Rainy-Day-Dream ago

when trump is signing an executive order unrelated to fixing that maybe you'd be saying something worth listening to

TLDR; It's ok to do it when I say it's ok to do it.

no if he did what obama does that would be an issue but him undoing obamas actions is fine

B3bomber ago

Pretty sure the one you replied to is 1 person with multiple accounts. They all use the same ending punctuation at least once per post. I doubt this is a person with good intentions in the long run.

n0logic ago

All he would really have to do is remove the government subsidy and the insurance mandate and it would crumble in a month .

Mediocrity ago

The CEOs are obligated to net the shareholders the biggest return they can. That's what it comes down to. The how varies based on industry and circumstance. But there is a workaround.

Give CEOs more leeway. Remove, or at least slacken, the fiduciary obligation to shareholders. CEOs are not universally evil people. Give them the means, and a lot of them will do the right thing. I believe this to be the case, anyway.

Mediocrity ago

Because CEOs have a fiduciary obligation to their shareholders. This is true for insurance companies, hospitals, pharma, and so on. So when it comes to a question of ethics vs. profit, if they don't choose profit, they can be sued. And insuring people with pre-existing conditions, for instance, is almost never profitable.

10001011 ago

No time to waste fellas

Totenglocke ago

Unfortunately, it won't help me. I got laid off at the end of 2016 and unemployment pays so little that I couldn't afford insurance, so I'm stuck paying a fine. I tried to get a "hardship exemption", but the government says being unemployed isn't a valid reason for not buying insurance.

8_billion_eaters ago

If you are a nigger or an illegal fuckbag in America after January 20th, 2017.....be afraid. Be very afraid.

SmokeyMeadow ago

He also needs to pardon everyone who never paid in, and is now on the hook for fees with the IRS.

pocketForceNapkin ago

I'd be more concerned with signing statements.

In one frequently used phrase, George W. Bush has routinely asserted that he will not act contrary to the constitutional provisions that direct the president to “supervise the unitary executive branch.” This formulation can be found first in a signing statement of Ronald Reagan, and it was repeated several times by George H. W. Bush. Basically, Bush asserts that Congress cannot pass a law that undercuts the constitutionally granted authorities of the President.

I would assume the Supreme Court would decided that.

EDIT: Site

slevin_kelevra ago

Nice research @pocketForceNapkin

pocketForceNapkin ago

“Healthcare will be better and less expensive when ObamaCare is repealed,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), head of the conservative Freedom Caucus. “I believe that.”

I'd prefer you knowing it will, not if it feels right.

BentAxel ago

I want one of those pens. That would be something. A pen he used to sign that shit away.

Mediocrity ago

That pen costs abou t$150 dollars.

BentAxel ago

I didn't expect that. And that's before the President uses it? Or after?

Mediocrity ago

That's the cost to the White House to procure them.

And turns out it's about $185

And when the prez signs high profile legislation, or EO, multiple pens are supplied, so that he can sign each letter of his name with a different pen, and proceed to distribute those pens to people who were instrumental in passage of it - including lobbyists.

BentAxel ago

Thank you for the details. I have seen the pens in video clips. I didn't know what happened to them. I suspected they went to someone just as they distribute American Flags that fly over the White House.

slevin_kelevra ago

Happy obamacare is going away; not so happy about the continued use of "executive orders". These may as well be edicts. Executive orders are there to fill in the gaps in legislation, not dictate whatever the president wants to do.

littul_kitton ago

On the other hand, Obamacare has so many unconstitutional parts that Trump could simply order people not to obey those parts, backed up by solid citations of the plain language of the Constitution and by precedent.

hunter4 ago

to fill in the gaps in legislation

not sure what you mean by that but its not supposed to be used as legislation at all. its for making administrative/"executive" decisions

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

To be fair, Obamacare was built on executive orders so it seems right (and efficient) to remove it the same way. I agree though, they should really repeal it by nullifying those orders in the first place and limiting the power of executive orders.

hunter4 ago

i thought congress voted or something

Mediocrity ago

Maybe they are filling in the gaps while he gets Congress to up and repeal it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

king nigger set a bad precedent and also caused a lot of problems that need immediate action

slevin_kelevra ago

While Obama did set a bad precedent, that doesn't give everyone else free reign to repeat it. This is what the legislative branch of our government is for.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if it needs to be repeated to fix the damage I don't see the problem. Obomber ran roughshod over the constitution the American people and our government when trump is signing an executive order unrelated to fixing that maybe you'd be saying something worth listening to but otherwise I think he should do whatever is necessary to clean up the messes obongo left him

slevin_kelevra ago

Slippery slope. Follow the laws and we won't get ourselves into this mess again.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that's not how the slippery slope works in either the concept or fallacy. The laws have been damaged by the previous administration so first we need to repair them and the respect for them. Humans protect the law because law creates order and order allows society to function and society allows Humans to live

Mediocrity ago

Stop using that phrase. Contrary to the legal precedent set in Recess Law, two wrongs can make a right.

Follow the laws and we won't get ourselves into this mess again.

We're still in the first mess. We have to get out of the first mess. And that first mess is currently codified in law.

MK888 ago

What is everyone looking forward to when this is done? How are things going to improve for you once this is repealed?

flarflar ago

Well insurance rates will drop for those of us that have insurance and more companies will start selling it again

MK888 ago

Insurance rates going down? I think that would be a first. What I think you will see is insurance companies just adding to their profit margin, and rates will remain unchanged. Which could be a benefit considering how quickly they have gone up under this plan.

Personally, I want to see the penalty for not having insurance eliminated.

flarflar ago

Honestly it's pure bullshit just because my coverage doesn't meet the requirements I get a penalty and it's better coverage minus scripts

roznak ago

I predict that the Obamacare rates will drop fast now that they risk losing customers.

split ago

You clearly have no idea how this works. There are no "Obamacare" rates, only individual insurance companies. You guys hate something so bad and you don't even know what it is. Who cares? As long as jews, blacks, women, gays, mexicans and arabs can't get any free stuff, right?

kinneys ago

Good riddance.

Big, over-reaching, inefficient, costly, wasteful, government.... never needed ya' .... never asked for ya'.....

Hopefully, Barry's only legacy will be his time served in Leavenworth Prison for his many traitorous crimes to America and the World....

a true dictator type, war criminal of the highest order.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fuck yeah! i say apply @adhdferret 's logic here to obama! just like he never existed!