk reactions, if anything modern society's behavior has reinforced that opinion.

Distinctlyavoidtruth ago

True, sometimes though fast changes need to be implemented to avert catastrophe.

jbnunez ago

Your interpretation is perverted to say the least. Murder is a crime in this country, it has nothing to do with the victim even if the victim didnt press charges its still a crime. If the constitution didnt make a distinction its because it was absurd to even mention who it applied to... The constitution is a a set of protections and rights for our citizens...it does not apply to people invading the country ahem crossing illegally. They dontt get standing in our courts on these grounds.

Jixijenga ago

It's not my interpretation, it's the SCOTUS and it's been upheld for centuries.

I realize this is filling you with all sorts of cognitive dissonance right now but without these types of ruling the 4th and 5th Amendments would be far weaker for you, I, and everyone else who's a citizen than they are right now. You should be thankful, if anything, because our legal system runs on precedence and these establish a clear history of protections.

Gargilius ago

"lesser" laws say you can't murder a tourist

Darn. Time to get a new hobby then.

RadialSkid ago

This. People forget that the Constitution does not GRANT rights, it's merely government recognition that they exist. These rights apply worldwide, it's only the US's sovereignty as a nation that keeps said rights from being enforced globally.

Distinctlyavoidtruth ago

Absolutely not. Very few amendments apply to illegals. Try voting with a Mexican or Libyan I.D. And see what happens.

Jixijenga ago

Absolutely not. Very few amendments apply to illegals. Try voting with a Mexican or Libyan I.D. And see what happens.

@RadialSkid wasn't talking about voting, that is a right of Citizens and we're discussing 5th Amendment rights here. Not 14th. (and 15th?)

Actually foreigners can vote in US elections, hahaha I'm totally literate, technically could vote in elections, just not federal, (a law since 1996) and the Constitution doesn't actually specify who can vote and who can't. There was plenty of states where a foreigner could vote and plenty more where if they intended to become U.S. nationals they would be allowed to vote according to the law.


Distinctlyavoidtruth ago

Fortunately in my state they can't. And in most they can't. The previous comment made was overly broad and could have been interpreted to mean they receive the full protection of the constitution, which they certainly do not.

Surprise? I'm not at all surprised. Nonetheless it's our duty as citizens to make them feel unwelcome and as undignified as we possibly can, which I shall continue doing:) That is my right!

Jixijenga ago

Oh, whoops, I wrote "can vote" and didn't correct it and wrote the rest of the post based off of it. That was dumb, Alabama was the last to allow non-citizen voting. I'll be honest with you I read through it like five times knowing something was wrong but couldn't figure it out. I apologize.

So of course your state doesn't allow that, in mine they can't either. :P

I feel embarrassed now, but at least I'm not so disabled that I didn't notice where I went wrong this time.

EDIT: Oh and thanks for making me realize my error. I feel extra dumb now, that's not at all what I intended to write.

Distinctlyavoidtruth ago

No problem. We all mistype😀

jbnunez ago

Are you kidding me they apply worldwide, Ill let Kim Jong know.

Jixijenga ago

Are you kidding me they apply worldwide, Ill let Kim Jong know.

Yes, they apply worldwide. You're born with them. Right out of the womb (and in some cases even that isn't necessary) you have these inalienable rights.

That's why places like North Korea are bad places. They do bad things, like not recognize people's rights to, say, not be executed on a whim.

WellSetTable ago

Home Land Security last week said quite the opposite. Too busy right now but I'll have to look it up.

Jixijenga ago

Homeland Security doesn't have jack shit to say about it because they're not the SCOTUS or a legislative body capable of making laws.

These are the relevant SCOTUS decisions regarding 4th and 5th protections as far back as the late 1800's. There's actually a more recent case that determined that detained aliens, even enemy combatants, have due process rights and habeas corpus. This is very relevant to the situation at hand.

WellSetTable ago

Actually I've been reading about the 14 th.

Not done yet but it was made to free the slaves and some argue it's not ratified. I'm not done I digging in deep to this one. There's actually recent arguments about it that I all link later.

You really seem to want these illegals though.

Jixijenga ago

You really seem to want these illegals though.

I don't, but they are entitled to due process. Due process is important, very important, and it's one of the cornerstones of our society.

We absolutely need to protect it, by making the decision outside of a court of law that it's undermining the authority of the courts, the legal system, and the Constitution itself.

I don't want that to happen.

WellSetTable ago


Well I'm still readin about the 14th and there are a lot of arguments . Maybe they have the right not to be physically harmed, not to be in danger however after watching Democrats in the past talk about we are a nation of immigrants but also a nation of laws, being you can't just up and come here illegally and now these same Democrats are saying else wise, both Clintons and even my buddy Obama said this, it looks like twisting of what the 14th really is.

And let's your right about it, we need to have a congressional hearing to change it.

America is the only country where people expect for it to just let any one come here and do what ever they want then cry woo is me.

It needs to stop.

There's this saying all good things come to an end, especially when you keep taking advantage . America is being taken advantage of, well the citizens are, and it's not right.

Jixijenga ago

America is the only country where people expect for it to just let any one come here and do what ever they want then cry woo is me.

No, there's plenty of other countries that do what we do. I'm not talking about deporting people, by and large that's obviously a right we have as a nation, I'm talking about violating the most basic protections we're entitled to. The moment we start ignoring the courts is the moment the courts lose authority. Do you really want to live in a nation where a cornerstone of the Constitution doesn't apply? I don't. That's not America anymore.

Again, I'm not talking about deporting illegals. They're illegal, they don't belong here, but I am talking about how they're deported and if it complies with legal authority.

WellSetTable ago

Ok .

So HOW should they be deported?

I admit I don't know much about how and the process . I don't think they should be treated badly, but right, they don't belong here. I will say you have giving me something to read about .

Jixijenga ago

How? Follow established procedure.

  1. Tip/information received
  2. See if it's real
  3. Proceed to the place where the suspected illegal alien is
  4. Detain, read rights, move to holding facility
  5. If they have committed felonies on US soil, get a warrant for their arrest and arrest them
  6. If "regular" illegal alien, deport at point of exit

I'm paraphrasing of course but step five seems to be where there's some hiccups.

WellSetTable ago

The tips. Look my husband is Hispanic light skinned but has a lot of dark relatives. The family is split because there are relatives that come here from Mexico and cheat the system. They won't give tips. We have seen some ugly fights over this as he has military family members that have given the third degree about this to the other family members who know about it and won't stand up to it. The family right now is split and holidays are not what they used to be.

For some reason the light skins and the dark skins fight in this family. It's sad but that's another topic.

But this is not evident for all, my oldest is engaged to a Mexican who is dark skinned very handsome I have to say, dark skinned and is very patriotic. He knows about Mexicans that won't report . He hates it.

The truth is you won't get many to help. They think they are entitled for various reasons . Even if it's money laundering, stealing, identity theft. Murder people go real silent and that's out of fear. Because we have gangs here as you know that work for The Cartels.

The problem is too big right now and I agree with these stings. Here's the thing, it's our governments fault. They allowed this even before Obama, Obama just made it worse.

Jixijenga ago

The truth is you won't get many to help.

I personally know somebody who is very much not Hispanic who has placed a tip regarding an illegal immigrant. Nobody expects the friends and families of illegal immigrants to rat them out, that's simply not going to happen, but other people who have suspicions will.

WellSetTable ago

That's the problem. You just stated the problem. Non Hispanics are not enough and don't know as mush as Hispanics do. So maybe it's time to be "Enough is enough" they know exactly what their doing. Exactly. And because our government up to Obama allowed it to happen, and encouraged it, they are upset .

But they knew the consequences when they did it.

You know, when Kate Steinle was killed and we were told by most of the Latino community it wasn't a big deal,that did it right there .

Maybe we wouldn't have this issue if we didn't have a number big enough to show they have no respect for this country. We had an inlaw who we knew didn't like me because I'm white or our kids. He's a fat fuck lazy arrogant beaner. People stopped going over to one of our relatives house because of him. He's a son to my husbands Aunts husbands.

We found out later he also was doing illegal activity, helping illegal family members of his.

I think that the Mexican community not all, but a high enough number are reaping what they sow. It was never about immigrants, it's about shitting on this country and biting the hand that feeds you.

They brought this on them selves. At one time I would argue for their sake say it's hard for them but I have found that some of them like to have you feel sorry for them as an act. Then go behind your back and laugh.

Jixijenga ago

You're probably right that it isn't enough, but at the same time that isn't a permanent condition. Just the other day I had an angry conversation (well, I wasn't angry) about this very thing, a friend was arguing that it would make white people anxious around anyone with brown skin and I flat-out said, "that's what happens when you step all over us." Obviously she was angry about that, but I explained that if you treat white people like we're supposed to bend over backward just because you have darker skin it tends to make us not like you. There was some whining about systematic oppression and I shut her down right away, I even searched up the numbers and proved that it isn't white people sucking off the welfare teat.

If there's systematic oppression, it's manifesting in a very bizarre form.

I think that the Mexican community not all, but a high enough number are reaping what they sow. It was never about immigrants, it's about shitting on this country and biting the hand that feeds you.

I agree, the attitudes have been there for a long, long time and it's taken until the past few years to reach my very cold, northerly state. My friend is one of those bubbly, naive ultra-pacifist types and has trouble seeing bad things, but I think part of our friendship is she relies on me to point those out; your family situation would be a good example. Her mother came here (legally) from Colombia and her father was Argentinian by birth, so she's not really privy to the same attitudes that you're experiencing. Simply put, the only extended family she has in the United States are on her mother's side and they're on the other side of the country.

I have to admit I don't know half the shit that happens in the Mexican community. I'm glad, because the more I learn about your life the more sympathy I have for you; I wouldn't be able to handle half of that. I don't normally interact with latinos in general, most of the ones around here barely speak English and are not the kind of people I associate with anyway. Down in Minneapolis it's more of the same.

Though to be honest with you I'd rather the fucking Somalis get the fuck out of here than anyone from south of the border. That I have experience with.

WellSetTable ago

My Mexican in laws are fantastic and my husbands grandfather would of hated Obama because he owned his own business and he hated illegals. It's those few in laws that married into the family that have relatives, some not all that cause issues.

No one talks to each other anymore after nana and Tate died. We were always told about the shit, saw some family fights but stayed out of those. There are some great Latinos that are very patriotic but get called Oreos, brown on the out side white on the inside .

And it's like ok so what do you want? They go out and fuck some one over while wearing their Vato pants playing rap music and live only in the barrio??

It's like blacks and Latinos who think like that associate ghetto culture as cool.

When Tata was alive he got pissed off and told one of my husbands cousins rap has nothing to do with their culture.

What's your experience with Somalis? Obama made sure to send then all over we got them here too but their quiet . In Arizona you never know who's got a piece on them or you see a lot of open carry. Think they are more careful here . But I must admit I met one lady who was very polite, she was Christian. Met her while shopping for shoes.

Jixijenga ago

On the phone so I cant post right. Tagging myself for later. @Jixijenga

WellSetTable ago


Jixijenga ago

Okay, now that I'm able to respond let me just say that it drives me up the wall when people use terms like "oreo" and "uncle tom" and "banana" because, without fucking fail, it means that somebody is mad that somebody else isn't acting like a subhuman thug. It's stupid, why the fuck would that be something to praise?

I think this is a major, major downside with the idea of America in general because it represents something that is beyond human definitions and the simple minded fucks of the world can use that dumb "X traitor" cry to shame people. Doesn't matter what it is, if you believe in liberty and want to be an upstanding American and participate in our ways shitheads from whatever group will use it against you. If you're from a culture where deviation from the norm is incredibly taboo it can keep people from becoming true Americans.

Frankly it pisses me off.

Actually regarding that, my experience with Somalis has largely been a group that refuses to integrate and coexist with the rest of us. Minnesota is a very cold, very white place and we have a certain culture that we've cultivated since the 1830's, (earlier than that, actually) and they come here and act like it's trash. Actually? They act like we should accommodate them and they act like we should be thankful they're here. I'll tell you right now, one of the major reasons why I'd ever consider conceal-carry is because of those thieving, violent cocksuckers.

They keep coming further and further north for some odd fucking reason, Minneapolis has pockets where it doesn't feel safe under any circumstances. Actually it's so bad my blacker than black friend doesn't feel safe in "Little Mogadishu" and he certainly doesn't think his sister is safe near there. He's not some skinny little punk either, he's 5'11" and I've watched him flip a tractor tire like it was nothing, the man is ripped and he's wary around those skinny fucks. They mill around with this stoned expression, mouth hanging open, and they remind me of zombies and sometimes they might as well be because they'll just jump you. St. Cloud? It's a nowhere town, but don't walk in a park at night because that will catch you a beating from a whole pack of them.

The women aren't so bad and are usually quiet and out of the way, they remind me of the Amish in a way, except Amish kids aren't running all over the place screaming like little hellions.

There isn't any group here that likes them; other Muslims (mostly Egyptians) don't like them, other Africans don't like them, other Middle Easterners don't like them, and natives especially don't like them. American blacks sure as fuck don't either. I'm willing to give them the time of day and act polite, that's how I was raised and that's more of less how we are here, but holy fuck I do not trust them and I'm on high alert around them.

Oh, and if they say, not ask, "gimme a cigarette," be prepared. Fortunately they respond well to an obvious "I have a gun" stance. Regarding that I think it's more or less an unwritten rule for gun shops to just find a reason not to sell to them, at least around here. I know I wouldn't ever sell one privately, that's for sure.

Turn_Coat ago

Shove a boot up their ass, it's the american way.

rspix000 ago

If you were ICE management, what would you tell the press when confronted about raids? Do you believe them on this one? Is there any proof when they won't even tell us their identities? Why won't they tell us?

cyks ago

Their identities are as follows: "Undocumented illegal aliens." Are you worried that there are citizens being arrested or are you just curious what fraudulent identities they used to circumvent the law or hide from south American gangs? Does the term, "undocumented," give you the impression that they posses a cornucopia of identity proof, or are you just feigning concern as an amateur detective?

rspix000 ago

If a detained individual (note the lack of your "labeling") would claim to be a lawful permanent resident, you'd want to see some proof, right? If the government claims, no, they are dangerous violent criminals, convictions should be available. Remember when Comey said the Ruskies hacked the DNC? Reasonable folk asked for some, ya know, actual evidence. The failure to provide stronger available proof makes reasonable folk skeptical of what the government is telling us.

Browngaijin ago

Make sure ju clean up after yourselves. Don't leave jour basura like in Washington or Dakota.


ZYX321 ago

Sorry Californians, you gave up your rights to fight the federal government when you eroded your second amendment protections. Dumb asses. "Ooooh but I could never see the need to fight our big government nannies..."

shill343 ago


scootypufftipper ago

100 down, 11 million to go.

trumpolicious ago

more like 20 :-/ 11 is a very old figure

Putzmiester ago

I love how people try to put a figure on how many illegals are here. They by definition do everything they can to not be counted. I wouldn't be surprised if there were FAR more than people really think.

trumpolicious ago

Coulter recently put the number between 20 to 30M and that will be impossible to clean up.

Putzmiester ago

That I think i low too. Fuck, that is 10% of the american population!

Jsjynxst ago

More riots from los Angeles because there locking up mobs of thugs.


I like how they say "immigration advocates"...
It sounds like they are picking up criminals that have done bad things.
These people need to be clearer on what they are talking about. Are they
protesting for "legal immigration", which is exactly the way it should be, or
are they pushing for "illegal immigration" which is, by it's very name, ILLEGAL?

Putzmiester ago

Some bad hombres. Sad.